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Sunday 15 September 11am & 6.30pm: Dr Peter Masters
Bible Study Wednesday 11 September 2024 | 7:30pm
Using Scripture Personally
'All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.'
Teaching Sermon Sunday 8 September 2024 | 11:00am
The Beautiful Conflict
'I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.'
Bible Study Wednesday 24 July 2024 | 7:30pm
How Mosaic Worship Foretold Christ
'Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary. And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all.'
Gospel Sermon Sunday 21 July 2024 | 6:30pm
Why Should We Believe?
God appeals to our intelligent minds - but will we listen? Our inclination is to turn away, but if God in His mercy places in us a thirst for certain things, we listen and come to Him. Here are the needs that draw us to God.
Teaching Sermon Sunday 21 July 2024 | 11:00am
The Believer’s Vow
New believers when truly enlightened and saved are moved to make a pledge or vow to God, which will be renewed and deepened throughout this pilgrimage. Here are the important features of such vows, their scope, and their benefits and blessings.
See all sermons by Dr Masters
The Unique Virtues of Sunday Schools
Dr Peter MastersLike no other agency, Sunday Schools enable us to reach and draw a large part of the rising generation to the Saviour. Indeed, whether or not a congregation contains young people saved from the neighbourhood will usually depend on whether there has been an effective Sunday School.
Cessationism — Proving Charismatic Gifts have Ceased
Dr Peter MastersDoes the Bible teach definitively that the charismatic gifts have ceased? The ceasing of revelatory and sign-gifts in the time of the apostles is so plainly taught in God’s Word, that the opposite view has only seriously appeared in the last 100 years.
The Dissolving of Doubts
Dr Peter Masters‘These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe…’ (1 John 5.13). This verse is written for those who doubt whether they have been forgiven and saved by God, and struggle with assurance.
Keeping the Church Separate from the World
Dr John Gresham Machen‘..if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted?' In these words our Lord established at the beginning the distinctness and separateness of the church. If the sharp distinction is ever broken down between the church and the world, then the power of the church is gone.
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Worship or Entertainment?
Dr Peter Masters
Where will your church be five or ten years from now? – asks the author. With the adoption of contemporary music worship many have already changed beyond recognition. Yet more will do so. Here are four essential principles which Jesus Christ laid down for worship, and by which every new idea must be judged.
Physicians of Souls
Dr Peter Masters
'Compelling, convicting, persuasive preaching, revealing God's mercy and redemption to dying souls, is seldom heard today. The noblest art ever granted to our fallen human race has almost disappeared.' Even where the free offer of the Gospel is treasured in principle, regular evangelistic preaching has become a rarity, contends the author.
God’s Love for Muslims
Ibrahim Ag Mohamed
This is an enlightening manual on reaching Muslims for Christ. Full of vital information, it is at the same time a real 'page turner'. Here is a wealth of counsel from a pastor with many years of experience preaching and broadcasting in a Muslim land. It will greatly equip readers for effective witness.
The Power of Prayer Meetings
Dr Peter Masters
Why does the Lord want us to pray together? Will an undersized prayer meeting really blight a church? What should be the style and content of prayer? What form should the meeting take? This booklet shows why corporate prayer is commanded by Christ and given unique promises; an appendix shows why women should participate.
Metropolitan Tabernacle Bookshop
The Tabernacle Bookshop is a Christian Bookshop based in London, stocking a variety of sound Christian books from famous authors such as Thomas Watson, John Owen, C.H. Spurgeon, Jay Adams and many others – including Peter Masters, pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle since 1970.
The Tabernacle Bookshop is one of the UK’s oldest reformed Christian bookshops and the largest distributor of Christian Sunday School lessons.
See the bookshop website for opening hours and more information.