Receiving the Spirit

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 1 May 2019
Before Elisha's special enduement of the Spirit came three tests of loyalty, followed by a vital question. What will we ask of the Lord? What will a new preacher ask? Here is the meaning of the parting of Jordan, a chariot of fire, and the whirlwind ascension.

Spiritual Lessons from the Life of Elisha

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 21 December 2011
Related Resources Sermon Series: Spiritual Lessons – Elijah and Elisha Dr Peter Masters Sermons on 1 and 2 Kings. An obscure prophet explodes on to the scene. Here are wonderful lessons and spiritual illustrations for God’s people, from two of the most notable prophets in the Word of God. Series:…

Twin Pillars of Ministry

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 9 February 2022
Part of a series of Bible Studies on 2 Kings, entitled 'Lessons in Faith from the Life of Elisha'. Related Resources: An All-Round Ministry & Correcting the Ministry

How We May Negate Our Faith

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 23 February 2022
Part of a series of Bible Studies on 2 Kings, entitled 'Lessons in Faith from the Life of Elisha'. Related Resources: Faith, Doubts, Trials, Assurance & Answering Doubts About God And Faith

Miracles for God’s Servant

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 4 January 2012
Related Resources The Making of a Servant of God ‘My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.’ Christ’s Servants Never…

The Prayer of Faith

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 2 March 2022
Part of a series of Bible Studies on 2 Kings, entitled 'Lessons in Faith from the Life of Elisha'. Related Resources: David’s Prayer of Faith & Lessons in Prayer From Nehemiah

God Blesses Individuals

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 18 January 2012
Related Resources Anger is a Tender Virtue He who would be angry without sin must not be angry at anything except sin. Our Saviour was angry with Peter, and angry with the Pharisees for the hardness of their hearts. Moses was filled with holy anger at the people over the…

The Mighty Outcome of an Act of Witness

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 16 March 2022
Part of a series of Bible Studies on 2 Kings entitled 'Lessons in Faith from the Life of Elisha'. Related Resource: Inspiring Strong Personal Witness

Analysing Semi-Conversion

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 25 January 2012
Analysing semi-conversion - Elisha's servant despite his spiritual advantages fell, and the reasons show pseudo-conversion, its signs, causes and dangers. By contrast the miracle of the floating axe shows a student prophet with marks of grace and dependence on the Lord.

The Counterfeit Christian

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 23 March 2022
Part of a series of Bible Studies on 2 Kings entitled 'Lessons in Faith from the Life of Elisha'. Related Resource: The World’s Most Notorious Counterfeiter & Sincerity First and Foremost in the Christian Armour

The Eye of Faith

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 6 April 2022
Part of a series of Bible Studies on 2 Kings entitled 'Lessons in Faith from the Life of Elisha'. Related Resource: Answering Doubts About God And Faith

What Elisha’s Prophets Taught

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 1 February 2012
What Elisha's prophets taught - alongside the law, salvation and the psalms of spiritual life, they taught God's lessons from events, including the miracles of Elijah and Elisha. Here are examples of their sermons from miracles, including the siege of Samaria and its overthrow.

A First Sight of Spiritual Power

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 11 May 2014
A young man sees for the first time divine realities. The testimony of Elisha's servant speaks to young people today. Here are the unseen factors about every person's spiritual condition. Here also is God's solution and the experience of seeing and embracing it.

Hollow Gains Without God

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 17 July 2011
About 850 BC Samaria was under siege, and the people starving, when four men abandoned faith, fled, and found riches without God. But the narrative reveals the ephemeral benefits of a life without God, and the necessity of knowing Him.

Life’s Gains and Losses

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 23 January 2022
The vanishing benefits of life wholly invested in this material world are here set against the solid, lasting experience of knowing Christ and His lovingkindness and power. Here also is the unreasonableness of unbelief, and how God is to be sought and found. You May Be Also Interested in… Sermon: Christ…

Elisha Still Lives

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 8 February 2012
  Related Resources Sermon Series: Spiritual Lessons – Elijah and Elisha Dr Peter Masters Sermons on 1 and 2 Kings. An obscure prophet explodes on to the scene. Here are wonderful lessons and spiritual illustrations for God’s people, from two of the most notable prophets in the Word of God.…

A View of the Heart

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 13 April 2022
Lessons in faith including Elisha with Hazael, showing the mechanism which begins all wars, and the deathbed act of Elisha exposing a king's indolence, with spiritual applications. Related Resource: Rend Your Heart

The Life of King Hezekiah

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 14 March 2012
Related Resources Awakening under Hezekiah From a series entitled ‘Lessons in Faith’ from the life of Hezekiah. Related Resource: Lessons in Faith From Hezekiah Lessons in Faith From Hezekiah Part of a series of Bible Studies from 2 Kings entitled ‘Lessons in Faith’. Related Resource: Awakening under Hezekiah Hezekiah’s Defence…

Lessons in Faith From Hezekiah

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 20 April 2022
Part of a series of Bible Studies from 2 Kings entitled 'Lessons in Faith'. Related Resource: Awakening under Hezekiah