All children and young people are welcome to watch our archive online Sunday School lessons. We pray they will be a blessing to you.

Lessons for Pre-school children, aged 3-5 years old

View the videos of lessons from the series listed below

God’s Great Plans

Lessons for Life 1, series 5
Genesis, Part II; eleven lessons
Lessons from Abraham to Joseph

Character Studies from Daniel

Lessons for Life 4, series 19
Daniel; four lessons
Studies on Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar

Miracles Demonstrating Jesus’ Power

Lessons for Life 1, series 1
Mark’s Gospel, Part I; four lessons
Lessons on Jesus’ power over illness, death, nature and need

Gains and Losses in Following Jesus

Lessons for Life 3, series 12
Mark’s Gospel, Part III; six lessons
Lessons on the costs and eternal benefits for followers of Christ

Early Reactions to the Apostles’ Message

Lessons for Life 3, series 14
Acts, Part III; six lessons
The effect of the Gospel on the fickle crowds, religious leaders and Gentile seekers

Lessons for Life

The full series of books contains 100s of lessons explaining scripture to children of all ages in memorable ways.

Children’s hymnbook

The Christian Church has a superb tradition of God-glorifying hymns and choruses suitable for children’s worship.

Weeknight meetings

For children who regularly attend Sunday School or Bible Class there are popular mid-week meetings.

Visual aids

Top-quality professional artwork serves to make these visuals compelling to a generation of children accustomed to sophisticated graphics.

Sunday School Teachers

Teachers are ambassadors for the Lord Jesus Christ, through teaching the Gospel to young souls.

Junior Church

Junior Church topics have a strong doctrinal emphasis, giving children a familiarity with the Scriptures.