Sunday School Teachers

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‘I send thee, To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light.’ Acts 26.17,18

Sunday School teachers have the great privilege of being ambassadors for the Lord Jesus Christ, through teaching the Gospel to young souls.
At the Tabernacle there are over 150 Sunday School teachers, all members of the church, who are committed to imparting soul saving Biblical truths to the children and teenagers in their classes.
Each teacher receives Sunday School training and follows the Lesson for Life four year syllabus.
We believe that young children can be saved from the perils of this present atheistic and immoral world. Sunday School teachers, therefore, have a duty to teach children the five Biblical doctrines necessary for salvation, always expressed very plainly.
The ‘Five Pillars’ of Sunday School Teaching
Week by week, carefully-taught Sunday School children come to see that in order to be saved and find the Lord, moved by the Holy Spirit, they can and must:
1. Believe in God Who created us, and all things
2. See themselves as sinners in God’s sight
3. Repent sincerely of their sin
4. Put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ
5. Look to a ‘better Land’
These five points are known as the ‘Five Pillars’ of Sunday School teaching.
Sunday School teachers must diligently prepare their lessons, ensuring that the applicable pillars are included. Guidance notes are included in each Lessons for Life Sunday School lesson to help with this.