Guidance for Activities, Possessions and Leisure

The Bible does not feature a list of 'permitted' activities and possessions, but it explains the principles which must guide believers in their choices. This is just as well for us, as there are so many pursuits and desirable things around today which did not exist in Bible times. How, then, do we determine whether an activity or possession is right for us?

Are The Architects Of New Morality Affected By Conscience?

A massive revolution has been under way for years. A ‘new society’ is under construction, with entirely new thinking and morality. God has been dismissed and most traditional morality trampled upon and scorned. There is no source of guidance outside human emotion.

The Merger of Calvinism with Worldliness

A new form of Calvinism took the shape of a movement around 2005, but it differed in its acceptance of ‘the world’. 'New Calvinism' is not a resurgence of the old but an entirely novel formula which strips the doctrine of holy conduct, and unites it with the world. But the Scriptures say that 'the friendship of the world is enmity with God.'

Guidance on Wealth and Ambition

Is it wrong to seek advancement, or to possess wealth as a Christian? Believers face career decisions, and need to know if there are clear standards in the Bible governing advancement in the world. Where should the line be drawn between justifiable, legitimate advance in wealth and authority on the one hand, and covetousness on the other?

Biblical Roles of Men and Women

In Christ ‘there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.’ Neither male nor female is superior to the other in the sight of God. All are heirs together of salvation, equal in standing before God, equal in spiritual value, equal in inheritance.

Rational or Ecstatic Worship? The Second Broken Principle

Ecstatic worship (the opposite to rational worship) takes place when the object of the exercise is to achieve a warm, happy feeling, perhaps great excitement, and even a sense of God’s presence through the earthly, physical aspects of worship such as music and movement.

Guidance and Loyalty to the Local Church

Sometimes when believers decide where they would like to live or work, almost the last matter considered is their commitment to their church. Is it possible that our criteria for such decisions are out of line with the Lord’s?

Expository Preaching – Benefits and Pitfalls

What exactly is ­expository preaching? It is preaching that draws the message from the biblical text, clearly and methodically, honouring the sense of the text, and the style of communication employed. Here are some of the benefits and common mistakes of consecutive expository preaching.

The Deep Things of God

‘For the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.’ The Spirit does not search in the sense that he needs to find out. He is the Holy Spirit, eternal, all-knowing, equal with the Father and the Son. He searches in the sense that he surveys and penetrates all knowledge and all events. He has the past, present and future in his mind all the time.

The Unique Virtues of Sunday Schools

Like no other agency, Sunday Schools enable us to reach and draw a large part of the rising generation to the Saviour. Indeed, whether or not a congregation contains young people saved from the neighbourhood will usually depend on whether there has been an effective Sunday School.

Cessationism — Proving Charismatic Gifts have Ceased

Does the Bible teach definitively that the charismatic gifts have ceased? The ceasing of revelatory and sign-gifts in the time of the apostles is so plainly taught in God’s Word, that the opposite view has only seriously appeared in the last 100 years.

The Cup of Blessing

Why is it called the cup of blessing? It is the cup so well spoken of, so praised, and so esteemed, because it pictures the source of all our blessings. So much is represented in that cup: the atoning substitutionary death of Christ for our sin; his indescribable suffering bearing the eternal weight of punishment that we deserved.

Raiders of the Soul

In the famous Sermon on the Mount, Christ urges us to ‘Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves’.  ‘Beware!’ means ­­­– keep your mind focused on dangers. It urges us to watch out intelligently. Do we assess and evaluate the ideas about life which are pressed upon us today? Do we check out the various lifestyles and values on offer?

The Beginning of the World

Genesis is the foundational book of the entire Bible, chronicling the origin of the universe and the human race, the entry of sin into the world, and the launching of the history of redemption. Many Christians do not know that all the great doctrines of the faith are introduced in this book.

Seven Voices of Calvary

In John 12 there are seven ‘voices’ about the Messiah. There is the voice of the people, first of all. Then the voices of prophecy, the witnesses to the raising of Lazarus, the Pharisees, the Gentiles, Christ speaking of his own death, and finally the voice of God speaking from Heaven.

