Sermon Series: Sermons on Romans
Dr Peter Masters
A series of teaching sermons on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans.
Christ Revealed in Romans
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM February 1, 2015
Introducing Romans – the supreme doctrinal foundation of our faith – revealing Christ in the full glory of His work and His headship of the church. Romans shows how He calls, saves, sanctifies and keeps His own, and the duties of the Christian life. Above all, it exalts Christ.
The Selfless Servant
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM February 8, 2015
Before Paul’s famous, stirring, profound statements come pouring from his inspired pen, six priceless verses reveal his unselfish, caring, outward-looking character, his evangelistic priority and his great concern to live in accordance with the will of God. All are challenged to keep spiritual priorities.
Gospel Obligations
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM February 15, 2015
Paul gives three reasons why he is ready to evangelise where his message will be despised. Herein is the power of the Gospel, also an explanation of God’s imputed righteousness, and of how regeneration leads to someone being consciously convicted and persuaded by the Gospel.
Society at its Worst
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM February 22, 2015
How God’s wrath is revealed in the Gospel and the reason for it. Also how disrespect for Him in society leads to increasingly extreme sensual sin. What it means to be given up to sin, and the mission of the church to rescue people in time.
Society’s Steps to Judgement
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM March 1, 2015
Three times it is said that God gives up and gives over people to their sin. Here are the reasons and the outcome. Here also is the list of 22 sins that increasingly fill an atheistic society like ours, and the opposite traits in Christ’s people.
Saved and Lost Judged by Deeds
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM March 8, 2015
All will be judged by their deeds, even those saved by grace alone. True salvation leads to good works – the sure evidence of grace. Here is the kind of evidence that appears, and the apostle’s call to all Christians to be certain of their salvation.
The Law Etched in the Heart
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM March 15, 2015
To what extent are the Ten Commandments written in every heart? Does the apostle redefine the term ‘Jew’ in showing that Gentiles may be Jews in their hearts? May Christians ever resemble the Jews condemned here for disobedience to the law? Paul provides the answers.
The Necessity of Grace
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM March 22, 2015
The apostle prepares the ground to show that grace is the only solution to human sinfulness. God will be faithful to His promises (to save), and His warnings (of judgement) also. Both Jew and Gentile must be saved by grace alone.
The Tapestry of Grace
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM March 29, 2015
The apostle’s perfectly woven threads of teaching show the depths of justification, redemption, propitiation and faith in such a way that the unenlightened are amazed, and believing hearts soar. It is not by inadequate ‘works’ but by faith that God’s law is honoured.
Heirs of Eternity
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM April 19, 2015
Paul traces eternal life, by faith alone in God’s redeeming plan, back across the centuries to Abraham, and then to King David. It pre-dated circumcision and also the law, and involves dependence on Christ and His creating power to give new and everlasting life.
Who or What Do We Obey?
Gospel Sermon – Sunday PM April 19, 2015
Everyone, though we may deny it, esteems, worships and obeys a variety of ‘forces’ and people, becoming shaped by them. The need to admire and submit is inescapable. Here is God’s remedy for misplaced servility, and the vast superiority of yielding to Him alone.
Peace, Access, Power and Glory
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM April 26, 2015
The priceless benefits of justification are here described and amplified. So great is the ‘fortune’ of believers, how can we fall into sorrow, or not share it, for the worldling has nothing. It is all by faith, progressively refined in the tests of life.
Experiencing God’s Love
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM May 10, 2015
Realisation of God’s love for us is given by the Spirit first through a profound sight of Calvary, and the price paid for contemptuous sinners. Such great love, we see, can never be withdrawn. Then we receive melting insights of His love during reflection, prayer and praise.
Christ’s Eternal Achievements
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM May 17, 2015
In his passage showing the contrast between Adam and Christ, Paul provides five distinct aspects of the Lord’s achievements in redemption and the privileges of believers. Here also is the apostle’s stirring exhortation to all who are called ‘dead to sin’, and what this means.
Proof of Salvation
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM May 24, 2015
First, the apostle shows the deep reality of the believer’s old life and sins being in Christ on Calvary. Secondly, he shows the certainty of new life and power over sin through reflection on this, and calls for a response of complete dedication to Christ.
The Outcome of Life
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM May 31, 2015
The wages (or meagre rations) given by the world’s largest employer – ‘Sin’, slowly poison our interests in and openness to spiritual matters. Physical death follows but here is the astonishing gift of pardon and life through Christ and His atoning work.
Marks of a Spiritual Person
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM June 7, 2015
Marks of a spiritual person, or, what it means to ‘walk after the Spirit’. Our thinking and behaviour is driven either by the flesh or the Spirit. Here are the features of each lifestyle (even in the church) and how the flesh is to be put to death.
Adoption, Assurance, Inheritance
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM June 14, 2015
Here are the priceless blessings of adoption into the family of the redeemed, also how one’s own spirit, then the Holy Spirit, both witness to our adoption. Then the inheritance that lies ahead for those who suffer now (here explained) with Christ.
The Longing of Creation
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM June 21, 2015
Famous verses depicting the creation as a person subjected to the judgement imposed on mankind through sin, and looking forward to the end of the age, when it will be transformed into the home of the children of God. Here is the full, glorious picture.
Sighs of The Spirit
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM July 5, 2015
The incomparable privilege of having the Holy Spirit’s prayers on our behalf; what they are, and what love they show. How they should greatly energise our prayers. Also, what is meant by ‘all things’ working for good, and why this is as much a challenge as a comfort.
God’s Explanation of Our Salvation
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM July 12, 2015
Here is the solid foundation of assurance in all the problems and needs of living for Christ in an increasingly hostile world. Also, the great objective of election and calling – likeness to Christ – and the features of character that should mark us out for Him.
