Junior Church

Junior Church Materials
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Junior Church is for the children of adults attending the Sunday morning service, and uses a different syllabus from the main afternoon outreach Sunday School.

Originally developed for the children of the Metropolitan Tabernacle’s Sunday morning congregation, the Lessons for Life Junior Church materials have provided children with a sound foundation for life and respect and love for the Lord and His Word.
These Junior Church resources, covering a seven year programme, have now been made more widely available, but remain a resource to complement the more important Lessons for Life Sunday School curriculum.
Key features of Junior Church resources

Junior Church topics have a strong doctrinal emphasis, giving children a familiarity with the Scriptures which gave rise to the great Confessions of Faith, helping them to apply these to their lives and conduct.
Designed to support, and not replace, the Lessons for Life Sunday School curriculum, which aims to bring the claims of the Gospel to all children by means of a 4-year course from Genesis to Romans.

The children’s weekly worksheets are attractive and varied, offering questions to answer, areas to colour and draw, Bible verses to look up, and opportunities to consider the relevance of the subject themselves.
Teachers can mark the completed worksheets and return the completed topic to the children.
Each weekly Junior Church lesson is self-contained with notes for the teacher. The children’s worksheets can be photocopied for local use.
Term topics are divided into four age groups, designed especially for 3 to 12 year olds.