Witchcraft in a Modern Guise

In reviewing the sins of the flesh (Galatians 5.19-21) the apostle uses a word for 'witchcraft' which we have in English today. It is a form of our word ‘pharmacy’. Obviously, no translation would use this term, because for us it denotes a healing profession, not a sin of the flesh. So in what way were witches of old times involved in pharmacy?

Beware of the Counsel of Gamaliel

Whenever wisdom is needed to assess the latest strange idea or movement to penetrate the churches, we hear the 'counsel of Gamaliel’ quoted - especially when there is no scriptural support for something. When the rest of the Bible seems to say ‘No!’ – then the counsel of Gamaliel comes to the rescue.

Companions of the Apostle Paul

Towards the end of Paul's remarkable letter to the Colossians, written during his first imprisonment in Rome, he names seven men who assisted him at that time, men whose lives have much to teach us, and who continue to challenge and encourage us today.

Long-Term Praying

We constantly need the help of God in different situations, but why does the Lord cause us to pray for some things repeatedly, often over a long period of time? Frequently the Lord hears and ­answers relatively instantly, especially in emergencies, but equally every praying Christian experiences long waits in prayer, extending even to many years.

Antidotes to Backsliding

Every believer in Christ wants to know the biblical antidotes to backsliding, and this passage in Hebrews 3 is the inspired guide to many of them. Of course, the primary purpose of the passage is to warn unconverted people about the consequences of unbelief, but the points that are made apply also to believers, and this will be our concern in this article.

Recognising and Responding to Seasons of Exceptional Apostasy

The remarkable picture of the present age given in the prophecy of Paul in 2 Timothy 3 is breathtaking both in scope and detail. It is the voice of God that speaks in this passage, providing his people living in days of apostasy with the explanations, warnings and guidance so sorely needed for their safety and survival.

Why Did God Allow Sin And The Fall?

How could it be that God allowed the Fall, and all the evil and horror that was brought into the world, when our first parents fell? How was it that sin was ever permitted in the first place? Our limited, human way of reasoning soon calls into question the righteousness of God.

Paul’s Blueprint for a Working Church

It is a glorious sight to see a church where the people work willingly to press forward the Gospel and to keep the coals of the testimony glowing hot. Pastors and elders will need to initiate a programme, enthuse God’s people, train the young, and so implement the work. Let us build working churches, for these are growing churches.

Sanctifying Power – and Films, Music and Leisure in the Christian Life

Is our continuing sanctification impeded by worldliness? Has the ‘moral resurrection’ of which Paul speaks come to a halt? Here is how we may rediscover the secret power. We need always to ask – Is it clean? Is it pure? Is it wholesome? Is it edifying? Could I take the Lord there? Could I have Him next to me? 

Worship or Entertainment?

Where will your church be five or ten years from now? With the adoption of contemporary worship, many have changed beyond recognition. This is one of the most important issues confronting Bible churches today, and here is why.

The Dissolving of Doubts

‘These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe…’ (1 John 5.13). This verse is written for those who doubt whether they have been forgiven and saved by God, and struggle with assurance.

Ask, Seek, Knock

'Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.' We usually consider these famous words in an evangelistic context, urging seekers to come to Christ. But we realise they are made equally for all believers, because Christ spoke of the Father’s readiness to give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him.

Does the Lord Really Guide?

The great decline of the quality of Bible teaching in the last few decades has brought with it the rejection of this precious and fundamental principle – that God has a specific plan and purpose for the life of each of his children, and that they should seek his direction in all the great issues of life.

The Pilgrim Concept

The concept of pilgrimage is tremendously important to the Christian, especially today when an increasing number of evangelicals advocate being ‘culturally relevant’, exhorting us to be like the world. The very word ‘pilgrim’ reminds us of our duty to be distinctive and set apart for Christ.

The Immeasurable, Personal Love of Christ to His People

It is an astonishing concept for us that Christ Jesus, the Lord of glory, should dearly love his people. Here is an opportunity for us just to skim the surface of that mighty, unspeakable love. He has bound himself to each one of his people, even to the weakest, the youngest, and the smallest, with a depth of affection beyond human comprehension.

Sincerity First and Foremost in the Christian Armour

When several virtues are presented as the Christian’s armour, sincerity is the piece which must be donned first as foundational to all others. If not the 'greatest' it is a pivotal virtue. Do we possess it? And do we know how to maintain it?

