The 1979 School of Theology – Exegetical & Homiletical Approaches to Biblical Books – was the fourth such conference at the Tabernacle, and we welcomed as keynote speaker the renowned New Testament commentator Dr William Hendriksen.

At the time he was aged 79 and just completing his exceptional commentary on Romans. Remarkably, Dr Hendriksen spoke from memory, entirely without notes. For Bible quotations he translated the original Greek into English while speaking, as he knew the entire Greek text of the New Testament by heart.

These magnificent surveys will greatly reward all who love the infallible Word of God.

A Look at Romans

Dr William Hendriksen

Treasures from the past – one of four rare recordings from the renowned Bible commentator (1900-1982). A stirring, heart-warming devotional survey from one who excelled in combining quality of scholarship with simplicity of expression. A great example of the art of taking sublime truths and helping people feel them in their hearts. This summary of Romans is a masterclass in conveying the spiritual and devotional themes of the epistle in a deeply feelingful way.

Trust and Triumph in Philippians

Dr William Hendriksen

Treasures from the past – the second of four rare recordings from the renowned Bible commentator (1900-1982). A stirring, heart-warming devotional survey from one who excelled in combining quality of scholarship with simplicity of expression. A great example of the art of taking sublime truths and helping people feel them in their hearts.

Four Special Features of the Gospel of Luke

Dr William Hendriksen

Treasures from the past – the third of four rare recordings from the renowned Bible commentator (1900-1982). A stirring, heart-warming devotional survey from one who excelled in combining quality of scholarship with simplicity of expression. A great example of the art of taking sublime truths and helping people feel them in their hearts.

Revelation and its Climax

Dr William Hendriksen

Treasures from the past – this remarkable survey of Revelation in one address is a rare recordings from the renowned Bible commentator (1900-1982). A stirring, heart-warming devotional survey from one who excelled in combining quality of scholarship with simplicity of expression. A great example of the art of taking sublime truths and helping people feel them in their hearts.

Dr Hendriksen speaking at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, 1979


The Gospel Call


The Fully-Functioning Church of Christ


The Fallible Prophets of New Calvinism


The War Against the Authentic Biblical Text


The True Dynamism of the Local Church


The Depth and Scope of God’s Truth


Our Glorious Reformation Legacy


Calvary and Covenant


Pathway to Power


Rightly Dividing the Word


Four Rare Lectures