The Pre-eminence of Christ the Lord

— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 25 December 2022
First - why born of a virgin? Secondly: 'God with us' - the Saviour's incomparable attributes. Thirdly: why a poor family and lowly birth? Fourthly: why shepherds and what did they symbolise? Treasures of the nativity increase admiration of Christ.

His Name is Jesus

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 16 December 2012
Matthew 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. v21 And she…

Christ’s Supreme Greatness

— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Thursday 25 December 2014

The Search of the Magi

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 25 December 2022
The wise men were noble scholars, priests, and philosophers from the distant East. This search for the incarnate Christ constituted a message from God about the status and future work of Mary's child. Here is their search — and how it may be ours also, leading to God.

The Homage of the Wise Men

— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Tuesday 25 December 2012
'Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to…

None Greater Than John

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 9 October 2013
A single study on the life and teaching of John the Baptist, showing the lessons in his perfect discharge of the commission God gave him, and including his handling of doubt. Here is the last of the prophets, who was himself the subject of prophecy.

Everyone Needs a Purpose

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 15 July 2012
All have the urge to choose their own 'gods', things to bring fulfillment or pleasure. These get our homage, but our 'gods' are lifeless and far too small to satisfy the soul. Here are the eternally superior qualities of the true God and Saviour.

The Nature of Good Works

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 9 May 2018
This is a tour of a 'family' of texts in the New Testament that together define the good works that should characterise those saved by grace. Here are the categories of witness, kindness or compassion, and holiness, with their scriptural helps and encouragements.

Christ Defines Spiritual Life

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 3 April 2022
In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ makes many mind-opening 'shock' statements, asserting the very opposite of what people expect. His opening theme is how we become Christians. Here is the frame of heart that brings us to forgiveness and spiritual life. You May Be Also Interested in… Book: The…

How The Lord Shaped His Disciples

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 30 March 2016
The 'syllabus' for the disciples' training began in the Sermon on the Mount. Overwhelmed and probably inflated by miracles and vast crowds, they must first learn of a disciple's humble, compassionate deportment, and secondly of the moral standards and character to be strictly maintained.

God’s Justice

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 15 February 2015
Christ taught that the Commandments would never change and would be the standards for the Day of Judgement. This summary shows their unique positive benefits in life. Also, how Christ by His atoning death, purchased pardon and life for all who believe.

Christ’s Teaching on the Commandments

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 29 August 2012
Five ways by which the Lord fulfils and completes the moral law, leaving it as the "royal law" and standard of holiness for believers. Here, also are the texts which prove that the 4th commandment (the sabbath principle) is repeatedly affirmed in the New Testament.

Christ Defines Spiritual Life

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 21 February 2016
Every statement in Christ's sermon on the mount is a calculated surprise, even a shock, as He shows how we need to have God's forgiveness and new life. Here is His call to be aware of our need, and to seek Him.

The Disciples Taught to Pray

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 13 April 2016
When Christ taught the twelve to pray He did not, as we might, give a list of necessary attitudes, but an agenda or pattern that itself creates the right attitudes. Here are the headings with suggested sub-contents of the Lord's Prayer. This is real help.

The Narrow And The Wide Gates

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 12 May 2024
Christ sets out life's options. Here is the meaning of the wide gate, through which one is carried by the crowd into purposelessness and spiritual disaster. In contrast - the narrow gate; and why it gets this description, when in fact it is the gate of enduring happiness.

All World Views Need Your Faith

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 9 November 2014
Just as Christ warned the multitudes to beware of false teachers, we must make known the fallacies of non-Christian world-views which increasingly shape lives today. Are they a fit foundation for life and eternity? Here is the way of Christ and the Bible.

True and False Faith – The Difference

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 4 February 2018
Christ the Saviour was pleading with people to see their need of true conversion when He spoke of many who assumed they were bound for heaven, who would in fact be shut out. Here is why, and what we must do to enter eternal life.

