Back to Scripture with Office Bearers and Church Structure (4)

Pastoral passages for the biblical pattern for the local church
Pastor Hand expounded in two addresses the pastoral passages showing the pattern for the local church, its structure, organisation, duties before the Lord and towards its members, and its government, with attention to the historic pitfalls including those proliferating today.

The School of Theology of the Tabernacle has been held annually since 1976, with large numbers of pastors, Christian workers and church officers attending, together with many younger people seeking a more biblical and committed style of Christian life and service. In some years Days of Special Study on particular topics are held in place of the School.

Over the years both the School of Theology and Days of Special Study – in contrast to many other Reformed conferences – have focussed on topics of great relevance and concern to the contemporary church. These include the necessity of Gospel persuasion and regular evangelism, the importance of traditional biblical worship, the principle of the ‘working’ church, principal arguments in favour of Creation, the error of New Calvinism, the Baptist doctrine of the covenants, and the traditional system of Bible interpretation.

In addition to Dr Peter Masters, the Pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, we have been pleased to welcome many international speakers over the years, including Dr Jeff Riddle, Dr Kurt Wise, Dr Vishal Mangalwadi and Dr Scott Aniol.

Recordings from recent Schools and Days of Special Study may be found via the link below, together with some rare lectures by the highly-regarded Bible commentator Dr William Hendriksen from 1979. [Please note that there was no School in 2020 owing to the coronavirus pandemic.]