Joshua’s Sixteen Resolutions

Speaking by divine inspiration, the aged leader Joshua gave the people sixteen profound and heart-searching resolutions that stand to this day as monitors of the committed spiritual life. Although given in the form of exhortations, they are clearly intended to be embraced as personal resolutions or pledges by those who love and serve the Lord.

The Pattern for the Church

When we speak of the sufficiency of Scripture, we mean that the Word of God provides all that we need to know in order to be saved, to be sanctified, to worship, and to organise and operate the church of God (2 Timothy 3.16-17). It clearly shows a pattern for the church.

Regeneration and Gospel Persuasion

It is the will of God that people will be consciously awakened and convicted to experience a sincere desire for God’s mercy and a change of thinking. They must see their need, and what Christ has done, and come (as the old confessions say) most freely and willingly to Jesus Christ.

Six Biblical Steps for Guidance

This article presents the traditional view that we are to seek guidance from the Lord in all the major decisions of life, and he will clarify our thinking, or overrule our circumstances. ‘Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me.’ (Psalm 25.4-5)

How We Treat the Holy Spirit Within

The personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the believer is such an amazing privilege that the mind never wholly grasps it. A daily succession of joys, temptations and trials produces various reactions in us, often without stirring our awareness that God is in residence, and will be pleased or grieved by what we think, say or do.

Everyone Has Special Gifts

When we speak of 'gifts' we sometimes think only of the miraculous sign-gifts of the early church. The gifts of which Paul and Peter speak obviously go beyond these, and include ‘natural’ abilities (often increased and refined by God at the time of conversion). It is obvious that our gifts must be dedicated to God's service and employed in the church.

Should Christians Love Life?

‘He that will love life’, says the Apostle Peter. We learn that we are supposed to love life. This may surprise us, because it sounds ominously close to loving this world. But the two ideas are not the same. We do not love this world, ruled by Satan and full of sin. But we are to love our life here.

The Golden Chain of Blessing

The apostle is about to unfold the great 'cycle' of spiritual experience for Christian workers by teaching the golden chain of pressures (prayer: encouragement: thanksgiving). He wants all Christians to see pressures turn into spiritual encouragements, such as deliverances, provisions, strength and fruitfulness.

How Do We Love God?

How do we love God who is invisible? He is seen in creation, in salvation, and also in our experience in the ongoing Christian life. How do we love God who is untouchable? But he is touchable by prayer. How do we love God who is unhearable? But we do hear him in his Word. Read much, and we hear him much.

Paul’s Blueprint For A Loving Church

Love for our fellow believers is one of the proofs of conversion, and it is certainly essential for pleasing the Lord. Six times in the New Testament love is described as 'philadelphia', meaning 'brotherly love'. Internal clashes and divisions must go, and 'philadelphia' love must be cultivated.

Are There One or Two Natures in the Christian?

The idea of two ­natures is, of course, only a portrayal or model or representation. It is invisible to us and mysterious, but to consider it as divided into two conflicting parts is scriptural, enabling believers to see themselves corrupted by sin, yet at the same time substantially renewed by the converting power of God.

A Spiritual Growth Check

Growth means dependence upon God, communion with Christ, daily engagement in holiness, prayer and proclamation. We cannot select one or two of these but must engage in all. 'But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen' (2 Peter 3.18)

Paul’s Blueprint For A Believing Church

Faith towers over all other Christian duties throughout the Bible, and congregational, collective or corporate faith is a glorious apostolic aim. Our longing should be that our congregation as a whole will have unwavering confidence in the faithfulness of God, and trustingly obey him.

The Cancer in all Human Relationships

The apostle's prophetic analysis of perilous times has proved harrowingly accurate, and serves as a powerful vindication of the inspired accuracy of revelation. Nothing is happening which we have not been told to expect, because all is known to our God. The world does not understand itself, but it desperately needs the saving message of Christ.

The Biblical Grounds For Divorce

When problems are brought to a pastor, our first aim is the preservation of the marriage bond, and the keeping of husbands and wives and families together. This must be our first objective: a much better and happier relationship. But sometimes this is not possible.

