We hear of ‘your truth’. Can ‘truth’ be known by viewing material facts only, and ignoring the spiritual? Christ’s words, ‘I am the Truth’ show how He presents Himself as the reason for everything, the Creator of all and the revealer of spiritual life.
Jesus saith unto him: I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Just think of those words ‘I am the truth’. Well, it’s been said many times down the centuries that for Christ to say ‘I am the truth’ is either the most arrogant statement that was ever made, or he is divine and he is God. It’s one or the other. There’s nothing between those two for someone to stand and to say ‘I am the truth’. That is a massive statement and claim. Could it be true? Is it true? Was he arrogant? A mere man, astonishingly arrogant, or was he the Incarnate God, second person of the Godhead, who’d come to be the Saviour of the world?
You know, I’m sure, that at his Roman trial Pontius Pilate asked the question ‘what is truth?’ but he asked it scornfully, as though truth was something that couldn’t be found and couldn’t be known, and was absurd to speak about. But it’s a valid question. How do we define truth, or the truth? The dictionary definition of truth (helpful up to a point) is ‘that which is honest’. Simply that: true in that sense.
But as you know there is a far deeper and more profound meaning to the term ‘truth.’ Some people say truth can be defined as all the facts in the world, all events, all explanations that can be borne out and proved, everything which is factual, all the facts – past present and future. That’s truth.