An Exclusive Name For Salvation

‘Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.’ Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12) The deeper things of life are so … Continued

Why We Should Believe Christ

Why should we believe the compassionate call of Christ to all souls? After 2000 years, how may we be sure that He is the Lord of life and the Saviour of souls? Here are the credentials of our Maker, the Son of God, Who came to save. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that … Continued

Chief Lies About Life

King Solomon long ago named the six main false ideas about the human race and its viability without the need of God. These are still the basis of confident unbelief, even though repeatedly proved mistaken. Here is how knowing Christ solves everything.

Fear Not

And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and … Continued

If Only You Knew

The title mirrors words of Christ to a spiritually confused person. If only we knew about God, and ourselves, and what Christ has done for us! Here are samples of present day unawareness of eternal realities, and how these may be proved.

The Listening Soul

Here are the circumstances that prepare us to open our minds to God, creating a sense of need, a willingness to learn, and a desire to be reconciled with Him. Here also Christ describes the means of finding Him and the experience of all who do.

The Conquest of Death

According to the Bible, death is every person’s greatest enemy, and is personified as a seemingly invincible ruler over us. But Christ is the opposite of death, and here the help He offers us is compared with the hostile activities of death. To whom will we yield?

The Great Escape

The Bible teaches that before conversion to God we are like prisoners, except that we do not know it. We need to experience the freedom, reality and fulfilment that comes with the pardon of God. Here is the biblical picture of our ‘captivity’ and the way out.

Quenching the Soul’s Thirst

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. (Revelation 22:17) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the … Continued

Resisting the Lord

Christ’s parable of the rented vineyard was intended to illustrate how we grasp life for ourselves and resist all the overtures of God. The parallels are clear and challenging, showing the length to which Christ has gone to save lives for eternity.

Who or What Do We Obey?

Everyone, though we may deny it, esteems, worships and obeys a variety of ‘forces’ and people, becoming shaped by them. The need to admire and submit is inescapable. Here is God’s remedy for misplaced servility, and the vast superiority of yielding to Him alone.

An Audience With God

For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit. (1 Peter 3:18) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the … Continued

The Appeals of God

God’s own campaign for our souls, and His statement of the human problem of unbelief and detachment from Him. Here, through Isaiah, is God’s reasoned call to us, with what He must do if we refuse, and His amazing kindness if we respond.

How Shall We Escape?

How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own … Continued

God’s Overwhelming Power

Conversion occurs when God’s call suddenly cuts and pierces the heart as never before. It so often comes when a preacher, without histrionics, presents the needs of the soul. Here is the first sermon of the Christian church, that had this effect on thousands.

Four Unexpected Features of Faith

Most people are surprised – even shocked – when they hear these four vital facts of the Christian faith. Yet these have been the means of drawing vast numbers to seek Christ since He came to earth. Here is how John the Baptist introduced the Saviour

Four Steps to Eternity

A prophet of old denounced his generation for shutting their ears to the voice of God, rejecting His call, and refusing to approach Him for help. Here are the steps that lead to a sure discovery of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

Life is Stronger than Death

And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people. Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was … Continued

How to Approach God

Many only ever approach God over emergencies, but not to find Him or to have Him as their God. Others approach Him in a way He has already said in the Bible is unacceptable to Him. King David shows the way, and here is his effective approach.

God’s Justice

Christ taught that the Commandments would never change and would be the standards for the Day of Judgement. This summary shows their unique positive benefits in life. Also, how Christ by His atoning death, purchased pardon and life for all who believe.

Earthquake of the Soul

The preaching of Paul in Philippi led to his jailing and to the conversion of the hostile jailer, providing a model of how God turns people from spiritual lifelessness and even antagonism to himself, bringing them to a burning awareness of their need of His pardon and power.

Christ Teaches on Eternal Destiny

In teaching the afterlife, Christ speaks of ‘seeing’ death, which includes tasting it. He describes the most terrible experience conceivable, leading to judgement. But those, He says, who believe His message will never see it. Here is how He is able to deliver believers.

God’s Mercy and Love

David provides eight reasons why we commit personal sin, then sets out the magnitude of God’s mercy, His promises of pardon and life, His soaring unchangeable standards, His provisions of help, and the precious thing He gives to those who trust Him.

If Any Man Thirst

Before vast crowds from many lands disperse from Jerusalem after the Feast of Tabernacles, Christ stands in the Temple to give a stirring appeal that will be spread afar. Here is His passionate call to draw people to know and walk with Him.

Christ Describes His Kingdom

The parable of the fig tree – one of the shortest – illustrates Christ’s timetable for human history, and also the way He works in the lives of all who seek and find Him. Here is life in the soul, reconciliation with God and eternal life.

Without God in the World

The apostle Paul describes the losses incurred from being without Christ, without heavenly citizenship, without forgiveness, without eternal hope, and without God’s blessing in this life also. Here also are the overwhelming gains of having Christ and proving His power.

Dining at The King’s Table

Then said Ziba unto the king, According to all that my lord the king hath commanded his servant, so shall thy servant do. As for Mephibosheth, said the king, he shall eat at my table, as one of the king’s sons. And Mephibosheth had a young son, whose name was Micha. And all that dwelt … Continued

Peace, When There is no Peace

The quest for safety, success and satisfaction is the story of life, but are they spasmodic or delusory? And do we seek them only in the material realm? Here is the reality of our spiritual needs and standing before God, and how we may know Him.

Real Freedom

Many strive for liberty from laws, daily toil and even the thought of God; but Jesus Christ said there is one true freedom – release from the power and condemnation of sin. All other freedoms bring their own bonds, but pardon and spiritual life give unsurpassed peace and strength.

Gaining Eternal Life

Christ, in great sympathy, dissuades a multitude from toiling primarily for earthly satisfaction which fails and perishes, to seek as first priority the spiritual life that He gives freely, that expands into everlasting experience. Here is what He gives, and how He imparts it.

