Greatest Motives for Holiness

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 17 December 2023
The first motive is the goal and purpose of our calling- obedience to God and His Word in all aspects of life and behaviour. The second is the purity of God. The third is the eminence of the Redeemer who shed His blood for us.

Joy Should Never Fail

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 10 December 2023
Inexpressible joy is the privileged possession of every believer, a joy distinct from the short-lived pleasure of, say, amazement or humour, or of unexpected kindness, or a gift. Spiritual joy endures alongside trial and grief, but it must be held tightly. Here is how.

The Life of Anticipation

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 3 December 2023
We are, with Peter, born again into an ever-active anticipation (expectation) of a heavenly inheritance. Our duty is to reflect on this, resulting in security and loyalty to Christ. Here also is the testing and refining of faith.

Actively Anticipating Christ the Lord

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 26 November 2023
Introducing 1 Peter with the opening themes, including - why we should love and worship the whole Godhead, the significance of the 'sprinkling' of the blood of Jesus Christ, and the fruit of constantly keeping active and alive our anticipation of eternal glory.

The Necessity of Spiritual Power

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 19 November 2023
After the Great Commission (Mark and Matthew) and the personal, pastoral Great Commission (of John) we turn to the commission in Luke and Acts, noting the accelerated education of the apostles, new reliance on the Holy Spirit and primary work of evangelism.

The First and Greatest Duty of Believers

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 12 November 2023
From study of the great commission we turn to Christ's personal word to Peter and other disciples. Here is the searching question to all who are saved, and its implications for bearing fruit. Our answer determines the kind of service we will render to Him.

Christ Commissions His Own

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 5 November 2023
To Mark's Gospel we add the promise of the great commission in Matthew, viewing the scope of the Lord's words to all who uphold His name and message to this hostile world. Here is the essence of the nearness and power of the risen Lord.

The Saving Grace of Repentance

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 29 October 2023
The risen Lord's command and commission to the disciples (and their successors) refers to their hearers who 'believe'. Here we show that belief in Christ means dependence upon Him as a Saviour from sin; faith and repentance being inseparable graces. We define true repentance.

The Unbelief of Believers

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 22 October 2023
None of the Lord's disciples and immediate followers, men or women, expected the resurrection. All lost sight of His teaching of His rising again the third day. Only the hostile chief priests remembered it. Here is why, and what we should learn from it.

While Christ Lay Dead

Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 15 October 2023
What provision was made for the Lord at death? Where did His soul go? Are there two departments of Sheol? Did the Lord literally descend into hell? First, we see how Calvary galvanised Joseph of Arimathea, then provide answers (with application) to these questions.

청년들의 교제 및 저녁식사

6시 30분 복음전도예배를 드리는 학생들을 대상으로 하며, 매 주일 5시에 모입니다.


담임 목사의 설교는 매 주일 SKY channel 581번, Freesat channel 692번에서 방송됩니다.


수백명의 어린이들과 십대 청소년들이 매주 주일 오후 3시부터 4시까지 (타버나클 포함) 다섯 지역에서 주일학교가 진행됩니다.
새로 오는 어린이들을 환영합니다.

위대한 믿음의 찬송가 & 시편찬송- CD

메트로폴리탄 타버나클 회중의 진심어린 찬송을 담은 CD입니다.

온라인 신학교

런던개혁침례신학교 (London Reformed Baptist Seminary) 영국과 전세계 각지의 목회자, 그리고 등록을 원하는 예비 목회자들은 청강생이나 전 학기 수강생으로 등록할 수 있습니다.


En recherche de Dieu

Transmisie în direct

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Escola Bíblica Dominical Evangelística

Ecole du dimanche

Des centaines d’enfants et de jeunes se rassemblent chaque semaine pour l’école du dimanche de 15h à 16h. Tous les enfants sont les bienvenus.


마스터스 박사의 책과 소책자는 25개 언어로 번역되어 있으며, 타버나클 서점에서 구매할 수 있습니다. (온라인 주문 가능.)