Keeping the Church Separate from the World

Dr John Gresham Machen

‘..if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted?' In these words our Lord established at the beginning the distinctness and separateness of the church. If the sharp distinction is ever broken down between the church and…
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A Musician’s Perspective on Contemporary Christian Music

Neil McGovern

The music used in contemporary Christianity is a testimony to the decline of reverent worship and intelligent praise in many so-called reformed churches. This article briefly looks at some of the reasons why certain music is inappropriate for the dignified…
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The Necessity and Justification for the Free Offer of the Gospel

Rev. Malcolm Watts

God has laid in the record of the Gospel a firm foundation for the faith of sinners. They have his own warrant and therefore a perfect right to receive the Lord Jesus, in all his grace and fulness, for their…
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Tabernacle Conversions in 1860

Metropolitan Tabernacle

The Tabernacle archives contain hundreds of testimonies of those converted during Spurgeon’s pastorate. Many glorious themes shine through, especially the instrumentality of gospel preaching and Sunday School work, the transformed lives of converts and their forsaking of the world.
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Does Everyone Have a Guardian Angel?

William Gouge

It is enough to know and believe what the Word of God has revealed, that the holy angels of God take special care of each believer. In this respect angels are collectively called 'their angels' (Matthew 18.10). They are said…
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Tests for Amusements and Recreations

Richard Baxter

Lawful recreation is the enjoyment of some natural thing, or participation in some activity which is not forbidden, for the stimulation of the natural spirits. It may be for the use of the mind or the exercise of the body.…
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Priorities in Presenting the Faith

Dr John Whitcomb

In our efforts to make the Gospel acceptable, we find ourselves confronted with two ob­stacles: man’s fallen nature and the Satanic forces which surround him. Very few apologetic works today give them serious consideration.
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Great Advances Sown by the Reformation

Dr Nick Needham

In various ways, the Protestant Reformation scattered good seeds of thought (the 'Magisterial Reformation') which in their own day were not allowed to mature and bear fruit. Thankfully a later generation would provide the necessary climate to see that fruit…
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Seeds of the Reformation

Dr Nick Needham

True though it is that God worked mightily by his Spirit in the 16th century, he did not do so in a way that bypassed the ongoing stream of history, or short-circuited human causes. What were the factors present in the…
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The Significance of Karl Barth

Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones

As a man, there is only one adjective for Karl Barth and that is ‘great’. Everything about him was big. He clearly had a first-class intellect. Nothing else could account for his acute criticism of theological outlooks and his own…
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Anger is a Tender Virtue

John Trapp

He who would be angry without sin must not be angry at anything except sin. Our Saviour was angry with Peter, and angry with the Pharisees for the hardness of their hearts. Moses was filled with holy anger at the…
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Who Wrote the Epistle of James?

Dr Jeff Riddle

Who is this 'James'? He describes himself as a ‘servant (doulos, or slave) of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.’ In this article Dr Jeff Riddle shows the superiority of the old view of the authorship of James by…
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A Dressing-Down on Dressing Down

Mark Chen

According to Scripture we are to stand out as lights in the world and to be different, and this must surely be reflected in our dressing. If the clothing of the world is contrary to biblical guidelines, then we need…
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Abandoning Separation from Biblical Error

R E Palgrave

For many years independent evangelicals kept apart from churches in denominations affiliated to the apostate World Council of Churches, such as Anglican, Baptist Union and Methodist churches. The British Evangelical Council (whose members included the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches…
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