Articles by C H Spurgeon
Against Hastening to Remove from our Post of Duty

Do we shy away from Christian service? As the Lord's workers we should desire to glorify Him. Christian service is not about selecting the comfortable positions and the hopeful fields; it is best to make no selection, but to yield our own will to the will of God altogether.
The Dual Nature And The Duel Within

There are in all believers two principles. The apostle speaks of the law of his mind and then of another law in his members warring against the law of his mind. The converted man is a new man in Christ Jesus, but the old nature remains within him. Often the old nature appears to be uppermost, and yet, by the grace of God, it never can be.
Comfort for Tried Believers

Are you troubled, and are you inclined to despair? Take counsel; these storms are not beyond what believers in Jesus can bear. Is not the Lord himself with you as your captain, and is not the Holy Ghost with you as your guide, and have you not a faithful God to trust to in the stormiest night you may ever know?
C H Spurgeon on the Present Financial Crisis

The present troubles demonstrate the foolishness of believing that you can have morality without Christianity. Spurgeon here refers to the crisis around Overend, Gurney and Company (‘the bankers’ bank’), which collapsed in 1866. How history repeats itself. 'All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the spirits.'
How God Uses His People in Soul Winning

Are you a soul winner? Jesus Christ is glad to save sinners, but most of all He is glad to save them by the means of those already saved. This article is a must read for all who seek to honour the Lord in winning souls to Christ.
Infant Salvation

Let every parent know assuredly that it is well with the child, if God has taken it away from you in its infant days. You never heard its declaration of faith; it was not capable of such a thing. Nevertheless, you may rest assured that it is well with the child, well in a higher and a better sense than it is well with yourselves.
Taking Care of Others

When the Saviour spoke, he spoke volumes. We take a little of his gold and hammer it out into acres of gold leaf, and we do well, for we cannot talk ingots of gold as he did. His words were pearls and rubies and diamonds, and often they meant not only the finite meaning which we can put into practice, but infinite meanings which only he can fulfil.