A wide range of Reformed literature by Dr. Peter Masters on vital issues facing churches today, together with extensive evangelistic material.


How to Seek and Find the Lord

Dr Peter Masters

This is for people who want to find the Lord. The author shows that finding God is not a vague matter, for there is a definite way of salvation provided by God, and revealed in the Bible. Responding to this message leads to conversion - a great change which brings a person to know and relate to the living God.

A Seeker’s Problems

Dr Peter Masters

This booklet is for those who desire Christian conversion, but have run into difficulties. Perhaps you have prayed for forgiveness and new life but there has been no answer to that prayer, and now you have left off trying. Various problems trouble seekers, and here are some that are commonly raised – yours may be among them.

The Rebellious Years – The Need for Self-Understanding

Dr Peter Masters

This booklet is intended to help readers from teenage to late 20s to understand the source of the inner rebellion that urges us away from God in the 'second quarter' of life. Do we understand this urge to independence and unbelief - this battle of mind and soul?

Vanity of Vanities

Dr Peter Masters

Presents the experience of King Solomon, who experimented with every conceivable kind of pleasure, and concluded that life is pointless and predictable, unless people seek and find the Lord God, and know His power and guidance in their lives.

What you should know about your conscience

Dr Peter Masters

What is the mysterious faculty of conscience, and how does it function? What happens when it is abused, or attempts are made to reprogramme it? Can it cause psychosomatic illness? Here are all the vital facts, together with the only effective way of unburdening the hurting conscience.

Christian Life

Christian Stewardship – Our Calling

Dr Peter Masters

Stewardship of means is a great privilege and blessing to those who owe so much to Christ the Lord. To be fellow-labourers with Christ is our high calling. This booklet sets out the New Testament texts showing the objectives, motives, scale and manner of giving for the kingdom of Christ and the souls of men and women.

The Power of Prayer Meetings

Dr Peter Masters

Why does the Lord want us to pray together? Will an undersized prayer meeting really blight a church? What should be the style and content of prayer? What form should the meeting take? This booklet shows why corporate prayer is commanded by Christ and given unique promises; an appendix shows why women should participate.

Remember the Lord’s Day

Dr Peter Masters

Why was the Sabbath instituted by the Lord? Does it continue as the Lord’s Day? If so, how has it changed with the coming of Christ? How should it be kept? This booklet responds, showing that the sabbath principle is still God’s will for believers today, and listing its purposes and blessings.

Seven Certain Signs of True Conversion

Dr Peter Masters

Are there recognisable signs of true conversion? How can seekers tell if God has worked in their hearts? How can Christian workers discern the spiritual standing of a seeker? This is a guide to the marks of true conversion. Many have come to faith or gained assurance through this little booklet.

Baptism – the Picture and its Purpose

Dr Peter Masters

Baptism is not essential to salvation (how can it be, as it follows conversion?), yet it is very clearly required by the Lord. Here is the fourfold pictorial message of baptism intended by God for the believer, the church, and the world. And here also are the biblical reasons why baptism is for believers only, by immersion.

The Goal of Brotherly Love

Dr Peter Masters

Brotherly love is something far higher and deeper than church rambles and other organised friendship activities, useful as these may be. The great goal is 'philadelphia' love, a New Testament term indicating 'a depth and tenacity of love equal to the love of a blood tie.' Why is such a strong term used?

Deepening Discernment

Dr Peter Masters

Subtitled 'the meaning and purpose of 1 John.' Written late in the first century AD, 1 John uniquely defends the young church from the satanic influences threatening to destroy it. This is the Bible’s own manual of discernment, enabling believers to keep their faith and walk unsullied until the Lord’s return.

Should Christians Drink?

Dr Peter Masters

What are the biblical arguments which have convinced the majority of Bible believers during the last two centuries that the Lord wants His people to abstain? Why should something ‘right’ for Old Testament Israelites be ‘wrong’ for Christ’s church? What are the differences between wine of Bible times and today?

Stand for the Truth

Dr Peter Masters

This booklet gives the biblical arguments for separation from false teaching, and shows the positive value of this. Ten commonly-heard arguments in defence of 'inclusivism' (co-operating in Bible-denying denominations, or with false teachers in evangelism, etc) are answered.

The Purposes of the Lord’s Supper

Dr Peter Masters

The Saviour instituted the Lord's Supper before He finished the Passover meal with His disciples, and He calls us to observe it regularly. But do we have a clear awareness of all that the Lord's Supper means? Here are nine purposes behind the Lord's Supper, providing a rich basis for thought and prayer at the Table of the Lord.

Proving charismatic gifts have ceased

Dr Peter Masters

Does the Bible teach definitively that the charismatic gifts have ceased? This booklet shows that the ceasing of revelatory and sign-gifts in the time of the apostles is clearly derived from the Word of God. Here are the six main reasons why the apostles and their unique authenticating signs fulfilled their purpose in Bible times.

Your Reasonable Service

Dr Peter Masters

It is a sad fact that many Bible-believing Christians do not engage in any real service for the Lord. They loyally attend meetings for worship and ministry, and often give generous financial support, but they do very little. This booklet focuses on the strong terms of exhortation to Christian service found in the New Testament.

When to Stand Apart

Dr Peter Masters

It is clear that Christians must stand apart from false teachers who deny the fundamentals of the faith. Many scriptures make this plain. But what about 'secondary' separation, meaning separation from believers who walk closely with heretics and wrongdoers? Here is guidance on the use of love and discretion in applying the doctrine of separation.