Don’t Miss the Point of Life

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 17 November 2013
Christ's great parable of two houses speaks to all of us who shape our lives and future entirely on this material world, forgetting our spiritual purpose. Here is the outcome, as years pass, and here is the amazing experience, by contrast, of finding the Lord.

The Depth of Life

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 18 October 2020
Christ's parable of two houses portrays us all as builders of a house of life. One house had no foundation, being all appearance, and lack of foresight led to tragedy. Here is the foundation of conversion to God that builds for now and eternity. You May Be Also Interested in……

The Decisive Call of God

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 2 January 2022
Matthew's account of his conversion could not be shorter. So little is said, but much is implied. Here are the events that led to the moment that the Gospel writer yielded his life to Christ, and how two words made all the difference. You May Be Also Interested in… Sermons: The…

Disciples Shown the Life of Faith

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 27 April 2016
In their training the apostles are sent on a probationary mission. Here are the great faith strengthening factors in the passage (beside prayer) namely, commitment to a cause, dependence on the Lord, awareness of two kingdoms and the clear example of Christ.

A Seeker’s Struggles

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 2 November 2014
Forgiveness and new life from God are wholly secured for us by the atoning death of Christ, and are given freely when we come to Him in repentance and faith. But there must be a pressing need and desire on our part, here described.

The Call of Christ

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 23 November 2014
The call from spiritual aimlessness and emptiness to Christ, who gives new life to those who respond. Who is He? Why should I listen? What does He give? Why does He offer this? How does it come? What is the outcome of refusing Him?

A Unique Call From God

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 24 March 2019
Christ's most famous call to souls, showing who He is who calls, why He does so, what He calls us from, why we should listen, who will respond, and what He will do for us - illustrated with examples of those who have responded and found Him.

Christ’s Most Famous Call to the Soul

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 15 October 2023
Nothing can compare with the call of Christ, made uniquely to mind, heart and will; a summons, yet an appeal, even a pleading call; inaudible and yet penetrating and drawing. Here is a call to radical change, yet requiring a response made so easy.

Christ Always Knew

— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Friday 29 March 2013
'For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.' Sermon by Dr Peter Masters The Lord Jesus Christ said: 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are…

The Mind of Christ

— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 21 June 2020
This message marks a break in the 2 Corinthians series to reflect on the redeeming work of Christ, surveying the statements throughout His earthly ministry predicting the details of Calvary and the resurrection - the goal and triumph of His immeasurable love for His own. Full chapter _____________ Matthew 12…

Disciples Trained to Discern Conversion

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 20 April 2016
First, the genius of parables, their purpose and the Lord's reason for using them. Then, His interpretation of the sower, teaching the four kinds of response to the Gospel, only one amounting to true conversion, an event attributed to light being 'given'.

The Riches of a Life Knowing God

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 9 July 2023
A convert to Christ is someone who discovers the gospel (meaning the momentous news) of Christ, and the new life that He gives, and who surrenders all to Him. Here are the tremendous differences between the materialistic life and the Christian experience of life.

The Greatest Discovery in the World

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 14 October 2018
The short parables of the treasure hidden in a field and the pearl of great price proclaim the discovery of Christ, salvation and His superiority over everything else sought after on earth. Here is the person and work of Christ, and the experience of finding Him.

May Conversion Be Gradual?

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 13 January 2013
With rough water in the Sea of Galilee the hard-rowing disciples see the Lord walking on the water. This was a faith-building event for them, an incident intended to teach them-and us-how to yield their lives to Him. Here is the process of conversion for us all.

A Description of Conversion For All Time

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 26 May 2024
Over nearly three years the disciples learned from Christ and came to love him, need him, and recognise him as divine. But for most, personal conversion came late in this period. Peter's vital response is a model and challenge to seekers in every age.

