
The Bible shows that all God’s dealings with men and women are conducted on the basis of two underlying covenants, either that of works or that of grace. These two covenants run in parallel.

Romans 10 shows that Moses presented a second, contrasting covenant in Deuteronomy 29 – 30. Here is that famous ‘evangelical covenant’.

‘This covenant [grace] is the only city of refuge for a distressed soul to fly to for sanctuary, when all the billows and waves of temptation run over him, or Satan doth furiously assault him’ – Benjamin Keach.


The Covenant of Grace

Ephesians 1.4

There was a time, and it ran for two centuries, when Baptists held a distinctive doctrine of God’s covenants quite different from the Presbyterian view, and eminently more scriptural. This School of Theology address presents the traditional ‘1689’ covenant, its difference from Sinai, and its devotional rewards.

Parallel Old Testament Covenants

Genesis 3.15 et al

School of Theology address, demonstrating how ‘amazing grace’ was administered in the Old Testament.

The Greatest Contrasts in History

2 Corinthians 3.1

Learning from contrasts, including that between the law written on stone, and conversion written in the heart; the ministry of the the letter and that of the Spirit; the old and the new covenants; the administration of death and of the Spirit, with the unique glory of the latter.

Paul’s Allegory of the Covenants

Galatians 4.12-31

While making powerful appeals for loyalty to salvation by faith, Paul brings a lesson from Ishmael and Isaac. Here are the great differences between salvation by works and faith; the two covenants are contracts for securing union with God, that are foreshadowed in the history of Abraham’s household.