The Imperishable Soul

Biblical facts about the soul and life after death. Here also – facts about our alienation from God, our future judgement, why God would allow it, and what He has done, at great cost, to save us from it. Here is the kindness and power of God to all who trust in Christ.

The Call of Christ

The call from spiritual aimlessness and emptiness to Christ, who gives new life to those who respond. Who is He? Why should I listen? What does He give? Why does He offer this? How does it come? What is the outcome of refusing Him?

The Best Ever Last Words

Almost the last words of Christ – ‘It is finished’ – refer chiefly to the tornado of punishment taken on Calvary’s cross on our behalf. Here is what He ‘finished’ for us, such as fear of death and eternal loss. With Christ, our life will never finish.

All World Views Need Your Faith

Just as Christ warned the multitudes to beware of false teachers, we must make known the fallacies of non-Christian world-views which increasingly shape lives today. Are they a fit foundation for life and eternity? Here is the way of Christ and the Bible.

The Purpose of Life

Life’s end point challenges all our values and goals. Is there a ‘next world’? Here are the indications. Also, God’s amazing description of Himself, our alienation from Him, and how we may be reconciled to be sure of safe passage on the ultimate day of life.

Where to meet Christ

True religion is a meeting with God, but how and where and on what terms? What does God require from us? In a society that suppresses all thought and knowledge of God, here is the teaching of Christ about how He may be found.

With God All Things are Possible

When a wealthy man had to choose between riches and Christ, he chose riches, demonstrating the hold that this material life has on the human heart. But God has transformed every conceivable kind of earth-tied person down the centuries, and here is how.

What Forgiveness Obtains from God

People often do not realise how much is accomplished if God forgives their sins. Here are the facts of guilt and forgiveness – what cannot secure forgiveness, and what does. Here also are the gains and benefits (and the cost to God Himself).

The Lost Son Comes Home

But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry: For this my son was dead, and is alive again; … Continued

The Tragedy of Being a Half Believer

  And Zedekiah the king said unto Jeremiah, I am afraid of the Jews that are fallen to the Chaldeans, lest they deliver me into their hand, and they mock me. But Jeremiah said, They shall not deliver thee. Obey, I beseech thee, the voice of the LORD, which I speak unto thee: so it … Continued

Proof that Christ is Saviour

Isaiah’s remarkable prophecy of Christ on the cross – written 700 years beforehand – describes 30 different things that were perfectly fulfilled. Here are some of them, all proving that Christ is the Son of God and Saviour of all who trust in Him.

The Greatest Journey in Life

  And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. (Acts 8:37) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the needs of the soul. Permit … Continued

A Crumb From Christ’s Hand

  Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. (Matthew 15:21-22) The deeper things of … Continued

Your Greatest Battle

The battle for the soul is the most vital because it determines life and eternity. Here are the earthly battles we prefer to fight to get personal gains, and the fight we put up against God, Who would give us free life and glory if we asked.

Our Human Limitations

Christ’s statement that without Him people can accomplish nothing refers first to spiritual things, but also to all of life. How limited is mankind! Here are just the main shortcomings, the missing factor that causes them, and the difference that it makes to know Christ.

The Dead Made Alive

  But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) (Ephesians 2:4-5) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for … Continued

The Incidentals of Life

Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honourable, because by him the LORD had given deliverance unto Syria: he was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper. And the Syrians had gone out by companies, and had brought away … Continued

Almost a Christian

King Agrippa said, in effect, to Paul, ‘You will make me a Christian any moment now’. Here are the differences between knowledge of the Faith, and real experience of God’s saving power; also, why we may pull back from yielding to God, and how to resolve this.

The End of Time

With seemingly unending wars, terrorism, increasingly destructive weapons and moral collapse, Christ’s teachings about the end of the age are uniquely accurate. Here are His words on how the present age will end and how we may find Him now, and be His at the final account.

How God Views Unbelievers

Another group of compelling and intriguing illustrations from Solomon showing how we appear to God when we live without desiring or seeking Him. Here too, are God’s persuasive appeals to wanderers to approach Him, and to discover His life-changing power and companionship.

The Case for Seeking the Lord

Miniature parables or illustrations (from King Solomon) showing our condition when we try to live without God, and why we need Him. Here also are life’s spiritual dangers – what we lose without God, and what is gained when we come to Him for new life.

The Lord’s Own Guidance to Seekers

Three seekers, one a scribe, another a regular observer of Christ, desire to become full disciples, but something is wrong. All have some reservation or hesitation. Christ shows each one what prevents him from wholehearted ‘conversion’. It is priceless counsel for seekers in every age.

The Personal Effects of Atheism

Reasons why we reject God, and what unbelief takes from us. How atheism shapes us, imparting distinctive characteristics of thought and action. Proof that it is itself a religion. The contrasting benefits of believing in God, and how He may be found and known.

The Free Gift of Salvation

Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honourable, because by him the LORD had given deliverance unto Syria: he was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper. (2 Kings 5:1) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded … Continued

Two Lives Contrasted

There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table: moreover the dogs came … Continued

The Disabled Soul

Christ’s healing of the man with a withered hand was one of the smallest of His miracles, yet an immensely important picture of the non-functioning soul, and its needs. Here is His enacted message to draw people to Himself for spiritual life and salvation.

God’s Knowledge Compared with Ours

What the Bible says about God’s infinite knowledge is both surprising and humbling. His knowledge of us is particularly moving, for it is a longsuffering and concerned knowledge that has provided a way of forgiveness and life to countless people who see their need of it.

A First Sight of Spiritual Power

A young man sees for the first time divine realities. The testimony of Elisha’s servant speaks to young people today. Here are the unseen factors about every person’s spiritual condition. Here also is God’s solution and the experience of seeing and embracing it.

No Teacher Like Christ

There was never a teacher like Christ. No one has ever been so understandable, and yet so profound and compelling. Here are examples of the unique superiority of His message and style. Everything He said has come to pass. Why trust your life (and soul) to others?

Securing a New Life

The Saviour’s illustration of grain being sown to bring about a crop describes His atoning death on Calvary. It also pictures the laying down of a seeker’s old life so that he may be given a new life by God. Here is how we must approach Him.

