How is Christ the Way, the Truth and the Life?

Christ the Saviour does not merely guide us to eternal life, He is personally the road that leads there. Here is what He did to be the only true and certain way, and why only He can impart life to our souls.

May Truth Be Found?

We hear of ‘your truth’. Can ‘truth’ be known by viewing material facts only, and ignoring the spiritual? Christ’s words, ‘I am the Truth’ show how He presents Himself as the reason for everything, the Creator of all and the revealer of spiritual life.

Levels of Life

It is amazing to possess conscious life and feeling; to perceive, to reason, and to enjoy family and social companionship. But what about spiritual life? Why should the soul be dormant and inactive? Here is the reason, and how Christ gives complete life by conversion to Himself.

The Only Way to God

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John. 14:6) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the needs of the soul. Permit me, as a pastor for many … Continued

What is Truth?

‘The Truth’ is greater than the total of all the facts in the world, reaching beyond material things to the purpose of life. Christ’s declaration that He is ‘ The Truth’ makes Him the reason for the world’s existence, and the key to finding God.