Attacks On The Soul

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 28 January 2024
With words only meaningful to believers, the apostle warns of the desires of the 'lower', fallen nature residual in them. Here are the core fleshly lusts and how they may be launched at believers, the need of vigilance and the remedies for their defeat.

Immeasurable Advantages

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 21 January 2024
In five verses, Peter lists six magnificent blessings given to believers to mark them out, and to adorn them as God's special treasure. Awareness of these is uniquely uplifting and strengthening through all the rigours of life. Here is the happiness and security of our walk.

The Ongoing Faith of a Believer

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 14 January 2024
The inspired apostle shows the way believers should approach God, and how they should think in corporate and individual prayer, to secure a true sense of Him. Our approach should include a full commitment to our role as a 'holy priesthood'.

I Commend You To God

Pastor Roland Burrows | 11:00am | Sunday 7 January 2024
'And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.'

The Stages of Sanctification

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 31 December 2023
The apostle's call for brotherly love depends on sanctification - being made holy. Beginning with the new birth (with treatment of the doctrine of perseverance), this involves our putting off the soiled clothes of named sinful traits, as challenged and moved by the Word of God.

Brotherly Love

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 24 December 2023
Beginning with the work of the Spirit at conversion, the apostle shows the plan of the resurrection in saving faith, then describes purifying of the soul and obedience to the truth, as he builds up to the great exhortation to brotherly love, here explained.

Greatest Motives for Holiness

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 17 December 2023
The first motive is the goal and purpose of our calling- obedience to God and His Word in all aspects of life and behaviour. The second is the purity of God. The third is the eminence of the Redeemer who shed His blood for us.

Joy Should Never Fail

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 10 December 2023
Inexpressible joy is the privileged possession of every believer, a joy distinct from the short-lived pleasure of, say, amazement or humour, or of unexpected kindness, or a gift. Spiritual joy endures alongside trial and grief, but it must be held tightly. Here is how.

The Life of Anticipation

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 3 December 2023
We are, with Peter, born again into an ever-active anticipation (expectation) of a heavenly inheritance. Our duty is to reflect on this, resulting in security and loyalty to Christ. Here also is the testing and refining of faith.

Actively Anticipating Christ the Lord

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 26 November 2023
Introducing 1 Peter with the opening themes, including - why we should love and worship the whole Godhead, the significance of the 'sprinkling' of the blood of Jesus Christ, and the fruit of constantly keeping active and alive our anticipation of eternal glory.