This is a popular, non-technical sweep through key themes of the Christian faith, highlighting very many inspiring and enlivening points. It often takes an oblique and unusual approach to a topic in order to bring out the full wonder and significance.
It is designed to be enjoyed by seasoned Christians, and also by all who want to explore the great features of the faith, and discover the life of the soul.
The new birth, as every believer has proved, ushers in a life of fellowship with God, answered prayer, guidance, help, peace, learning of him and anticipation of eternal glory. The Christian faith teaches that death instantly transfers the soul of the believer to the paradise of Christ, waiting for the end of Earth’s present history and the day of the resurrection of the body.We can only faintly imagine the physical aspects of Calvary, and although they move us and stir our indebtedness and love to Christ, we are saved not by contemplating them, but by resting our faith on the invisible accomplishments of our suffering Saviour. We hold our gaze not on Christ’s physical agonies, even less on movies depicting exclusively the physical aspect, but we look with the eye of faith at the compassion, love and mercy of the incarnate God, and at the greatest accomplishment ever – the purchase of eternal souls.
“The Faith” is a simple exposition of ten important topics of Christian theology. The topics dealt with are the mysterious nature of a soul, God’s exclusive attributes, two chapters on the ‘reflected attributes’ of God, the Fall of man, the three hours of Calvary, the new birth, the importance of the Resurrection, prophecies of the Resurrection, and the Trinity.
– English Churchman
Table of Contents
1. The Mysterious Nature of a Soul
2. God’s Exclusive Attributes
3. The Reflected Attributes of God – Power – Knowledge – Wisdom – Truth
4. The Reflected Attributes of God – Goodness – Love – Holiness – Justice
5. The Fall of Man
6. The Three Dark Hours of Calvary
7. The New Birth
8. Why the Resurrection?
9. Prophecies of the Resurrection
10. The Holy Trinity