Many Christians, from the youngest to the oldest, regard a regular Gospel sermon to be a high point of worship for three reasons. There, the glorious redeeming work of Christ is specifically presented. It is also the opportunity to bring and to pray for enquiring friends and neighbours as they hear the message of salvation. And thirdly, it is almost a ‘school for witness’, acquainting believers with all the different ways and illustrations the Bible employs to persuade people to seek the Saviour.
Many preachers, however, find it hard to preach distinctive Gospel sermons every week. Surely the most crucial activity to be encouraged in evangelical ministry today is the persuasive preaching of the Gospel. At a time when doctrine and exposition receive much attention in conservative, reformed circles, the necessity and the special approaches in evangelistic proclamation need to be emphasised.
What are the difficulties and hindrances, and how should they be overcome? This Day of Special Studies considered the objectives and glories of this sacred truth – the calling of souls to Christ.
The Speciality of Evangelistic Preaching

Dr Peter Masters
Pastor, Metropolitan Tabernacle
In two lectures Dr Masters demonstrated the urgent necessity of regular, persuasive Gospel preaching, together with the clear New Testament precedents and examples, the difficulties involved, and right and wrong concepts of evangelistic preaching.
How Past Worthies Offered the Gospel

Pastor Roland Burrows
Former Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church, Old Hill, West Midlands
Pastor Burrows demonstrated how past Calvinistic worthies engaged in Gospel remonstration, their terms of the Gospel offer and their evangelistic themes.