
Does the Bible teach definitively that the charismatic gifts have ceased? Can cessationism (the view that they have ended) be proved? Some say that the cessationism cannot be conclusively proved from Scripture.

The title of this article is obviously not meant in a charismatic sense. We offer no advice on how to cast out demons, rather on how to help true believers who have been heavily influenced by charismatic ideas, and who have come to see them as wrong.


Impact of The Word

Acts 5.17

Explaining first the sign miracles and their special purposes for the apostolic age. Secondly, the primacy of preaching for the conversion of the lost. Thirdly, the differences between the disciples and the chief priests and rulers, and their significance for us today.

The Purpose of Pentecost

Acts 2.1

How could the apostles survive the inevitable hostility of Jews and Gentiles after the Lord’s ascension? The miracle of Pentecost was powerfully reassuring, but it also conveyed to them vital principles for the church age. These are here reviewed, along with the power given.


The Charismatic Illusion

Peter Masters & John C. Whitcomb

Expanded revision of the Charismatic Phenomenon (1982) with answers to questions.

Now with more answers to questions asked by people investigating the arguments, this veteran book contends for the biblical position on the gifts that prevailed for nearly 2,000 years before the charismatic movement came along.

Here is the dynamic teaching of the Spirit that sustained true churches and believers through dark and bright years of history, through the Reformation, through the Puritan era, through the time of great Confessions of Faith, through repeated awakenings and revivals, and through the worldwide growth of the modern missionary movement.

Here is the case for authentic biblical spiritual life.

The Healing Epidemic

Peter Masters

Dr Masters here answers the arguments used by healers in support of their methods. He explains Bible teaching on what demons can and cannot do, and how James 5 should be implemented in churches today.

He also proves that the conscious mind should always be switched on for spiritual activities. Included is a brilliant assessment of miraculous healing by a leading British medical professor.

This volume is a masterful analysis and criticism of the most recent manifestations of charismatic phenomena…The exposition of James 5.13-14 is excellent, and his analysis of the place of the mind in the Christian’s experience is remarkable. The concluding chapter by a medical doctor is also insightful…This is one of the best books on this subject today. It should be widely read by concerned Christian people of all theological persuasions.

– Bibliotheca Sacra

The Real Baptism
of the Holy Spirit

Peter Masters

Is there a second blessing or baptism of the Spirit after conversion? Is the believer meant to struggle against sin, or does the Spirit sanctify by grace? What is the witness of the Spirit? And what is meant by the filling of the Spirit? Here are answers to all such questions with ‘proof texts’.

Ideal for all, especially new believers and study groups.