The Defeat of Death

  And he (Jesus) took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise. (Mark 5:41) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the needs of the soul. Permit me, as … Continued

Who Can Forgive Sins?

And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house. And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and he preached the word unto them. And they come unto him, bringing … Continued

The End of Time

Christ’s teaching on the end of the world and what will happen to us all in the last judgement. We learn in scripture of mankind being divided into two vast groups – believers in Christ and unbelievers. Here is how we may be counted among those who have eternal life.

Looking Up to God

The mountains of Jerusalem, especially the Temple Mount, remind the psalmist of the Creator, and of his own human smallness, and need of spiritual life. Here is how this powerful metaphor persuades us to reach out to God for life and purpose.

All we need to know

… to be reconciled with God. Here are the facts set out by Paul, the apostle. We must know about the state of mankind, our future in eternity, what Christ has done to help us, how He can rescue us, and what happens at conversion.

The Condition of Your Soul

What and where is the soul? Is my soul active or asleep? What am I missing if it is inactive? How is life affected? Is there fulfilment without making provision for the soul? Here is how the soul may receive life and communion with God.

Responses to God – Case Histories

Christ’s parable of the two son who changed their minds shows us ourselves, and what forces shape our attitude to God. There is nothing quite like this parable to challenge us to deeper thought about our need of new life from Christ.

Turning Life Round

Drawn away from God by various influences (mentioned here), we become our own god, requiring ‘worship’ and admiration, and inventing our own ruler. Then God intervenes, and we see ourselves as we really are. Only He can turn us round to find and walk with Him. Here is how.

Back Home Justified

  And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. (Luke 18:9-10) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle … Continued

Why is Conversion a Narrow Gate?

Christ says that His salvation is easy, yet He also mentions difficulties. Here are the things that make it difficult, that we are reluctant to accept. But here also are the things that make it easy for us to open the gate of new and eternal life.

How King David Found God

In this royal testimony of conversion David describes his previous ignorance, and how the wonder and majesty of the night sky stamped on his mind God’s infinite being, and his own smallness, bringing him to seek the kindness that stoops, pardons and imparts spiritual life.

The Gains of the Christian Life

The coming of Christ was unique, extraordinary, and essential – if people are to be enabled to find and know God. He came to give spiritual life to countless individuals who believe in Him. Here are the immense gains of spiritual life, and how it may be received.

Purging Away Guilt

Only God can purge the conscience. Here is why, and how He does it. Animal sacrifices could not do it; they were only illustrations of what God would do. Other religions proclaim no Saviour. Here is how we may know that our guilt is removed.

Life For The Soul

Christ’s parable of the lost sheep presents His concern for individuals, His costly labour for them, and His readiness to carry the spiritually wandering to eternal life and safety. Here an apparently simple plot conveys the deepest and most needed message in the world.

Life’s Greatest Treasure

Wealth, fame, power, health, ability and pleasure all rank among the things most desired by men and women. But the Christian message ranks the forgiveness of God greater than them all. Here are the limits and costs of the former, and the eternal gains of free forgiveness.

Set Your Life In Order

In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live. (Isaiah 38:1) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the … Continued

The Biography of a Soul

Here is the life and attempted coup of Absalom, son of king David, with its startling parallels of everyone’s rebellion against their God. We trace Absalom’s thoughts and plans, and his end. Here is the gentle searching of our hearts by God, designed to lead us back to Him.

Lost but Found

For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the needs of the soul. Permit me, as a pastor for many years, to plead with you not to … Continued

Calvary – Especially the Invisible Aspects

The necessity of the Cross of Calvary; the unfolding story; the mysterious three hours of darkness that terrified and silenced the vast crowd; their meaning and their message; why Calvary is the greatest event in history; the eternal significance of our personal reaction.

Only God Can Make Us Complete

All people have their distinctive aptitudes as gifts, but no one is entire or complete, for vital faculties are missing until God works in our lives. Every ‘good’ and ‘perfect’ gift, says the Bible, comes from above. Here are the missing gifts, which God gives to those who seek Him.

Dead or Alive?

It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found. (Luke 15:32) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the needs of the soul. Permit me, … Continued

Don’t Miss the Point of Life

Christ’s great parable of two houses speaks to all of us who shape our lives and future entirely on this material world, forgetting our spiritual purpose. Here is the outcome, as years pass, and here is the amazing experience, by contrast, of finding the Lord.

Why God Accepts or Rejects Us

Rejection by God at the end of life’s journey is surely the most terrible shock imaginable. Here are the reasons set out in the Bible, along with God’s method of showing mercy and love to all who will receive it, while there is time.

What We Owe to God

Christ’s parable of the faithful servant portrays our duty to God, who gave us our bodies, faculties and powers. What do we do with these, and with Christ’s invitation to spiritual life and power? Here are the message and the promises of a life-changing parable.

A Miracle that Demonstrates Conversion

Christ constantly combined compassionate works of healing with illustrations of spiritual conversion. His healing of the helpless man at Bethesda’s Pool is a remarkable example, showing the dramatic course and features of how Christ is to be approached, and what He will do for seekers.

Who Cares for the Soul?

King David shows that no ruler or society or relation or loved one can help an individual person concerning the soul. This central, vital core of our being can only be enlivened and protected by God, and David’s message is about God’s way of saving the soul.

Where is the Kingdom of God?

The Pharisees asked Christ a question to trap Him, but He gave a totally unexpected reply that challenged them – and us also. Is the Kingdom of God in us, and are we in it? Here are its characteristics and blessings, and how it may be entered.

Things that Limit Us

The healing of a severely bent-over woman by Christ was certainly an act of compassion, but it was also a picture of release from spiritual bondage. Here are the limitations that bind us through life, that can only be removed by the Saviour of the world.

The Door to Real Life

‘I am the door,’ said Christ, providing one of the richest analogies in the Bible to describe the experience of coming to know Him, and entering into His kingdom. Here earthly doors of opportunity with their limited gains are contrasted with the great door of conversion.

