Studies in the Book of Revelation in a present-day context
Day of Special Studies
Saturday 26 April 2025
11.30 – 15.30
Fraternal for Pastors, Christian Workers and Seminarians
Monday 28 April
11.30 – 15.30
Saturday sessions will be open to all. No charge for registration. Monday Fraternal is for Pastors, seminarians and Christian workers who are welcome to attend both days, or Fraternal only.
Register below
To a greater extent than ever before, believers are seeking to make sense of world events in the light of Bible teaching on end-times. Is there significance in accelerating catastrophes, whether pandemics, forest fires, earthquakes, tsunamis or floods? Are we seeing final warnings of judgement in wars fought with weapons of increasingly destructive power? And, most ominous of all, is an end-time siren to be heard in the mounting persecution of Christians (in physical, intellectual and legal forms) along with the growing determination of governments to overthrow and trample down biblical moral standards so long enshrined in law?

Pastor Max S Doner (USA), author of
a new Revelation commentary,
has pioneered and pastored two
reformed Baptist churches over
34 years in Sacramento, California
and in Lebanon, Oregon
The book of Revelation is the Lord’s explanation of the conflict against the true church that will rage throughout the last age, and especially as time draws to its close. For the Day of Special Studies we look forward to the ministry of Pastor Max S Doner, author of Revelation, A Manual of Spiritual Warfare (in two substantial volumes), derived from expository sermons. Max Doner’s expositions are noted for exceptional clarity, an abundance of pastoral and devotional application, and full Scripture quotations in tracing the Old Testament provenances of the symbols presented throughout Revelation.
Pastor Doner writes: ‘It is critical for the church to understand that the book of Revelation is a manual of spiritual warfare. It is designed by God to equip us to understand the nature of the spiritual battle we face against Satan and his helpers, and to enable us to be overcomers in that conflict.’ It may truly be said that for pastors (indeed, all message-preparers) and also for personal study and devotional reading there is no amillennial idealist perspective Revelation commentary in print as rich and rewarding as Doner’s.
His addresses at our Day of Special Studies promise to be a time of great spiritual stimulation and of increased zeal for the Lord in these climactic times.
Saturday Addresses
Day of Special Studies
(1) The Manual for Spiritual Warfare in this Age
How to view Revelation – laying out the groundwork and providing a survey of the purposes and symbols through the book.
(2) The Conduct of Spiritual Warfare in this Age
The central figures of the beast out of the sea, and the beast out of the dry land, so pivotal to the understanding of all Gospel-age attacks on the true church of God, together with the manner of response.
(3) The Conclusion of Spiritual Warfare in this Age
The immeasurable encouragements of the final events seen in the triumph of Christ the Lord and the rewarding, by grace, of his people.
Preachers, church officers and all concerned believers are warmly welcome to attend these sessions. This subject is highly significant for all, and especially students and young Christians preparing for lifetimes of commitment to Christ.
Monday Addresses
Fraternal for Pastors, Christian Workers and Seminarians
(1) How Revelation encourages pastors in the work of ministry. Pastors experience relentless spiritual warfare as they shepherd the people of God. Revelation is rich with resources to strengthen pastors in the battles they face.
(2) & (3) How Revelation equips pastors for the work of ministry, providing abundant insights for encouraging and equipping believers to be overcomers in the battles they face.
Pastors, Christian workers and seminarians are very welcome to attend both days, the subjects covered at the Fraternal being distinctively suitable for them.

The Day of Special Studies is free to attend but please register below. Lunch will be provided at a nominal charge. All Saturday lectures will be simultaneously interpreted into BSL and Spanish.
Over 20 bus routes stop outside the Tabernacle
Elephant & Castle station is located behind the Northern Line entrance
Elephant & Castle Northern and Bakerloo line exits are located very close to the Tabernacle
Parking is available on local streets around the Tabernacle (within the Congestion and ULEZ zones).
To register for the Monday Fraternal, please contact the Tabernacle via email