The Awesome God

Three thousand years ago an outstanding king pointed out the way to know God, saying – ‘Stand in awe!’ But what is awe?      I remember a teenage boy who went to see the Niagara Falls and was over­whelmed by the power of that mighty cascade of water. Riveted to the spot, he really felt its danger and magnificence. He went down to the lower shelf to view the…

Long-term Resentment in the Young

'And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord' (Ephesians 6.4). It hardly needs to be said that ­­­­parenthood is a tremendous responsibility, and we are glad of every word we have in the Bible showing how we should go about it.    In Ephesians 6.4 Paul gives direction to fathers. Mothers seem to be out of the picture, but obviously…

God’s Love in a Pandemic

These are momentous days when we find ourselves in the midst of a worldwide ‘discipline’ or warning from God, calling us to acknowledge and seek Him. And although we shrink from the thought, this is the reason for all unexpected catastrophes, whether epidemics, floods or vast fires. The Bible says these things will come more often in the ‘last days’, when atheism abounds and people generally have no thought or…

Recent Race Demonstrations

In the light of recent Black Lives Matter (BLM) demonstrations might I offer these comments.  All manifestations of racial disrespect are disgraceful to sincere Christian people. They flow obviously from the Fall of man. All hatred, all superiority, all disdain, all persecution of ‘other’ ethnic groups and religions, together with all ideological persecution (which is the greatest killer in modern times), and all class prejudice is forbidden by the sixth…

Should churches comply with government instructions about coronavirus?

Current coronavirus restrictions deeply affect our worship, our fellowship, our Sunday Schools and our outreach. No one likes them or wants them. Recently, a British evangelical periodical asked the question – Should we have a debate about this? Are we doing the right thing? Should the churches, ruled by Christ, surrender so easily to the state – the kingdom of this world?

The ‘Evangelical Covenant’ of Moses

This article will sweep through Deuteronomy 29 – 30 to demonstrate that it records how Moses presented an ‘evangelical covenant’ which was set beside and distinct from the covenant of Sinai, the latter being a ‘works’ covenant that could only condemn. (This is how Paul expounds it in Romans 10.) Chapter 29 verse 1: ‘These are the words of the covenant, which the Lord commanded Moses to make with the…

Secondary Separation – When to Stand Apart from Biblical Error

It should not be forgotten that the duty of separation, whether primary or secondary, is laid upon us in the Bible by the infinite kindness of God. Far from being loveless, it is a Gospel-preserving and a church-protecting duty. It is designed for our blessing and power. It is to keep us from a thousand snares and heartaches.

The Clothing of Humility – Putting on the Garments

' subject one to another, and be clothed with humility..' What an amazing exhortation this is in these days of assertive self-confidence! As Christian believers we are to be ‘subject one to another’, not assertive, not resistant to advice, not resistant to mutual admonition between ourselves, but ready to respect the experience and light of others. Then there follows this powerful command – ‘be clothed with humility: for God resisteth…

God’s Parallel Covenants

A divine covenant is an undertaking, a pledge by God, to relate to mankind on certain conditions. It is a form of compact or agreement. God does not relate to man in a haphazard, random, disorderly way, but in accordance with clear principles and purposes, reflecting his holy nature and requirements. The divine covenants of the Bible enable us to grasp God’s ways much more clearly. 

Sins That Warrant Expulsion

'..if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.’ This is the list to which we refer should someone have to be put out of church fellowship. Although this is a rare event for most churches, it is always painful and difficult.

Humility Essential for Blessing

‘Humility of mind’ – what a term! We do not always see this on the evangelical scene today. We see ministers revelling in what they call authority and power and gifts, endlessly expressing their opinions and devising new methods of worship and outreach with huge self-confidence. But the motto of Paul is 'all humility of mind'.

Features of Apostate Behaviour

In Paul's prophecy in 2 Timothy 3, he identifies nineteen prominent sins which will take over society, with the first five being about self. People will unashamedly focus their attention on themselves, being 'lovers of their own selves', so that self-service will become the approved goal for all people.

Is Temptation (Such as Same-Sex Attraction) Sinful?

'But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed’ (James 1.14). We often hear it said, ‘It is not a sin to be tempted. It only becomes sin when you succumb to temptation.’ But this statement is seriously inadequate and mistaken, being contrary to many biblical passages and also to the great confessions of faith.

