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Sunday 21 July  11am & 6.30pm: Dr Peter Masters

Sunday 14 July 2024 | 6:30pm

Four Chief Attitudes to God

'And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable: A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.'
Sunday 14 July 2024 | 11:00am

Perceiving the Presence of God

The apostle's remarkable summary text provides five objectives in the believer's life that secure a deep sense of God's embracing love and of His nearness. All five are essential, and here is how we pursue them, by grace.
Wednesday 10 July 2024 | 7:30pm

The Person and Attributes of Christ

'For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace.'
Sunday 30 June 2024 | 6:30pm

Heaven in the New Testament

The New Testament reasons with people to be saved from condemnation and receive eternal life, and here are several famous passages where heavenly glory, and how to be sure of it, is proclaimed. Here also is the urging of God's heart of love for lost souls.
Sunday 30 June 2024 | 11:00am

Eternal Life in the Old Testament

It is said that there is little understanding of eternal life in the Old Testament, but this is very mistaken. 46 Psalms of David speak of eternal glory, and here we survey ten to show that all the Bible is about everlasting salvation.

See all sermons by Dr Masters


The Unique Virtues of Sunday Schools
Dr Peter Masters

Like no other agency, Sunday Schools enable us to reach and draw a large part of the rising generation to the Saviour. Indeed, whether or not a congregation contains young people saved from the neighbourhood will usually depend on whether there has been an effective Sunday School.

A Spiritual Growth Check
Dr Peter Masters

Growth means dependence upon God, communion with Christ, daily engagement in holiness, prayer and proclamation. We cannot select one or two of these but must engage in all. 'But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen' (2 Peter 3.18)

Regeneration and Gospel Persuasion
Dr Peter Masters

It is the will of God that people will be consciously awakened and convicted to experience a sincere desire for God’s mercy and a change of thinking. They must see their need, and what Christ has done, and come (as the old confessions say) most freely and willingly to Jesus Christ.

A Musician’s Perspective on Contemporary Christian Music
Neil McGovern

The music used in contemporary Christianity is a testimony to the decline of reverent worship and intelligent praise in many so-called reformed churches. This article briefly looks at some of the reasons why certain music is inappropriate for the dignified worship of Almighty God. Is it neutral? Can it ever be neutral?

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Worship or Entertainment?

Dr Peter Masters

Where will your church be five or ten years from now? – asks the author. With the adoption of contemporary music worship many have already changed beyond recognition. Yet more will do so. Here are four essential principles which Jesus Christ laid down for worship, and by which every new idea must be judged.

Not Like Any Other Book

Dr Peter Masters

A new approach to interpretation has gripped many evangelical seminaries and Bible colleges, an approach based on the ideas of unbelieving critics, stripping the Bible of God's message and leaving pastors impoverished in their preaching.

One Among a Thousand – Interpreting in Christian settings

Andrew Owen

Although there are many interpreters in Christian settings, often working as volunteers, there is very little in print to help them. This is therefore a must-read volume. A ground-breaking book, thought-provoking and encouraging.

Stand for the Truth

Dr Peter Masters

This booklet gives the biblical arguments for separation from false teaching, and shows the positive value of this. Ten commonly-heard arguments in defence of 'inclusivism' (co-operating in Bible-denying denominations, or with false teachers in evangelism, etc) are answered.

Metropolitan Tabernacle Bookshop

The Tabernacle Bookshop is a Christian Bookshop based in London, stocking a variety of sound Christian books from famous authors such as Thomas Watson, John Owen, C.H. Spurgeon, Jay Adams and many others – including Peter Masters, pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle since 1970.

The Tabernacle Bookshop is one of the UK’s oldest reformed Christian bookshops and the largest distributor of Christian Sunday School lessons.

See the bookshop website for opening hours and more information.

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