The Believer’s Vow

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 21 July 2024
New believers when truly enlightened and saved are moved to make a pledge or vow to God, which will be renewed and deepened throughout this pilgrimage. Here are the important features of such vows, their scope, and their benefits and blessings.

Perceiving the Presence of God

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 14 July 2024
The apostle's remarkable summary text provides five objectives in the believer's life that secure a deep sense of God's embracing love and of His nearness. All five are essential, and here is how we pursue them, by grace.

The Lord Our Shepherd

Pastor Roland Burrows | 11:00am | Sunday 7 July 2024
'The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.'

Eternal Life in the Old Testament

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 30 June 2024
It is said that there is little understanding of eternal life in the Old Testament, but this is very mistaken. 46 Psalms of David speak of eternal glory, and here we survey ten to show that all the Bible is about everlasting salvation.

Abraham and Lot – Two Different Attitudes to Life

Pastor Christopher Buss | 11:00am | Sunday 23 June 2024
'And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren.'

God’s Glory in View

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 16 June 2024
The climax of 1 Peter is the prayer that we, having suffered in some measure on earth, will be fully repaired, fixed firmly on the road, providing a sure basis for those who follow us. Here also we explore the definition of God's glory.

Attacks of the Devil

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 9 June 2024
The apostle Peter asserts the necessity of restraint and abstention concerning self-indulgence, coupled with watchfulness for temptations. Then he warns of Satan's constant activity, and gives the roaring, devouring lion analogy, showing the believer's response, and God's sovereign purpose.

A Stronghold in the Day of Trouble

Pastor Christopher Buss | 11:00am | Sunday 2 June 2024
'The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.'

He Careth For You

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 26 May 2024
In a decisive prayer, burdens are to be passed entirely to the Lord. Here we consider what is and what is not to be passed, and the harm and sin of keeping anxiety. Here is how the help comes, and the tremendous promise of God's care.

The Clothing of Humility

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 19 May 2024
Beginning with humility in preachers and church officers, Peter calls all to place themselves under them. Exactly what is intended? He then speaks of being 'clothed' in humility. We explore the helps and hindrances to advancing in this essential grace for all believers.