There is No Difference

But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of … Continued

How Shall We Escape?

How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; (Hebrews 2:3) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the needs of … Continued

Our Thoughts Compared with God’s

God’s thoughts are so much higher than ours. He knows everything that happens – past, present and future – all the time, and His plans and intents are holy, perfect, just and fair. Ours are so different. Only God could conceive of a plan of free salvation for us, described here.

To Whom Do We Submit?

To know Christ we must first submit to Him, but who will? It offends our pride. But in rejecting God we unwittingly submit ourselves to a host of other influences and forces. How much better and greater is the love and power of the Saviour of souls.

Turning to God

Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 1:1) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the … Continued

Personal Preference or True Religion

  Then one of the priests whom they had carried away from Samaria came and dwelt in Beth-el, and taught them how they should fear the LORD. (2 Kings 17:28) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the needs of the soul. Permit … Continued

Behold the Lamb of God

The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. (John 1:29) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the needs of the soul. Permit me, as a pastor … Continued

Is it Sickness or Sin?

According to the Bible morally evil behaviour is both. People sin knowingly and wilfully, and this turns into a disease, but one for which they remain responsible, because God’s forgiveness and re-making is freely available. Here are the facts about conversion to the Lord.

Totally Unexpected Facts about God

We see the marvels of Creation, but do not grasp the attributes of God, nor how He reconciles people with Himself. We are usually amazed when we first focus on the ‘unexpected things of God’, that draw us to seek Him.

Ready to Meet God

The Saviour’s parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids shows the unreadiness of so many to meet their Creator. Here are the reasons for spiritual indifference, and their cure, how we should stir up our thinking and desire for real meaning in life, and a walk with God.

How to Become a Child of God

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. (John 1:12-13) The deeper things of life are … Continued

The Greatest Event in History

Why, when there is so much in the world to admire and aspire to, should we follow the Bible and place our hopes on Jesus Christ impaled on a Roman cross? Here are tremendous reasons which have led millions to Christ and to Heaven.

God So Loved

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) The deeper … Continued

When Spiritual Insight Dawns

All Christ’s healing miracles demonstrated both His divinity and the way He restores spirtually all who come to Him. The Lord’s first healing of a leper says everything about the way to approach Him for the great experience of conversion, and the receiving of a new life.

Saving or Losing Your Life

A call to conversion in one of Christ’s shortest sermons. Conversion is presented as a personal approach to Him for pardon and a transformed, eternal life. Here is what He does in one’s life, and the gains and losses involved in yielding to Him or rejecting Him.

How God Keeps Records

The infinite and eternal God is a personal God who knows all things, and has a record of all human conduct, including thoughts, words, acts, and motives. Here is the biblical teaching, especially on the ‘book of life’ and who is listed in it.

Release from Conformity

We do not realise how conformed we are to the programming of society. Even when young and experimental we are being shaped in the ways of the world, but there is a way of escape and freedom – in fact radical transformation – in conversion to Christ. Here is how.

A View Into One’s Soul

Whether or not we are thankful to God (the highest duty of the human heart) says more about our souls, our direction in life, and our eternal destiny than we realise. Here a range of attitudes to God are reviewed, showing our need to experience His power and love.

The Fairness of God

‘God is unfair,’ they said. But God declares that He has no pleasure in seeing lives thrown away in materialism, unbelief and spiritual loss. Here is the cause of the problem, God’s remedy, His fairness, His mercy, and what He does for those who turn to Him.

How to Obtain Eternal Life

He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. (John 3:36) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the needs of the soul. Permit … Continued

What Can You Trust?

Life is a search for dependable things in an unreliable world. Apart from wilful lies there are countless mistaken ideas, half-truths, empty promises, excuses and exaggerations, not to mention gossip and slander. Here the truthfulness of God is presented and His solid promises to all who come to Him.

Saving Faith

Faith is repeatedly described in the Bible as the key to finding Christ in a living, personal way. Here is the biblical definition of faith, how we get it, what it must believe, how it is expressed, and the great reward it secures.

Under the Shadow of the Almighty

A psalm vividly portraying the traps and snares life presents to the soul, and the vulnerability of unbelief. How these snares are baited, and minds are made entirely materialistic. Here also is how the mind may be woken to find and trust in God

The Phenomenon of Conversion

The message in Christ’s feeding of 5000 men is to show that He is the sole source of spiritual life, and to highlight the very surprising nature of conversion as an experience. Also, the free nature of it and how God must be approached

Ways to Approach God

The forgiveness of God and reconciliation with Him can never be earned or deserved. They are free. Yet Christ tells us there are conditions. Here is how we must approach Him – what we must think, believe and say. When sincerely followed, these instructions open the door to Life.

Traps for Unwary Souls

Paul expresses amazement at how many intelligent people are so easily duped into rejecting Christ, and mesmerised by vain hopes of fulfilment without God. Here are the traps, and their deceitful attractions. And here are the proven results of finding Christ and conversion.

Peace Without God

Around 1350BC a community lived luxuriously at Laish near ancient Sidon, carefree, having no enemies, no magistrates, and no allies. The marauders destroyed them. Seen as a parable of life without God this narrative has stirred many to consider their soul, and seek the Lord.

The Two Pillars of All Wisdom

Before we know the Bible, we have a distorted view of it, thinking the Old and New Testaments contradict each other. Here are the two great themes that run through both, God’s law and God’s grace, both representing His kindness and leading us to find Him.

Streetwise and Soul Wise

The Bible describes the inactivity or sleep of the soul in many lives, if we live oblivious to our detachment from God, and our eternal destiny. Here are Paul’s sympathetic pleadings that call us to turn from a spiritually empty life and seek reconciliation with our Creator.

What shall I do with Christ

Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. (Matthew 27:22) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the needs of the soul. Permit me, as a pastor … Continued

The World’s Greatest Deception

Here is the Bible’s definition of moral wrong, together with surprising insights, forgotten and unknown by today’s society. Here also is the extraordinary scope and power of sin to control us and cause eternal condemnation,and the only solution, provided by Christ our Saviour.