Exercising a True Deliverance Ministry

The title of this article is obviously not meant in a charismatic sense. We offer no advice on how to cast out demons, rather on how to help true believers who have been heavily influenced by charismatic ideas such as tongues, visions, prophecies, ecstasies, dancing, falling down slain etc, and who have come to see them as wrong.

What Satan Can and Cannot Do

With Calvary before Him, the Lord spoke these remarkable words – ‘Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.’ From this time Satan would be curbed in his power, still able to work much wickedness until the final day, but severely limited. But how exactly was Satan cast out by Christ’s death?

Five Keys to God’s Law

There is nothing quite like the Ten Commandments for stimulating progress in sanctification, once our minds are primed to see all that they teach. In the New Testament we read that keeping them is an act of love to Christ, and also the basis of assurance.  This article employs five biblical keys to unlock the riches of the ‘royal law’.

Guidance in Church Decisions

Young men and women are needed who will abandon the fickle, undiscerning way of accepting anything and everything, and take their stand on the authoritative Word of God, proclaiming both the message and the lifestyle of true servants of Christ. Only then shall we see the blessing of God in the conversion of many souls.

The Value of Covenants

'This covenant [grace] is the only city of refuge for a distressed soul to fly to for sanctuary, when all the billows and waves of temptation run over him, or Satan doth furiously assault him. If we fly to this armoury, we can never want weapons to resist the devil.' – Benjamin Keach (1640-1704)

Spiritual or Aesthetic Worship? The First Broken Principle

Aesthetic worshippers believe that genuine praise needs a ‘physical’ dimension greater than mere unison singing. It assumes that God is an ‘aesthete’ – sitting in the heavens and looking down with appreciation at the skill and beauty that we bring before Him.

Six Reasons Why Christ Rose From The Dead

‘For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead’ (John 20.9). In the verse quoted above there is a small but vital word that is the foundation of this short article – the word 'must'. That little word ‘must’ actually derives from the verb ‘to bind’ - he is bound to rise again. It is inevitable, obligatory and inescapable. But why?

Sacred or Profane Worship? The Third Broken Principle

The third major departure from biblical principles of worship is the modern refusal to accept the great gulf between sacred and profane, so that the entertainment forms of the world are imported into the church for the praise of God. To be profane is to pollute sacred and biblical things with irreverence or disregard.

The Mysterious Nature of a Soul

Man is the zenith, the very highest point, of God’s creative activity. There can be no greater tragedy, and no greater darkness, than men and women who live through life unaware of their status and capacities in God’s plan and purpose. A clear knowledge of the human constitution provides an essential foundation for understanding life, and also spurs people to seek after the eternal God.

Imagining the Lord’s Interventions

How we view and talk about God’s dealings with us from day to day can have a considerable effect upon our openness to his guidance in the great decisions of life. Many Christians have picked up a manner of thinking and speaking known as pietistic speech, which is very damaging to the perception of genuine guidance.

Guidance in Courtship and Marriage

Not surprisingly, more questions are asked about finding God’s direction for marriage than about any other aspect of divine guidance, especially by young people. They also seek the Lord’s will about their future work, but here the mechanics of guidance seem easier to apply, and in any case, a mistake can be rectified, whereas marriage is for life.

Four Features Of True Christians

Here is the biography of Simeon in a single verse – four aspects of the life of a true believer for us to aspire to. The passage itself provides headings for a message. He was ‘just’, ‘devout’, ‘waiting for the consolation of Israel’, and ‘the Holy Ghost was upon him’.

Paul’s Blueprint for a Worshipping Church

What are our aims for the shaping of our fellowship and for church growth? In every walk of life, leadership must have a definite set of objectives. Timothy knew exactly what Paul's policy was: ‘But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose.’ The word translated purpose is 'prothesis' which means a plan or purpose clearly displayed.

Are there Gossips Among Us?

Gossip has been defined as idle talk or compulsive news-mongering, including the spreading of groundless rumour. Do we indulge in it? To see the ugliness of it and its effect upon the church ought surely to make us think, and put us off. We must neither speak gossip, nor listen to it.

Paul’s Blueprint for a Praying Church

A distinctive gathering for prayer has a special warrant in the New Testament, where we see distinctive prayer meetings described in Acts chapters 1, 4 and 12. These were not preaching meetings, but prayer meetings, convened to besiege the gates of Heaven with specific needs.

