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Sunday 27 October services at 11am & 6.30pm: Dr Peter Masters

Wednesday 2 October 2024 | 7:30pm

Perils of Presumption

'And they of Beth-shemesh were reaping their wheat harvest in the valley: and they lifted up their eyes, and saw the ark, and rejoiced to see it.'
Sunday 29 September 2024 | 6:30pm

A Death to Life Experience

When Christ healed a paralysed man, He first pronounced that his sins were forgiven. To prove that He had power to forgive, He then healed the body, giving life where all had been limp and motionless; illustrating the changes in conversion to Christ.
Sunday 29 September 2024 | 11:00am

Christ Revealed in the Heart

To prove that his Gospel was not a human product, Paul points to his Jewish training and zealotry. He did not comprehend the gospel until Christ was revealed in him. Here is the meaning, and how Christ should be seen by us daily.
Wednesday 25 September 2024 | 7:30pm

Reverence – the Key to True Joy

'And the word of Samuel came to all Israel. Now Israel went out against the Philistines to battle, and pitched beside Eben-ezer: and the Philistines pitched in Aphek.'
Sunday 22 September 2024 | 6:30pm

The Unstable Peace of Life

Surely nothing is more tragic than to believe life is peaceful and secure without God, only to discover one day that one faces eternal disaster. Here is the false peace that imprisons us in this material world and keeps us from seeking and finding the Lord.

See all sermons by Dr Masters


Does the Lord Really Guide?
Dr Peter Masters

The great decline of the quality of Bible teaching in the last few decades has brought with it the rejection of this precious and fundamental principle – that God has a specific plan and purpose for the life of each of his children, and that they should seek his direction in all the great issues of life.

The Dissolving of Doubts
Dr Peter Masters

‘These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe…’ (1 John 5.13). This verse is written for those who doubt whether they have been forgiven and saved by God, and struggle with assurance.

The Cup of Blessing
Dr Peter Masters

Why is it called the cup of blessing? It is the cup so well spoken of, so praised, and so esteemed, because it pictures the source of all our blessings. So much is represented in that cup: the atoning substitutionary death of Christ for our sin; his indescribable suffering bearing the eternal weight of punishment that we deserved.

Against Hastening to Remove from our Post of Duty
C H Spurgeon

Do we shy away from Christian service? As the Lord's workers we should desire to glorify Him. Christian service is not about selecting the comfortable positions and the hopeful fields; it is best to make no selection, but to yield our own will to the will of God altogether.

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Worship or Entertainment?

Dr Peter Masters

Where will your church be five or ten years from now? – asks the author. With the adoption of contemporary music worship many have already changed beyond recognition. Yet more will do so. Here are four essential principles which Jesus Christ laid down for worship, and by which every new idea must be judged.

The Personal Spiritual Life

Dr Peter Masters

From the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to a life of commitment these chapters stir and encourage readers to advance spiritually. How may we ‘feel’ the presence of the Lord? What was Paul’s method for progress in holiness? And how may we sustain spiritual joy? These are among the themes of this tonic for present-day disciples of Christ.

Wonders of Grace

Hannah Wyncoll - Compiler

Drawn from the early years of Spurgeon’s remarkable London ministry, these 138 testimonies of conversion form part of an archive of some 15,000 such accounts at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. Here is a powerful reaffirmation of the transforming power of the Gospel in individual lives.

Earth’s Morning

Dr Peter Masters

Few things are so surrounded by ignorance and misunderstanding as the remarkable biblical account of the Garden of Eden. In this booklet the meaning and application of Eden is movingly unfolded for the help of those enquiring into faith. The author seeks to bring out the uncanny accuracy of this alleged ‘fairy tale’.

Metropolitan Tabernacle Bookshop

The Tabernacle Bookshop is a Christian Bookshop based in London, stocking a variety of sound Christian books from famous authors such as Thomas Watson, John Owen, C.H. Spurgeon, Jay Adams and many others – including Peter Masters, pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle since 1970.

The Tabernacle Bookshop is one of the UK’s oldest reformed Christian bookshops and the largest distributor of Christian Sunday School lessons.

See the bookshop website for opening hours and more information.

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