Only God Can Change People

Moses tried in vain to liberate Israel from slavery at 40 years of age. Then at 80 he succeeded, by divine intervention. He applied the lesson to any person seeking a new life from God. Here are remarkable parallels which show us the way.

Fighting God

Christ told a vast multitude twin parables, first of a high-achiever building a conspicuous tower for self-gratification and of a hostile ruler waging war. Both depict the human desire to live independently of God’s rule and help. Here is the vastly happier better course.

Examples of Living and Dead Faith

A biblical case history – the life of Micah, who possessed great faith in religion, but a shallow empty life, devastated when his earthly goods were plundered. By contrast, here are others, whose faith led them to know the living God, and real fulfillment and happiness.

May Conversion Be Gradual?

With rough water in the Sea of Galilee the hard-rowing disciples see the Lord walking on the water. This was a faith-building event for them, an incident intended to teach them-and us-how to yield their lives to Him. Here is the process of conversion for us all.

True Greatness

It is a humbling thought that no ‘flesh’ shall glory in the presence of God. When He is left out of life, no human ability or accomplishment is acceptable to Him. Here is why; and here is the way, through Christ, to acceptance and union with God.

The Direction of Your Life

With graphic and intriguing appeals the prophet presents our typical approaches to life, our expectations and desires. Each brief picture says something startlingly true about life, and points to our need of the Saviour of the world to bring an eternal direction into our earthly journey.

Five Phases of Life

Christ’s parable of labourers hired at different times of a day portrays the stages of life in which people either accept or reject His call to salvation. Here are these stages, and how and why we react to Christ, either to refuse Him or to find Him.

His Name is Jesus

Matthew 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. v21 And she shall bring forth a son, … Continued

When Spiritual Need Dawns

A Roman centurion came to faith in Christ, but how? It begins with a great need, continues with the realisation of sinfulness, is accelerated by his awareness of who Christ is, and concludes with his believing appeal for the Lord’s help. Here is how we may have a parallel experience.

Personal Faith Vital

To shock complacent hearers Christ spoke of conversion being harder than a camel going through the eye of a needle. Many do not realise that they need personal faith and a personal relationship with God. Here is what the Lord meant, and the way to know Him.

The Light of Life

The Lord’s second great public declaration of His messiahship using the words, ‘I am’. The prophets said ‘the sun of righteousness’ would arise, and He duly came, working countless authenticating healing miracles. Here is how He is light to our souls if we yield to Him.

Gaining an Inner Life

Christ uses water as an illustration of all that we need to support physical life and contentment – but it has limits. He then uses ‘living water’ to illustrate the inner spiritual life that only He can give. Do we have this ‘more abundant life’ which never ends?

Being Born Again

A sermon in a single verse from the Saviour of the World tells us not to be astonished or offended that a complete renewal of life and nature – performed by God – is essential in order to know Him, and go to Heaven. Here is the way to life.

Alternatives to God

A world without God does not recognise God-given standards. It has no ‘Book of God’ explaining His purpose. It denies life after death. It offers no motives, or effective help to overcome personal wrongdoing, and to live a better life. Here, by contrast, is God’s life-plan for us.

How God Works in a Life

The best known of all Christ’s parables is surely the prodigal son, showing the nature of our rebellion against God, our spiritual vacuum, and what happens when God wakes us up to our condition, and draws us to find Him by repentance and faith.

Answering to God

Christ’s parable of the barren fig tree portrays our privileges as human souls, our failure to produce homage for our Creator, and His mercy in providing a way of salvation. Here is what Christ did to secure pardon, and what He does in the lives of all who seek Him.

Why People Can’t Believe

When the disciple Nathaniel was called to follow Christ, he had initial doubts, soon dispelled by the Lord. Here are our doubts and barriers to believing in God, and the answers to them. A message for all who need to find the Lord, and prove Him personally.

Christ’s Diagnosis of Our Need

Sin and guilt do not come, says Christ, from eating ritually banned foods, but are generated from the thoughts of the mind – the ‘heart’. These contaminate us, shutting us off from God and Heaven. Here is the Lord’s list of our sins, and His remedy for a new life.

Christ our Refuge

Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath: That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before … Continued

Peace of God

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the needs of the soul. Permit me, as a pastor for many years, to plead with … Continued

The Origin of Evil

The Bible presents the only meaningful explanation of the source of evil behaviour in the world, showing that it stems from wilful independence from God, and self-indulgence. Here is how it began, its extensiveness, its effects, and how, amazingly, people may be forgiven and restored by God.

The Dawning of Conversion

As the disciples witnessed the miracles of Christ, they increasingly grasped that He was divine, the promised Messiah. This parallels our dawning realisation of His work in saving souls, which in turn brings us to seek His forgiveness, and the life-changing experience of conversion.

Knowing Our Inner Person

The experience of conversion to God usually begins when we see our inner person – what we are really like. Christ taught that three features of our real self are recognised, and then we realise how much we need His forgiveness, and His rebuilding work on our lives.

Everlasting Life

Here is a view of the astounding love of God for fallen humanity, and of the lengths to which He went to bring salvation. Here also is how we must respond to be saved, and the great goal of everlasting bliss, the true purpose of this present brief life.

From Darkness to Light

  For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the … Continued

How to Hear God’s Word

And it came to pass, when the king had heard the words of the law, that he rent his clothes. (2 Chronicles 34:19) The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at the Metropolitan Tabernacle we cater for the needs of the soul. Permit me, as a pastor for many years, … Continued

Christ Describes His Mission

The Lord’s first miracle – water into wine – is an unfolding picture of what He had come to give mankind. Here are all the elements of the Gospel and salvation in one magnificent illustration, showing how Christ brings forgiveness, transformation and eternal life to seeking souls.

Investing the Soul

Christ’s parable of the pounds challenges us about something that God has placed in our constitution – an awareness, by instinct, that He exists. Do we invest this knowledge, or suppress it? To invest means to find out about God, and how to approach Him for pardon and life.