The Garden of Eden

It is often claimed by those cynical toward the Bible that Genesis 1 is contradicted by Genesis 2. But it is clear that these arguments are not made by people who read Genesis with any degree of care, because their claims are so obviously mistaken and easily refuted. Genesis is amazingly precise and consistent as narrative.

Paul’s Blueprint for a Sanctified Church

This article could equally be titled 'a well-pastored church'. How effectively do we pastor our churches to produce a sanctified community? Paul sets the standard in these words: ‘Warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.’

Mutual Debts in Marriage

Christ has purchased us, freed us from condemnation, and given us a better life and a glorious eternal home, by His precious blood. How readily we should now pay our due debts to the one God has given us for the journey of life – our very own spouse. Are we meeting our obligations?

When God Commissions

Many Bible-believing Christians, sadly, do not seem to have realised that each one has a personal commission. They think of themselves in a very humble way as recipients of the grace of God, but not as having received a special call to the service of Christ.

Paul’s Blueprint For A Learning Church

There is a central function assigned to local churches, without which nothing else can develop or stand for long. We must strive to produce a consciously learning church, where people love to hear the Word unfolded, its wonders researched, and the words and plan of God expounded.

Paul’s Blueprint For An Evangelistic Church

In Britain, countless churches have closed and many others have dwindled to a handful. Some, in panic, have yielded to contemporary worship in the hope that this will save the day. But none of this was ever necessary! If only pastors and officers, stirred by zeal and faith, had sought to inculcate in their people a thirst for untiring evangelism.

Remedies for Problems in Prayer

We may have a lack of assurance, coldness in prayer, little sense of God, and small desire to pray. Isaiah 50.10 is a good solution – ‘Who is among you... that walketh in darkness, and [yet] hath no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay upon his God.’

Paul’s Blueprint For A Separated Church

Ever since Balaam counselled the Moabites to intermarry the Israelites to bring them down, infiltration and compromise has been Satan’s chief strategy for the destruction of faithful evangelicalism. Yet so many believers recoil from obeying the biblical commands to stand clear from ­error.

Paul’s Blueprint For A Sacrificial Church

One of the most beautiful characteristics in a congregation is a sacrificial spirit, and we should greatly desire and work for this. A sacrificial people fulfil the principle of Romans 12.1 – ‘I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.’

True Repentance for Believers

In Leviticus, the Lord prescribes very precisely the order and manner of worship. They were not to devise services for themselves, and even in our day of greater liberty we are not to create expressions of worship not seen in the New Testament.

The Doctrine of Biblical Separation

The loss of separation has already led to a weakened, worldly, psychological evangelicalism in Britain, and the situation will grow worse still without a return to former standards of loyalty to Christ and his Word. But the commands to stand clear of false doctrine, immorality and worldliness are still in the Bible.

The Seven Pillars of Counselling

Over the last decades there has come in among Christians a craze for counselling borrowed from secular psychology, largely formulated by atheists opposed to biblical teaching. It is astonishing that even evangelical churches are hiring counsellors to ‘heal’ Christians who need biblical advice, not psychological therapy.

The Day Of The Lord Will Come

What is meant by the day of the Lord? It is clear that Peter is speaking about the very end of time, when the Lord will come, the skies will pass away, and the earth melt and be burned up. When will Christ return? The answer is in the analogy. He will come when society is asleep.

The Battle for Souls

We are ‘saved to serve’, but that little maxim is unfashionable today. It is, however, biblical and right. We are called to the tremendous work of the great commission of Christ to his disciples in every age – the gathering in of lost souls. A believer whose mind and heart is not engaged in Christ’s cause cannot expect to make spiritual progress.

Spiritual Joy

Spiritual joy is a deep cheerfulness and gladness of heart. It is happiness and a calm spirit. It comes to us as the direct result of knowing Christ Jesus, along with all that he has done for us, and will do, not just in this life, but eternally. It has a constant property, flourishing in the worst soil, and coexisting with fierce conflict, disappointment and loss.

The Holy War – Do we dodge enlistment?

The devil’s self-assumed task is to bring down the human race. He has brought about the Fall by his lies, and if he can keep all people in rebellion against God’s standards and desires, then the Lord will appear to have failed. Of course this is impossible, but Satan, in blind hatred, seeks to score over God and wreck his handiwork.