Phases of Conversion

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 22 October 2017
Simon Peter was overwhelmed on first meeting Christ, but although he became a follower, he was not immediately converted. Here are the key stages in his experience which have helped seekers over many centuries. His discoveries may help us to trust Christ for salvation.

Christ Defines a Valid Prayer

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 30 April 2017
When a Canaanite woman in great need pleaded for Christ's help, she was (seemingly) rebuffed. But the Lord was turning the encounter into a lesson in prayer. Here are the ten factors that made her prayer (and her prayers for salvation) acceptable to God.

Christ’s Rules for Christian Workers

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 4 May 2016
We track the apostles' 'seminary course' through Matthew 16-17: the avoidance of the churchmanship of the Pharisees and Saducees that produced nominal worshippers, the primacy of human instrumentality, the scope of self-denial, and the need for strong desires for blessing by prayer and fasting.

The Impregnable Church

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 14 September 2022
The Lord said that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church, yet we live in a time of severe spiritual decline, when unbelief triumphs everywhere. Here are five great aspects of the victory of the true church seen even at the present time.

The Comprehensive Victory of the Church

— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 2 January 2011
The 'gates of hell', symbolising the various strategies (here named) of Satan to destroy believers will never succeed. But what about a particularly immoral atheistic society? Is Satan prevailing? Here are biblical answers of encouragement.

Authentic Revelation

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 25 September 2022
It may seem strange that God should reveal His purpose and plan for mankind in a book. Here are the reasons why this is precisely what we should expect and how the Scripture and their message are proved to be authentic, and vital to knowing God.

Humility and its Works

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 11 May 2016
In the course of the Lord's 'seminary course' for His future apostles (passages addressed exclusively to them) we consider the necessity of humility, the avoidance of offences large and small, radical measures in personal sanctification, discipline, the prevailing power of corporate prayer, and forbearance.

Valid and Phoney Prayer Compared

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 23 October 2016
Christ's parable of the unforgiving debtor gives a remarkable picture of all human life, including our debt to God. If fear or need drives us to pray to Him, will our appeal be sincere or shallow? This parable answers, and teaches us to seek Him.

Valid or Invalid Prayer

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 1 January 2023
Christ's parable of the unforgiving servant is partly a plea for patience and forgiveness on the part of Christians. But it is chiefly a challenge to sincere prayer rather than self-seeking prayer as the only way to reconciliation with God.

Christ’s Own Rules for Wealth and Government

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 18 May 2016
Continuing 'seminary' passages exclusive to the apostles, the Lord teaches fundamental principles about the kingdom, and lays down the chief rule of church government, in the light of which Acts and the Pastoral Epistles must be interpreted.

The Impossibility of Earning Salvation

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Sunday 25 October 2020
Christ's disciples were astonished when the Lord asserted the impossibility of people contributing anything to be accepted into the Kingdom of God.  'Who then can be saved?' they cried.  Here is the answer of God - the only way to obtain pardon and eternal life. You May Be Also Interested…

Personal Faith Vital

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 2 December 2012
To shock complacent hearers Christ spoke of conversion being harder than a camel going through the eye of a needle. Many do not realise that they need personal faith and a personal relationship with God. Here is what the Lord meant, and the way to know Him.

With God All Things are Possible

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 12 October 2014
When a wealthy man had to choose between riches and Christ, he chose riches, demonstrating the hold that this material life has on the human heart. But God has transformed every conceivable kind of earth-tied person down the centuries, and here is how.

Wonders of God’s Mercy

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 12 August 2018
The remarkable parable of the labourers in the vineyard teems with surprising facts of God's mercy toward souls. This also illustrates how God gathers people to Himself out of all the different age-groups, at immeasurable cost to Himself.

Five Phases of Life

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 23 December 2012
Christ's parable of labourers hired at different times of a day portrays the stages of life in which people either accept or reject His call to salvation. Here are these stages, and how and why we react to Christ, either to refuse Him or to find Him.