The Gift of Spiritual Life

Here is how bread, through most of history vital to wellbeing, pictures the way life comes to the soul through the gift of Christ. Using the bread metaphor, the Lord shows how He alone prepares and conveys new spiritual life – to seeking souls.

Everyone Needs a Purpose

All have the urge to choose their own ‘gods’, things to bring fulfillment or pleasure. These get our homage, but our ‘gods’ are lifeless and far too small to satisfy the soul. Here are the eternally superior qualities of the true God and Saviour.

Filling an Empty Life

The dramatic narrative of Paul preaching to deeply cynical philosophers at Athens reveals the collision between opposing views of life – atheistic or Christian. What is the aim and purpose of life? What makes sense? May God be found and known? Here are the timeless answers of God’s Book.

A Pattern Conversion

One of the thieves crucified next to Christ came to view Him in a new way, and to ask for eternal life. This event provides a perfect picture of conversion to God. What brings us to seek Him? How may we find Him? A message to change lives.

Refusing God

Christ’s parable of a great supper with invitations refused, reflects our rejection of God’s overtures to us. Here are our main reasons for refusing Him, and all that we lose by it. Here, too, is how we may reverse our rejection, the greatest moment of our life.

What We Owe to God

Most people would be amazed to hear that they owe anything to God, or rob Him. Does not God possess the universe and infinite resources? Yet the Bible calls us thieves, duly cut off from God. Here is what we steal, and how we must be reconciled

What Conversion Is, and Does

Conversion is often thought to be just a change of loyalty from one religion to another, but it is far more. It involves a great change in one’s life, and a new experience of God Himself. Here are the details of what Christ does for us.

The Greatest Philosophy

The first preachers of Christianity were not embarrassed by their message offering personal reconciliation with God, for it towered above all religions of the day, and still does (including atheism). Here are its superior features of beauty, credibility, and power to change.

The Rewards of Non-Belief

In one of his most surprising illustrations Paul shows that, before conversion, we are in the employment of sin. If only we could see that it is the worst possible employer, giving disastrous rewards. By contrast, here is what we gain by turning to Christ.

Losing the Soul

In the parable of the rich fool, Christ the Lord, shows us our self-confidence, self-esteem, self-consideration and self-destruction. We see all that we lose by a life of materialism, and its inherent foolishness. Here, Christ pleads with our souls.

How to Apply for Salvation

King David sympathetically and appealingly spells out the terms and conditions of salvation. Speaking from his own experience, he shows what we must believe, what our attitude should be, and how we ought to ask for new life from God. He also describes God’s response.

The Only Source of Spiritual Life

Belief in Christ is not blind faith. It is based on understanding His message and seeing the authenticating evidences. It follows the discovery that only He has atoned for human sin, and only He has the words of eternal life. A message for all who are searching for meaning.

From Limited Faith to Fullness of Faith

‘I would ask you to turn this evening to the second scripture passage that we read in the Gospel of John, chapter 4. We shall be thinking this evening of the healing of the nobleman’s son, but more particularly of the progression in faith of this nobleman here himself. Now, the unusual thing about this … Continued

Why We Refuse Christ

Here is why Christ was rejected by the leaders of the people, and why we too recoil from Him today. These are our mistakes – which make us spiritually lost. Here also, is what we gain when we see who Christ is, and what He has done for our souls.

The Truth About Life

Is Christ true? Is reconciliation with God possible? Is the source of Christian salvation – the Bible – true? Can it be tested? Does it work? What about alternative explanations and policies for life? These answers to plain questions will help all who seek reality, and peace with God.

Everyone Has An Invisible Burden

Our greatest problem is not sickness, hardship or even death, but something we carry beyond death – the silent burden of guilt. Only the forgiveness of God can eradicate guilt and here is how God has made this possible, and how we may be reconciled with Him.

Measured by Our Hopes

Having no hope of God’s friendship and eternal life forces all our hope and anticipation to look for short-term earthly gains. This message is about the human necessity of hope, its origin and its penalties, and especially the only satisfying hope and how to possess it.

How Should I Rate My Life?

Life can only be measured in terms of our value and significance before God. King David recalls that he had fallen into backsliding, but grasped afresh the brevity and futility of life without a living experience of God. Here are the thoughts that brought him to renew that experience.

Come Unto Me

‘Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.’ This is a wonderful text. I think after John 3.16 (God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall have everlasting life) this must be considered as the second … Continued

Spiritual Emergencies

‘Refuge’ is a significant Bible word, echoing the cities of refuge set up by Moses for people fleeing from ‘mob’ justice. But these cities also illustrate how we must all take refuge in Christ’s salvation to escape our deserved justice for rebellion against God. Help for seeking souls.

Atheism and Faith Compared

Famous militant atheists make many mistakes in their claims, and here are some, along with powerful proofs of God. Here too are the strong attractions of atheism, together with the deep and lasting losses. Also, here are the immense gains of belief in God and the experience of conversion.

Remembering Your Soul

Other issues in life may sweep God out of our thought, or we may be indifferent to Him, or deliberately forget Him. But God and the soul are the most tragic losses to any person. Here is what we lose, and how we may find all we have lost.

Obtaining Access to God

The supreme and most vital teaching of Christianity about salvation – the key to knowing God – is the teaching of justification by faith alone. What does it mean, in plain terms, and why is it essential for any personal discovery of God?

What We Gain With Christ

Saul of Tarsus held a high opinion of himself and his standing before God, but one day it all came crashing down, and he saw the real situation. It led him to know God truly, and receive a new life. His great and eternal gains may also be ours.

Discovering Your God

Countless people, pre-occupied with material things, have suddenly heard about the real God, His powers and plans, and been totally surprised. Then they have heard about human alienation from God and the remedy and have found Him for themselves. This is for all who have never considered their God.

