Sung during the Sunday worship at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London (Spurgeon’s).
Hymn 498 from our hymn book, Psalms & Hymns of Reformed Worship.
HEAVENLY Father! to Whose eye
Future things unfolded lie;
Through the desert where I stray,
Let Thy counsels guide my way.
Lead me not, for flesh is frail,
Where the fiercest trials assail;
Leave me not, in darkened hour,
To withstand the tempter’s power.
Lord, uphold me day by day;
Shed a light upon my way;
Guide me through perplexing snares;
Care for me in all my cares.
Should Thy wisdom, Lord, decree
Trials long and sharp for me,
Pain or sorrow, care or shame,
Father, glorify Thy name.
Let me neither faint nor fear,
Knowing still that Thou art near;
In the course my Saviour trod,
Travelling home to Thee, my God!
Author: Josiah Conder (1789-1855)
Tune: Seymour
Composer: Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826), adapted