High points of church history show that when sound doctrine joins with dedicated living, blessing and instrumentality follow. This year’s School presented deeper glorious elements of the work of Christ on Calvary and the covenant of grace that move God’s people to a greater sense of indebtedness and gratitude, leading to consecration and service.

The power and blessing that flows from Calvary both saves the soul and sustains the believer through life and eternity. Exploration of the riches of Christ’s finished work is surely one of the essential pursuits of all who shepherd and help souls, and indeed of all who love the Lord.

Similarly the purpose and the applied benefits of God working by covenant are a great buttress to faith and service in perilous times, as well as being a cornerstone of biblical interpretation.

We were very glad to have Professor Tom Nettles (USA) return this year to lead major aspects of these twin themes.

An Inspirational Overview of Zechariah

Pastor Christopher Buss

Often called the apocalypse of the Old Testament, Zechariah’s prophecy is full of Christ, the church age, and end-times visions intended for the uplifting of the faithful.

The Blood of the Everlasting Covenant as the Foundation of Christian Service

Dr Tom Nettles

Calvary and covenant unite to move hearts of God’s people to love and dedicated service, an outcome vastly more valuable than theoretical consent.

Calvary as an Impetus to Personal Humility – now and for ever

Dr Tom Nettles

It is said that the hardest operation in the soul is the melting of pride and the building of true humility, yet it is the essence of sanctification, and Calvary the means.

Spurgeon’s Application of Calvary – as a source of Christian comfort

Dr Tom Nettles

C H Spurgeon followed the Puritans in embracing a doctrinal approach to giving strength and consolation in trials. Dr Nettles will show how Spurgeon administered biblical counsel in the pulpit ministry.

The Covenant of Grace

Dr Peter Masters

The Covenant of Grace: Why, Who, and When? There was a time, and it ran for two centuries, when Baptists held a distinctive doctrine of God’s covenants quite different from the Presbyterian view, and eminently more scriptural. Then dispensational ideas made it a minority view. But a revival is taking place. Two addresses will present the traditional ‘1689’ covenant, its difference from Sinai, and its devotional rewards.

The Covenant of Grace (2)

Dr Peter Masters

Parallel Old Testament Covenants: This address will show how ‘amazing grace’ was administered in the Old Testament.

Appreciating all of Calvary

Dr Peter Masters

Rarer aspects of the mighty accomplishments of Christ. We bow our heads and wonder at the sublime scope of Calvary, where a countless host was redeemed, where also the material creation was delivered, and where the decisive conflict took place between Satan’s hosts and the Son of God. A call to full appreciation.

The Immense Power of Calvary

Pastor Ibrahim Ag Mohamed

The work of Christ is sometimes expressed only as a formula for salvation, whereas it is to be honoured for its extent, including power to atone, cleanse, purchase, secure and present faultless for eternity.

Common Threads in Times of Decline

Pastor Roland Burrows

The steep ravine of spiritual decline toward the end of the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries are vaguely attributed to the Enlightenment and Darwinism respectively, but closer inspection shows alarming trends in the churches that parallel our present decline in church life. Pastor Burrows will reveal the repeated wiles of the devil, of which spiritual shepherds must be aware.

1 Corinthians – 21st Century Epistle

Pastor Chris Hand

Directions to precious believers in the most morally corrupt environment of the first century have special resonance for today. These two studies will explore the prime themes for message preparers, showing the doctrines and applications of the supreme ‘ethical epistle’.

The Depths of Calvary

Rev. John Thackway

Hollywood depicts merely the external, physical pains of Christ, but we must proclaim the true nature and the extent of atonement. This address will consider the depths of the price paid, and for whom.

The Sacredness of Calvary

Rev. John Thackway

Though carried out in time, atonement is exclusively an act by God and to God. This study presents the implications that enrich our reflection, devotion and worship.

The Social Mandate – The Imposter in Evangelicalism

Dr E.S. Williams

Since the 1960s, the liberal social mandate has steadily taken over major platforms of the evangelical world, equalling and even surpassing in importance the place of the great commission. Although once resisted, it is now invading independency. Dr Ted Williams will trace its recent resurgence, its unbiblical reasoning and its extreme goals (not to be confused with traditional compassionate ministry).

The Doctrine of the Working Church

Pastor Ibrahim Ag Mohamed

Do we but barely fulfil the work of the Gospel in our church? Pastor Ibrahim will outline the exhortations and the outworking of the calling of believers to work together for Christ.

The Free Offer of the Gospel for Calvinists


In this session, Dr Tom Nettles, Rev John Thackway and Pastor Chris Hand will each briefly show how the universal tender of salvation is rightly expressed in harmony with the doctrines of grace.

1 Corinthians – 21st Century Epistle (2)

Pastor Chris Hand

The second of two addresses on 1 Corinthians.

Common Threads in Times of Decline (2)

Pastor Roland Burrows

The second of two addresses on church history.


The Gospel Call


The Fully-Functioning Church of Christ


The Fallible Prophets of New Calvinism


The War Against the Authentic Biblical Text


The True Dynamism of the Local Church


The Depth and Scope of God’s Truth


Our Glorious Reformation Legacy


Calvary and Covenant


Pathway to Power


Rightly Dividing the Word


Four Rare Lectures