Worship or Entertainment?

Where will your church be five or ten years from now? With the adoption of contemporary music worship, many have already changed beyond recognition. Yet more will do so.
Our manner of worship is one of the most important issues confronting Bible churches today, and here is why.
New Calvinism – the Merger of Calvinism with Worldliness

A new form of Calvinism took the shape of a movement from about 2005, but it differed from the original in its acceptance of ‘the world’. This critique written in 2009 was sharply attacked by new Calvinistic preachers but strongly endorsed by conservative preachers worldwide.
A Musician’s Perspective on Contemporary Christian Music

A look at the vocal techniques and musical mechanisms of CCM performers to assess their suitability for worship. The music used in contemporary Christianity is a sad testimony to the decline of reverent worship and intelligent praise in many so-called reformed churches.

The Kind of Praise God Requires
John 4.23
A review of the biblical reason for worship being kept distinctive and apart from worldly-entertainment genres of music (showing the absolute non moral-neutrality of music) and exposing the myths of the modern justification of compromise. (Second part available here)

Worship and Witness in the Spirit
Revelation 2.14
The greatest enemy of truth and godliness at the present time is undoubtedly a new syncretism – the capitulation by many evangelicals to sinful worldly culture in worship, witness and personal living. (Second part available here)

What is Happening to Worship?
Dr Scott Aniol
2 Timothy 3.16-17
Is the music we use in churches simply a matter of preference? Or is some music wrong? In practice music has increasingly come under the influence of the prevailing popular culture. Dr Scott Aniol (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, USA) shows how the Bible should regulate the music we adopt, and takes us through the issues almost entirely overlooked in today’s confusion.

True Worship
1 Corinthians 14.33
When Paul says everyone had a psalm, doctrine, tongue, etc, for worship, he obviously refers to the recognised leaders of the church, as we prove here. These are his inspired directions for orderly worship that includes the full biblical ‘agenda’, and glorifies Christ.
Books and CDs

Worship or Entertainment?
Peter Masters
Where will your church be five or ten years from now? – asks the author. With the adoption of contemporary music worship many have already changed beyond recognition. Yet more will do so.
Here are four essential principles which Jesus Christ laid down for worship, and by which every new idea

Great Hymns & Psalms of the Faith (CD)
The glories of ‘traditional’ praise are often swept aside by ‘contemporary’ compositions lacking depth and spiritual quality. This selection of 26 well-known hymns includes many sung to tunes of recent composition, or older tunes revived in recent years. All are from the Metropolitan Tabernacle Sunday services. Here is inspiring, heartfelt worship by believers of all nationalities. All hymns and tunes are from Psalms & Hymns of Reformed Worship.