“To Whom Shall We Go?”

A message tracking the enthusiastic pursuit of Christ by many who wanted a materialistic, earthly return to prosperity, while He proclaimed His purpose – spiritual and eternal life to all who depend on Him as divine Saviour, and His redeeming work on Calvary.

Words of Eternal Life

Christ exclusively has the words of eternal life, but it is enriching to understand that this is a comprehensive term that refers to a host of features of eternal glory, reviewed here. If these are not appreciated and wanted, one cannot really desire eternal life.

The Words of Eternal Life

We track the events of an astounding chapter that sees many disciples turn away from Christ.  It was the opposite of what usually happened.  They found Christ’s statements about eternal life unpalatable.  Why?  The answer moves us to take seriously the needs of the soul.

The Only Source of Spiritual Life

Belief in Christ is not blind faith. It is based on understanding His message and seeing the authenticating evidences. It follows the discovery that only He has atoned for human sin, and only He has the words of eternal life. A message for all who are searching for meaning.