God’s Love for Muslims

Ibrahim Ag Mohamed

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Communicating Bible Grace and New Life

This enlightening manual on reaching Muslims for Christ is presented in three sections:

  1. The Muslim Faith (Islam)
  2. What Muslims Believe about the Christian Faith
  3. How to Help Muslims

Full of vital information, it is at the same time a real ‘page turner’.

Here is a wealth of counsel from a pastor with many years of experience preaching and broadcasting in a Muslim land. It will greatly equip readers for effective witness.

Ibrahim Ag Mohamed was born into a nomadic shepherd people known as the Tamasheq (Tuareg) in the Saharan Desert in Mali, he was brought up in the Islamic faith and became a staunch Muslim as a young man – even going as far as burning copies of the Bible and Christian literature with his friends.

However, at this time his cousin had been converted to Christ, and Ibrahim was impressed by the change in him. He came across his cousin’s copy of the New Testament, started reading the Gospel of Matthew, ‘and the book I had burned came and burned my heart.’ He repented and placed his trust in Christ alone for salvation.

After studies in Gao and London, he returned to Mali and accepted the call to a pastorate in Gao. He was later called to the Metropolitan Tabernacle as Assistant Pastor and lecturer at London Reformed Baptist Seminary; in 2023 he took up the pastorate of Uxbridge Road Tabernacle in West London.

Table of Contents

Part 1: The Muslim Faith
What Do Muslims Believe?
What Do Muslims Practice?

Part 2: What Muslims Believe About the Christian Faith
Salvation – What Muslims Think
The Trinity – The Muslim Dilemma
The Person of the Lord Jesus Christ: Approved but Misunderstood
The Title ‘Son of God’ – The Great Confusion
Christ’s Death on the Cross: Fact or Fiction?
The Scriptures – The Great Misconception
Was Muhammad Foretold in the Bible?
Allah – Is He the Same as God?

Part 3: How to Help Muslims

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