Sunday School Visual Aids
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The Sunday School Lessons for Life Visual Aids have been designed to commend the great Bible events and characters to Sunday School children with bright and friendly illustrations.

To accompany each Sunday School lesson are two or three 42cm x 30cm (A3) superb gloss card sheets of pictures, cut-out words, and in some cases ingenious clip-together displays, to captivate the curiosity and interest of the Sunday School children.

The cost of a year’s visual aids is well below the cost of most other Sunday School systems, yet of greatly superior quality.
Sunday School teachers who value the consistent evangelistic emphasis of Lessons for Life have already expressed great enthusiasm for the visual-aid scheme, and we hope that it will enrich many Sunday Schools, and also encourage the reinvigoration and enlargement of schools.

The cost of a year’s visual aids is well below the cost of most other Sunday School systems, yet of greatly superior quality.
Sunday School teachers who value the consistent evangelistic emphasis of Lessons for Life have already expressed great enthusiasm for the visual-aid scheme, and we hope that it will enrich many Sunday Schools, and also encourage the reinvigoration and enlargement of schools.

Buy visual aids from Tabernacle Bookshop
Bible Learning Course take-home worksheets
Bible learning take-home leaflets are available to accompany each week’s Sunday School lesson. The course notes provide an outline picture for colouring by children, questions, hymn verse, and daily Bible readings. One set of Bible learning course notes can be purchased for each book and photocopied locally as required, enabling your Sunday School to grow without great cost.

Sets of 46 leaflets to accompany each volume of Lessons for Life cost only £2.30 each, plus postage.
Registered users of Lessons for Life may photocopy their own quantities for Sunday School use.
Supplementary take-home leaflets for special occasions (such as Christmas, Easter and Prize-Giving) are also available.