Sung during the Sunday worship at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London (Spurgeon’s).

Hymn 257 from our hymn book, Psalms & Hymns of Reformed Worship.

AWAKE, my soul, and rise
Amazed, and yonder see,
How hangs the mighty Saviour God,
Upon a cursèd tree!

How gloriously fulfilled
Is that most ancient plan,
Contrived in the eternal Mind
Before the world began!

Here depths of wisdom shine
Which angels cannot trace;
The highest rank of cherubim
Still lost in wonder gaze.

Here free salvation reigns,
And carries all before,
And this shall for the guilty race
Be refuge evermore.

Now hell in all her strength,
Her rage and boasted sway,
Can never snatch a wandering sheep
From Jesus’ arms away.

Author: William Williams (1717-91)
Tune: Wirksworth
Composer: A Book of Psalmody (1718)

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