All children and young people are welcome to watch our archive online Sunday School lessons. We pray they will be a blessing to you.

BSL Lessons

View the videos of lessons from the list below

God’s Plan for Finding Isaac’s Wife

Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 24; Ephesians 3.17-20)

Esau Sells His Share in God’s Plan

Esau Despises His Birthright (Genesis 25.19-34; 26.34-35; 27.1-41; Hebrews 12.16-17)

God’s Plan of Grace

Jacob Is Shown a Ladder up to Heaven (Genesis 27.41-28.5; 28.10-22; Hosea 12.4-6)

Jacob Becomes Israel

The Reunion with Esau (Genesis 32-33)

Joseph is Shown God’s Plans in His Dreams

Joseph’s Brothers Sell Him (Genesis 37.1-35)

The Plan Unfolds – Strangely at First

Joseph’s ‘Ups and Downs’ in Egypt (Genesis 39-40; Isaiah 55.8-9)

The Dreams Come True

Prime Minister of Egypt (Genesis 41 & 42)


The First Plan Completed

The Family Moves to Egypt (Genesis 43-46.27)


Behold, I stand at the door..

Motto text for 2021 (Revelation 3.20)

God With Us

The Birth of Christ (Matthew 1-2.15; 4.12-16)

The Risen Saviour

Christ appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20.11-18)


Daniel in Babylon (Daniel 1)

Unselfish Concern

Nehemiah’s Concern to see Jerusalem Restored (Nehemiah 1-3)

The Fickle Crowds

Many Repent on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2)

The Followers of Jesus

Assured and Empowered (Acts 3-4.23; 5.12-32)

The Religious Leaders

Continuing Hostility for the Early Church (Acts 5.17-8.4)

A Searcher from Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Chancellor (Acts 8.26-39)

A Gentile Seeker

Cornelius – The Roman Centurion (Acts 10)

Lessons for Life

The full series of books contains 100s of lessons explaining scripture to children of all ages in memorable ways.

Children’s hymnbook

The Christian Church has a superb tradition of God-glorifying hymns and choruses suitable for children’s worship.

Weeknight meetings

For children who regularly attend Sunday School or Bible Class there are popular mid-week meetings.

Visual aids

Top-quality professional artwork serves to make these visuals compelling to a generation of children accustomed to sophisticated graphics.

Sunday School Teachers

Teachers are ambassadors for the Lord Jesus Christ, through teaching the Gospel to young souls.

Junior Church

Junior Church topics have a strong doctrinal emphasis, giving children a familiarity with the Scriptures.