Sermons on 1 Thessalonians
Paul’s Eleven Signs of the Elect
1 Thessalonians 1.4Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 1 October 2017
Paul's letter to a young church begins with eleven signs that people are truly elect and saved. Paul can rejoice for the Thessalonians, but could he for us? And are the signs reflected in professing Christian congregations today? Have we reason to rejoice?
Transformation Process
1 Thessalonians 1.9Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 8 October 2017
Thessalonica saw lives radically changed. The new objective of believers was the gathering of souls out of a doomed world for Christ's return, not world restoration (an old heresy returning today). Here also is their realisation of God's hatred of sin. Is ours fading?
Three Tests of Soundness
1 Thessalonians 2.3Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 15 October 2017
Paul entered Thessalonica outwardly lowly but inwardly laden with treasures of grace and power. He lays out three tests of soundness: matter (the message), motives, and manner (of proclamation), and here we apply them to Jews, pagans, modern atheism, and present-day Christian phonies also.
Thankfulness for a Miracle
1 Thessalonians 2.10Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 22 October 2017
Paul's description of the mission to Thessalonica presents the vital ingredients of evangelism - a desire for souls, hard work night and day, holy lives, fatherly appeals, and a desire for lasting conversion, all leading to a miracle of God in illumination and regeneration.
Joy in Fruitbearing
1 Thessalonians 2.14Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 29 October 2017
Of all the marks of conversion the apostle's crowning sign here is readiness to suffer in the course of witness. Also, he refers to Satan's hindrances (here are today's), and to the immense joy of relating to converts (our wreath of glory) both now and eternally.
Portrait of Paul
1 Thessalonians 3.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 5 November 2017
Reflected in this letter is the apostle's deep concern for believers, and his sacrificial spirit. Also we see his acceptance of hardship for Christ, his great priority of building faith and trust in believers, his prayerfulness and his teaching on separation from the world.
Walking to Please God
1 Thessalonians 4.1-8Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 19 November 2017
Four principles of living to please the Lord: (1) The need to be pledged to constant progress, (2) the chief virtues to aim at, (3) the necessity of deliberate, determined abstention from sin, especially returning sin, and (4) the role of the Holy Spirit.
Christ’s Imminent Return
1 Thessalonians 4.13Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 26 November 2017
The apostle declares Christ as the unique and authoritative hope for the resurrection of the body. Here also is the concept of being joined to Him for salvation and therefore for eternity; the parousia and the rapture, and their imminence and comfort.
Spiritual Wakefulness
1 Thessalonians 5.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 3 December 2017
So inclined are we to spiritual and moral casualness that the apostle stresses the necessity and urgency of constant self-scrutiny of our tendencies, temptations, conduct, words and our associations in the fight against the surrounding 'darkness'. Here are his three selected items of armour.
Paul’s Compendium of Conduct
1 Thessalonians 5.12Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 10 December 2017
This brief 'treasury' of concise exhortations lists key duties for Christian living, including rules for the spiritual life and duties for life in the everyday world. Here are the first eight forming a life of aspirations to both monitor and inspire.
The Life of Prayer
1 Thessalonians 5.17Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 24 December 2017
A call to prove the Lord in every phase of life. Here are the biblical departments of prayer, followed by the need for greater determination, faith, desire, thoughtfulness, patience, holiness and sincerity, with attention to prayer in trials, and the obligations that come with prayer.
The Culture of Thankfulness
1 Thessalonians 5.18Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 31 December 2017
The Bible is full of thankfulness. Here is its immense significance in the Christian life, also its power to inspire humility, indebtedness to God, appreciation of Him, holiness, trust, reliance, love, happiness and evangelism. Here also are matters for inclusion in thanksgiving.
“Quench not the Spirit”
1 Thessalonians 5.19Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 7 January 2018
How is the fire of the Spirit manifested in believers' lives? Here are texts showing His work to be sanctifying, illuminating (with joy), and imparting zeal for souls and good works. Here also are the ways we resist and quench the holy flame.
Continuing Reformation
1 Thessalonians 5.21Thanksgiving Service— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 18 October 2017
The mighty work of God in the Reformation that began 500 years ago can only be truly honoured by a commitment to continuing reformation. Here are nine major aspects of church life and belief, abandoned by many evangelicals today, that must be reformed for spiritual blessing.
Building Discernment in our Age
1 Thessalonians 5.21Bible Study— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 16 September 2015
Reasons why we fail to prove all things. Here with examples are key rules. Is the idea in the Bible, or dependent on other knowledge? Beware of the secret formula for success. Is it new or novel? Examine carefully the source or origin.
Test All Things
Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 14 January 2018
All believers have a solemn responsibility to examine and establish the biblical authority behind all doctrines, acts of worship and methods proclaimed or carried out by their churches, and by themselves as individuals. Here are categories of doctrine and practice to be monitored. Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians is…
God’s Sanctifying Power
1 Thessalonians 5.23Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 21 January 2018
'Let go, and let God' is a great mistake in sanctification, for there must be striving and prayer for progress in holiness. Yet, says Paul, it is all achieved by the power of God. Here also are the three 'departments' of life to be specially guarded.