The After-Death Experience

Christ’s teaching on Heaven and future glory constitutes the only hope for eternal souls. Here is the promised future realm: its holiness, beauty and marvels. Here too are its people and their privileges. Here are the qualifications for admission and the terrors of exclusion. Are we ready?

God Appeals to Reason

Before conversion, the claims of God mean nothing to us, but when God’s Word speaks to our hearts, the challenge becomes inescapable. Self-searching begins, and the kindness of God’s forgiving love is grasped as never before. Here is God’s reasoning with souls.

Stages in Seeking Christ

Through the life of Simon Peter we may trace several stages of his opening up to Christ and seeking personal spiritual life. Conflicting aims and misunderstandings are resolved as he comes to the decisive point of faith and surrender to the Lord of life. His experience helps us.

How God Turns Hearts

Paul again speaks about his own conversion, showing how God has mercy even for enemies, and how the most unbelieving and hostile heart may be brought to seeking and faith. Here are the details of how cynical unbelief is dissolved, and reconciliation with God comes.

The Purpose of Life

What is the purpose of your life? Is your objective earthly or eternal? Is it material or spiritual? Christ lived on earth according to a set plan to accomplish our reconciliation with God. Our response to His life and work determines whether we have a heavenly destiny or purpose.

Seeing Spiritual Realities

Christ’s mini-parable of the defective eye shows how distorted our view of ourselves and of spiritual realities may be. Here are typical distortions – they may be ours – and the key things we must see to successfully find the Lord.

Proof Upon Proof

The message of personal salvation and eternal life obtained through Christ naturally provokes the question – Is it true? It seems too good to be true. Here is a review of its credibility, its effectiveness, and the many proofs experienced by those who trust it.

Testing Eternal Life

A challenge about the soul from Moses, who sets out the issue of choosing life or death, urging us to see what we miss by rejecting God, and calling us to weigh the eternal advantages and results of walking with Him. ‘Choose life!’ he pleads.

Life’s Most Essential Crisis

The most important ‘if’ in the Bible is here – ‘If any man be in Christ’ he is a new creation. How do we come to be ‘in Christ’ – united with Him? And in what way is our life newly created? What exactly do we experience?

Real Freedom in Life

King Solomon demonstrates in a famous and remarkable masterpiece of literature how trapped and limited we are, dominated by the events of life. But freedom is available to us, and limitations are removed, when a new spiritual dimension is received into our life.

Setting Up Life for Eternity

Christ’s parable of a crooked manager pictures our misappropriation of our God-given lives, except that the manager made provision for his future survival. How should we relate to the God of eternity? A message to show how Christ may be found and known.

The Cure of the Mind

Here are famous words of Paul identifying our greatest problem of thinking and outlook. Life is all a matter of how we feel, want, like and need. We do not see our spiritual needs. Paul points to a far better life walking with God.

How God Sees Us

The world’s worst tyrants turn out to be insecure hypochondriacs, because people are never what they seem. And nor are we the people we often think we are. Here is God’s diagnosis of our problems, and His unspeakably gracious remedy, securing our eternal happiness

How God Thinks

How vastly different God’s thoughts are from ours! Here is what He thinks about our indifference to Him and about showing mercy and love to us by sending an atoning Saviour. Here also is a comparison of God’s views and ours on matters that decide our eternal calling.

Being Open Minded To God

Christ’s parable about not covering a lampstand challenges us to listen to God, and not to remain unaware of how He must reject all who will not seek and find Him. How to listen so that we experience powerful life-changing answers to our prayers.

What If I Cannot Believe?

The Bible says that unbelief in God is our willing choice, and an act of antagonism toward Him. Is this reasonable? This passage presents the case from God’s point of view, showing why we disbelieve, how this affects us, and how God saves us.

What Do We Believe In?

People may believe in essential human goodness, or in permissiveness, or in themselves and their power to be happy. Often there is a refusal to actively believe in God. Here is what we miss without a hold on God and how we may approach Him and know Him.

The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus

  ‘The conversion of Saul of Tarsus was one of the most important events in the history of the Christian church. The contrast between what he was before and what he became afterwards is absolutely amazing. In his own words here in Acts 26, he says that he used to punish Christians and compel them … Continued

Peace comes from Righteousness

  ‘Let us bow in prayer together, let us pray. In the quietness of this and other Lord’s Day evening, we come to open up your most holy word, our God. We come to speak again of the wonders of your love and grace, to be pointed by thy Spirit unto the Lord Jesus, the … Continued

Who is a God like unto Thee?

The nations shall see and be confounded at all their might. They shall lay their hand upon their mouth, their ears shall be deaf. They shall lick the dust like a serpent. They shall move out of their holes like worms of the earth. They shall be afraid of the Lord our God and shall … Continued

The Beauty of Repentance

  ‘And he, that is Jesus, said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee. Go in peace.’ I would like to respond to the gracious welcome which has been given to me by Mr. Chris Cooper and by you all. It has been a very great pleasure and privilege for me to be in … Continued

Conversion Must Be an Act of God

The miracle of the feeding of the 5000 people was intended both as a proof of Christ’s divinity, and a lesson on conversion. Every stage of the miracle illustrates how moral and spiritual transformation comes only by trust in Christ.

Why Conversion Comes by Faith

This is Christ’s own evangelistic message to Nicodemus, using the symbol of the bronze serpent once lifted up for all healing of dying Israelites. It shows the elements of faith, and why it is the only way to obtain forgiveness, new life and blessing from God.

Things Man Cannot Do Without Christ

Although vastly superior to animals, man is a flawed being, severed from God. Here are things he can accomplish, but with limited success. Here, also, are things of a spiritual and eternal kind, that he cannot achieve without Christ. How may he relate to Christ to gain these goals?

A Spiritual View of Life

If we are boxed in to a material view of life, this psalm is like a camera drawing back and showing the real context of our earthly journey. We see ourselves passing through a ravine oblivious to the dangers and destination. Here is vital information for those seeking their Creator.

