The Last Sermons of Moses

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 3 October 2012
Almost 3500 years ago Moses preached his last sermons to the church of old, and these are preserved for us today in Deuteronomy. Here are the doctrines, comforts, promises and exhortations of the inspired pastor-prophet more quoted by the Saviour than any other.

The Last Sermons of Moses (2)

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 10 October 2012
Moses reviews how a generation was set aside by God, and how the Israelites were forbidden to seize three nations, but to bypass them. Here is the stream of ongoing and vital principles that apply to the life of churches and individual believers to this day.

The Last Sermons of Moses (3)

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 17 October 2012

The Benefits and Potential of the Church

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 24 October 2012

Moses on How to Love the Lord

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 31 October 2012
Surely it is the chief concern of truly saved people to keep alive and increase the vital flame of love for God. Here are the deep counsels of Moses on the various essential expressions of love to God which should be our pursuit, with hindrances and helps.

Moses Teaches Humility

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 21 November 2012
Here is a magnificent 3,500-year-old sermon about humility, providing ten aspects of life in which humility is the central element. How, for example, may a CEO remain humble before the Lord? The prophet endowed with greater meekness than all, apart from Christ, provides the key.

A Year of Hopes

— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 1 January 2012
Canaan symbolises heaven, but chiefly it pictures the new life entered at conversion, given and 'watered' by God, to be increasingly 'possessed' by the believer. Here are God's commands and promises, with nine new developments that come with growing Christian experience every new year.

Leading a Distinctive Life

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 28 November 2012

The Kindest Laws in the World

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 12 December 2012

Walking in God’s Favour

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 19 December 2012

Glorious Promises of God to Believers

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 5 July 2023
A selection of the magnificent promises of God, noting their conditions, and resting on the fact that Christ by his righteousness and atonement secures their benefits for us. An inspiration to collect and embrace the texts of care, love and strength.

The New Testament Church Foretold

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 9 January 2013

How To Connect With Almighty God

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 24 September 2023
Here is a remarkable appeal by Moses to the people of his time about their souls being lifeless and non-operational. Are his famous signs of an inactive soul true of us? Here is how Moses unfolds the way to connect with God.

Connecting With God

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Sunday 13 April 2014
Here Moses speaks to people who, despite decades of teaching and remarkable miracles, were still in a spiritual stupor, having no desire to know God. How like them we are before conversion! Here are reasons why we need the Lord, and some of the persuasive pleadings of the Bible.

Testing Eternal Life

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 4 December 2011
A challenge about the soul from Moses, who sets out the issue of choosing life or death, urging us to see what we miss by rejecting God, and calling us to weigh the eternal advantages and results of walking with Him. 'Choose life!' he pleads.

A Battle of Desires

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 8 April 2018
A final appeal of Moses to men and women about their need of God, which describes the human struggle for independence from Him - and the cost. Moses sets out the things that God bestows now and eternally, and pleads to us all to consider.

Great Prophecies of Moses

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 16 January 2013