To lose sight of the Cross of Calvary is to miss the central event of all history – the kindest act of unparallelled love, the great transaction, the most profound and enduring accomplishment and the most honest and powerful. Here is why.
‘But God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world.
God forbid, literally in the Greek. ‘May it never be’ that I should glory or boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our subject is the greatest plan, the greatest scheme in world history.
Says the apostle: May I not glory or boast in anything more than or above, or accept chiefly the cross of Jesus Christ. Well, as a hymnwriter put it: ‘in the cross of Christ I glory, towering o’er the wrecks of time.’ Is there anything as powerful, as lasting, as profound, as satisfying as the cross of Christ? Now these words may seem astonishing to some. They would once have seemed astonishing to me.
Certainly, surely there are mightier things than that in history and in the present world? Surely there are great discoveries? There are magnificent human accomplishments? We can revel in these. Can we not boast about them? Surely there is the great field of learning human learning or on the other end of the scale, there’s family life, with its many blessings and human love and relationships? There are many things surely to glory in, and some may like to glory in property and wealth or in power and fame and influence. Or you could glory in medical science and its many, many discoveries. Or you could, if you wish, glory in business wealth.
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