Being in Denial

  ‘What then? Are we better than they? No, in no wise. For we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles that they are all under sin.’ My subject this evening is ‘Being in Denial’. Being in Denial. Have you noticed how even the most avowed atheist uses the word good? They speak of people … Continued

Our World Turned Upside Down

  ‘Now when they had passed through Amphipolus and Apollonius, they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews.’ The Apostle Paul was a central figure in the turmoil that we read about in the city of Thessalonica. He was a man with great God-given courage. Previously, because of the message that he … Continued

Hollow Gains Without God

About 850 BC Samaria was under siege, and the people starving, when four men abandoned faith, fled, and found riches without God. But the narrative reveals the ephemeral benefits of a life without God, and the necessity of knowing Him.

Finding Christ

  ‘One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.’ If you would turn back this evening to the Gospel of John and to the first … Continued

The Mystery of Death

The immortality of the soul makes death either peaceful or terrifying, according to whether we are walking with God. All human life is ultimately a losing battle with death, the unavoidable appointment. Here is Christ’s way of breaking its power and bringing souls to eternal life.

God’s Definition of Faith

Coming to God is not just a matter of having good opinions about Him. It involves the heart as well as the mind. Here are the differences between mental belief only, and believing in Christ with the entire person.

Christ Himself Answers Our Doubts

Doubts about God have always disturbed people wondering about their souls and the possibility of life after death. Here is how Christ helped doubters in His day to determine what was true, and how He could be approached, found and proved.

Why Christ Insists on Belief

When Christ healed the twelve-year-old daughter of one named Jairus, he said, ‘Only believe!’ Why is this so vital, and exactly what form should our belief take in order for us to experience the unmistakable response of the Lord?

Ending the Soul’s Paralysis

The Lord’s healings were acts of compassion demonstrating His divinity, and also pictures of spiritual healing. Here we see the losses incurred by soul-paralysis, compared with the benefits of obtaining healing and life for the soul. This is about having God’s forgiveness.

Four Personality Types in the Bible

Not the four from Greek teaching, but four types of outlook sketched by Christ in the parable of the sower. Everyone fits in here as our lives are scanned and our reactions to God described. Where is life going?

Our Lease on Life

A message for those seeking for God, taken from Paul’s great illustration of the body as a temporary tent of the soul. Despite our breaking the terms of the ‘lease’, Christ has made a way of forgiveness and new life

Personally Receiving Christ

Not to believe in Christ as the Son of God is called a sin leading to damnation in the Bible, and this message shows why. It also shows how individual people may receive Christ, exactly what this involves, what it leads to.

Four Barriers to Knowing God

Christ’s encounter with a rich young ruler shows four reasons why this man – along with most other people – are unable to find God in a personal way. If these misunderstandings are resolved, He may be sought and known.

Seeing Christ

What Christ the Lord is really like in knowledge, power, love, generosity, majesty and glory. How He compares with the greatest human beings, and how we may come to experience His friendly and powerful involvement in our lives.

A Two-Stage Conversion to Christ

Christ’s healing of a blind man, uniquely accomplished in two stages, was designed to show how spiritual conversion frequently involves a phased discovery of what separates us from God, and Christ’s method of uniting us with Himself.

What it Means to Believe in Christ

Two famous commands from God give total insight into how we should approach Him for new life – ‘Stand still! Go forward!’ The message is about how to resolve our inner struggles and concerns in calling upon Christ for forgiveness and conversion

The Danger of Spiritual Delay

Why are we often so resistant to reconciliation with God? This is about our various reactions to the call of Christ, and how we avoid spiritual and eternal issues. Here, also, are some of the real dangers of delay, and the way to respond to God, and find His blessings.

An Amazing Royal Conversion

Manasseh – a long-reigning king of Judah – heard Isaiah preach in his youth, but rejected God to plunge into extreme evil. Yet, despite a near-lifetime of this, he was humbled and turned to Him for mercy. Here is a narrative of the extraordinary mercy of God in the saving of a soul.

How Christ Calls to Our Souls

We are called to turn away from lives in which God is excluded, and to seek and rely on Jesus Christ. Why? What is He really like? What has He done? What can He do for us, now, and eternally? What is it like to know Him, and what are the terms for responding to His call?

The Living God

Present-day Western ‘idolatry’ is the worship of a god invented by us, or of earthly objects and goals which we substitute for God. Here are the massive differences between the true and living God and all substitutes.

The Enemy Within

Is pride ever good? Yes, but here are the dangers and delusions that blind us to ourselves, cause us to resent the oversight of God, deform the character, spoil decisions, and take away our power to believe in Christ and gain eternal life.

The Kind of Prayer God Hears

True atheism is rare. Everyone prays at some time, but how? Here are prayers that fall to the ground, and why, contrasted with the kind that God has promised to answer. To know these things is to know how to approach and find God in a true and personal way.

The Greatest Plan in World History

To lose sight of the Cross of Calvary is to miss the central event of all history – the kindest act of unparallelled love, the great transaction, the most profound and enduring accomplishment and the most honest and powerful. Here is why.

Choosing Christ

Moses was already a ‘man of God’, when he chose to leave his royal life for God’s service, but his choice vividly highlights the issues in responding to the call of the Gospel – the call to Christ and to eternal life. Here are the cries of both dissuasion and persuasion.

Everyone’s Chief Idol

What is universally worshiped and served by everyone in every age, and why? Our greatest need is to be turned from this chief idol to the forgiveness, new life and eternal home that comes only from Christ the Lord.

Gaining Spiritual Understanding

Christ’s miracle of sight to the blind illustrate the depth of human unawareness of spiritual realities, and the transformation brought about when we come into union with God. Here are the losses of spiritual blindness and the gains of conversion.

God’s Plan for the World

Here is the most detailed prophecy – 900 years before the event – of Christ’s work and of the way He would capture the hearts of billions until the final day of earth’s history. This is the message of eternal life.

The Walking Dead

Viewed spiritually, we may be dead on our feet, responsible for our moral behaviour, and yet unconscious, of our need of God, and of the smallness of our lives. Here is the way of escape from a life of spiritual pointlessness, to discovery of spiritual life.