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Sunday 26 January 11am & 6.30pm: Dr Peter Masters
Advance notice: Day of Special Studies on Saturday 26 April 2025 (+Fraternal on Monday 28 April)
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Three-minute Evangelistic Shorts
Gospel Sermon Sunday 12 January 2025 | 6:30pm
The Door to God – Open or Barred
The door to God and heaven is for ever closed to all who never want or seek Him. But to all who want to find Him the door stands open. Christ is Himself the door, and this is how He enables us to enter.
Teaching Sermon Sunday 12 January 2025 | 11:00am
Christian Liberty and Love
This message considers: 1) what Christian Liberty does and does not mean; 2) activities and objectives that entangle and ensnare us; 3) that Christ's church has only two symbolic actions (ordinances); and 4) The visible evidence of true faith (love) and its forms.
Teaching Sermon Sunday 5 January 2025 | 11:00am
Knowing the Will of God
How easily we slip, as believers, into living without consideration of all that we do. In the Apostle's call to vigilance, we review the 'departments' of life needing close attention, and the seeking of God's will in the major decisions of life.
Gospel Sermon Sunday 29 December 2024 | 6:30pm
How is Christ Light of the World?
At the feast of Tabernacles, when the Temple was illuminated with additional giant lampstands, and torchlight processions passed through the evening streets, Christ proclaimed Himself as light to the world, and the light of life. Here is the meaning of His momentous claim.
Bible Study Wednesday 22 January 2025 | 7:30pm
Highs and Lows in the Spiritual Life
'And the Ziphites came unto Saul to Gibeah, saying, Doth not David hide himself in the hill of Hachilah, which is before Jeshimon? Then Saul arose, and went down to the wilderness of Ziph, having three thousand chosen men of Israel with him, to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph.'
Bible Study Wednesday 15 January 2025 | 7:30pm
Finding a Virtuous Wife
'And Samuel died; and all the Israelites were gathered together, and lamented him, and buried him in his house at Ramah. And David arose, and went down to the wilderness of Paran.'
See all sermons by Dr Masters
The Unique Virtues of Sunday Schools
Dr Peter MastersLike no other agency, Sunday Schools enable us to reach and draw a large part of the rising generation to the Saviour. Indeed, whether or not a congregation contains young people saved from the neighbourhood will usually depend on whether there has been an effective Sunday School.
Why Did God Allow Sin And The Fall?
Dr Peter MastersHow could it be that God allowed the Fall, and all the evil and horror that was brought into the world, when our first parents fell? How was it that sin was ever permitted in the first place? Our limited, human way of reasoning soon calls into question the righteousness of God.
Paul’s Blueprint for a Working Church
Dr Peter MastersIt is a glorious sight to see a church where the people work willingly to press forward the Gospel and to keep the coals of the testimony glowing hot. Pastors and elders will need to initiate a programme, enthuse God’s people, train the young, and so implement the work. Let us build working churches, for these are growing churches.
Does Everyone Have a Guardian Angel?
William GougeIt is enough to know and believe what the Word of God has revealed, that the holy angels of God take special care of each believer. In this respect angels are collectively called 'their angels' (Matthew 18.10). They are said to encamp about them that fear the Lord (Psalm 34.7). This is further evident by the many services which angels do to them and for them.
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Missionary Triumph over Slavery
Dr Peter Masters
We are told today that Christian missionaries of the past were tools of colonial oppression. The story of William Knibb shows how wildly wrong this is. Persecuted by British rulers in Jamaica because he opposed settlers’ abuses, he was pivotal in swinging public opinion behind legislation to end slavery.
Church Membership in the Bible
Dr Peter Masters
Christ has designed a family for his people, described here as an accomplishment of divine genius. Many questions are answered about churches and church membership in New Testament times. Next to a real walk with Christ, membership of a good church has a powerful influence on the believer.
‘You are Deaf’ – The Life of John Kitto
Andrew Owen
Written for Deaf readers and those for whom English is a second language. This illustrated biography traces the surprising and eventful life of John Kitto who lost his hearing in a childhood accident. Having travelled widely in missionary service he went on to write "The Pictorial Bible" and "Daily Bible Illustrations".
Christian Stewardship – Our Calling
Dr Peter Masters
Stewardship of means is a great privilege and blessing to those who owe so much to Christ the Lord. To be fellow-labourers with Christ is our high calling. This booklet sets out the New Testament texts showing the objectives, motives, scale and manner of giving for the kingdom of Christ and the souls of men and women.