Day of Special Studies 2022

New Trends in Evangelicalism – and their dangerous consequences for believers
In recent decades a tremendous blow has been struck at the doctrine of cessationism – the ending of the sign-gifts – by the widespread adoption of Professor Wayne Grudem’s notion about the ‘fallible’ nature of New Testament prophecy. This, for many, has sanctioned charismatic prophecy and other ‘gifts’.
But Prof Grudem’s ideas are deeply flawed, along with their underlying textual foundation. Michael Beasley has powerfully demonstrated their mistake-ridden basis, and presented his findings in three addresses.
Flawed Foundations of ‘Continuationism’
Pastor Michael Beasley

The author of The Fallible Prophets of New Calvinism expertly exposes in three messages the flawed interpretation behind charismatic gifts continuing today (e.g. Grudem).
Abandoning the Old Paths in Theology
Dr Peter Masters

Two messages reviewing the bestselling Systematic Theology of Prof Wayne Grudem showing how major teachings and practices among evangelical are being rejected in favour of the unbiblical notions of ‘new evangelicalism’, contemporary worship, tongues and gifts.
Saturday Lecture Recordings
Flawed Foundations of ‘Continuationism’ I
Pastor Michael Beasley
Flawed Foundations of ‘Continuationism’ II
Pastor Michael Beasley
Abandoning the Old Paths in Theology I
Dr Peter Masters
Fraternal Lecture Recordings
The Fallible Prophets of New Calvinism
Pastor Michael Beasley
Abandoning the Old Paths in Theology II
Dr Peter Masters