Responses to God – Case Histories

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 2 March 2014
Christ's parable of the two son who changed their minds shows us ourselves, and what forces shape our attitude to God. There is nothing quite like this parable to challenge us to deeper thought about our need of new life from Christ.

Deciding For or Against God

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 21 June 2020
One of the Lord's shortest parables tells through the story of two sons the privileges of mankind, the rejection of Almighty God, the startling regret and repentance of the most outspoken 'rebel', and the mercy and goodness of God toward all who seek Him. Full Service Recordings: You May Be…

Knowing the Power of God

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 25 September 2016
Atheism, of course, has no conception of the power and purposes of God. Here, by contrast, is proof of the unique nature and infallibility of the Scriptures and the revelation of God's purposes for us. Here is the power that comes by hearing Him.

To Know The Power of God

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 2 April 2023
Knowing the scriptures and experiencing the power of God go together (declared Christ). Why God's book is vital for understanding human life and God's plans. How it traces all the powerful acts of God to the end of time, and brings us to know Him.

What Do We Think of Christ?

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 18 June 2023
This is the question an atheistic society will never put to you, yet it is the most important, urgent, pivotal and constructive of all possible questions. Happiness and eternal life depend on what we make of Christ. Here is the life-transforming knowledge of Him.

Christ’s Teaching on the End of Time

— Dr Peter Masters | 12:00am | Wednesday 1 June 2016
In three Gospels this double prophecy, given exclusively to the disciples, discloses the harbingers of the end of the Temple, to be repeated (more intensively) at the end of the world. The first would be seen by that very generation.

The End of Time

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 13 July 2014
With seemingly unending wars, terrorism, increasingly destructive weapons and moral collapse, Christ's teachings about the end of the age are uniquely accurate. Here are His words on how the present age will end and how we may find Him now, and be His at the final account.

Christ Describes His Kingdom

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 11 January 2015
The parable of the fig tree - one of the shortest - illustrates Christ's timetable for human history, and also the way He works in the lives of all who seek and find Him. Here is life in the soul, reconciliation with God and eternal life.

Christ Teaches Spiritual Shepherds

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 8 June 2016
Shortly before Calvary the Lord charges His disciples with (1) defence of faith and church (2) the preaching of the Gospel (3) avoidance of any use of His church for personal benefit  (4) separation from the world, and (5) total focus on the Last Day.

Ready to Meet God

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 7 July 2013
The Saviour's parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids shows the unreadiness of so many to meet their Creator. Here are the reasons for spiritual indifference, and their cure, how we should stir up our thinking and desire for real meaning in life, and a walk with God.

How God Sees Us

— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 18 October 2015
Three days before execution, Christ spoke of His return and the judgement of all, using the sheep and goats analogy to describe all people. Here is how God views us, and how we may be prepared and safe for the coming great day.

The Price of Heaven

— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Friday 25 March 2016
We do not grieve over Calvary, because the Lord now reigns in glory, but it stirs our indebtedness and love as nothing else. Here is Gethsemane (the foretaste), the scourging (man's hatred), the cross, (the atonement), and the 'royal' superscription.

Christ at Golgotha

— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Friday 14 April 2017
Matthew's atonement account provides a seamless overview. Here are: the rejection of Christ that ended the era of Jewish privilege, the cruelties inflicted, the uttered scorn, the three hours of darkness (and its significance) up to the Lord's voluntarily yielding up of life for the redeemed.

Christ’s Paramount Lesson to His Disciples

— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 20 July 2016
The great commission directs believers in every age, but when seen also as doctrine, its full richness springs into view, including the Trinity in salvation, the authority of the Word over reason and experience, the true nature of Christian liberty, and the Lord's presence.

Christ Commissions His Own

— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 5 November 2023
To Mark's Gospel we add the promise of the great commission in Matthew, viewing the scope of the Lord's words to all who uphold His name and message to this hostile world. Here is the essence of the nearness and power of the risen Lord.