Arguments of Certainty
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM July 19, 2015
Proofs that Christ’s love of His own can never cease, ranging from the immeasurable price paid for them, to the impotence of all forces seeking to block the flow of His love. Here is the kind reasoning that carries us over attacks on assurance.
Paul’s Longing for Souls
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM July 26, 2015
The apostle is anguished for the souls of his enemies the Jews. Lessons in intercession. Also the symbols of true spiritual life held before Israelites and their rejection by so many. The same symbols appeal to us, bringing Gentiles into the ‘Israel of God’.
Sovereign Mercy
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM August 2, 2015
Paul upholds God’s right to exercise sovereign election, and shows it is the only hope of salvation. He also shows God’s kindness during life to the lost, and amazingly, the threefold divine purpose of all human history encapsulated in three unique verses.
The Rock of Destiny
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM September 13, 2015
Christ, long prophesied, was appointed to obtain spiritual salvation at Jerusalem in a manner that would humble human pride and presumption, draw multitudes to believe, but confound those who rejected Him. To the last day Christ will be the Rock of refuge or of dismay.
Gospel Responsibility
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM September 20, 2015
Paul’s famous ‘backwards text’ covers the wonders of the Gospel, the call and the commissioning of preachers, and what it means to truly hear, believe and call upon the Lord for salvation. The back-to-front order serves to stir responsibility to make Christ known.
The Future of Grace
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM September 27, 2015
God’s promises to bless Abraham’s offspring are kept in every age in an elect remnant saved by grace. Even Gentile salvation is used by God to turn the hearts of many Israelites. And saved Jews and Gentiles have enriched the world, here is how.
Trusting the Depths of God
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM October 4, 2015
This great song of praise is a compelling call to reflect on God’s infinite wisdom and knowledge and on His mysterious ordering of the lives of His people. The passage moves us to marvel and trust Him for all, and to serve Him wholeheartedly.
Pleasing God
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM October 11, 2015
The epistle now turns from doctrine to living, beginning with dedication, and the offering of ourselves as a holy sacrifice, not conformed to this world, but transformed by God. The second cannot proceed if the world is not renounced. The prize is real discernment.
Our Measure of Faith
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM October 18, 2015
Seven spiritual gifts – roles in the church for which God distributes abilities and the dedicated and spiritual way they are to be carried out. Here is a view of all that was done in a first-century church with all members pooling their efforts.
Spiritual Living in the Church
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM October 25, 2015
Reasons why love for fellow believers often falls short, and how we should build it up. The command to utterly hate evil things, and how this is a vital help in avoiding sin and harm in our churches. Cleaving or clinging to good, despite Satan’s assaults.
Outward, Inward, Upward
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM November 1, 2015
A threefold exhortation in a single verse calls believers never to hang back in outgoing activity for Christ, always to maintain spiritual zeal and also to live as people who are bonded to the service of Christ. Here are the applications and helps.
The Spiritual Power of Anticipation
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM November 15, 2015
The immense value of ‘rejoicing in hope’ is here seen. This is the practice of anticipating and expecting God’s hand in our lives. We see its major place and its fruits from Paul’s various references to it in Romans. Its neglect costs us much blessing.
True Christian Behaviour
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM November 29, 2015
Searching practical verses setting the tone for sanctified behaviour, reflecting the Saviour, proved by the apostle Paul, and providing a gauge of our progress and a spur to advance. What are we really like in our relationship with other people, and in adversity?
God’s Rule Over Law and Order
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM December 6, 2015
Why should hostile authorities be conscientiously obeyed by believers? Because while rulers may not know it, they are servants of God, Who in His kindness has etched into the fallen human constitution a need for government. Here is how Christ is magnified.
The Nature of Love for Others
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM December 13, 2015
What form does love for others take? It is not unconditional love, or necessarily even affectionate love. ‘Social’ love is here defined, with hindrances and helps. Also the error of loving oneself, and the great exhortation to ‘awake out of sleep’ to serve Christ.
How Christ is Put On
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM December 20, 2015
Here is, first, the walking analogy for the Christian life and its implications; then the genuineness of that walk; then the characteristics of heathen life which still press on believers today. Finally, what it means to put on Christ, how to do so, and the blessings.
Living for Others
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM January 10, 2016
Contrary to the ways of today’s society the believer is called to an unselfish life. Here are the questions we should ask about any activity; Paul’s personal discipline; the example of Christ in His life, and the role of the Old Testament in helping our progress.
Holding on to Assurance
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM January 17, 2016
Hope (meaning anticipation) of God’s dealings with us throughout life, and then in glory, is the crown jewel of assurance. Here is the way God gives it, with joy and peace, showing both our part and the powerful aid of the Holy Spirit.
Full of Goodness
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM January 24, 2016
These five verses of vital exhortation for every church present the importance of mutual admonition in the right spirit; living life as an offering to God; true submission to the Word; and the necessity of entire dependence on the Holy Spirit for all blessing.
The Ties that Bind
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM January 31, 2016
Paul longed to see the church at Rome, both to help them and to be refreshed by them. Here are the ways we are strengthened through fellowship, and the nature of the ties that the Holy Spirit forms within true churches of Christ.
A Christian’s Vital Feelings
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM February 7, 2016
An appeal for the stirring up of strong feelings of earnestness and warmth in the spiritual life, and a warning against sinking into coldness, with its consequences. Here are Paul’s pressing arguments. They provide an insight into his life, and a fresh impetus for ours.
Paul’s Gospel Doxology
Teaching Sermon – Sunday AM February 21, 2016
The closing prayer of praise in Romans draws strong assurance from the Gospel, emphasising the eternal security it gives, its complete and unchanging nature, its exclusive power to save, its being received by faith alone, and the glory it reflects upon the Lord.