Psalms & Hymns of Reformed Worship (Music Edition)

Christopher Laws - Editor

472 tunes including familiar compositions, new tunes, and fresh arrangements of excellent `lost' tunes. The intention is to present tunes that are melodic, memorable, and consistent with intelligent worship. (Music only, without words.)

Christ or Therapy?

Dr E.S. Williams

There is an irreconcilable difference between remedies for sadness and grief in the Bible, and those of psychotherapy. This book demonstrates the contrast, including a remarkable review of depression in the Bible, and its relief.

The Dark Side of Christian Counselling

Dr E.S. Williams

It is amazing how rapidly the Christian counselling movement has spread through churches, teaching that trials once considered part of normal life are illnesses to be treated. Medical doctor Ted Williams challenges these claims.

What is Going on in Christian Crisis Pregnancy Counselling?

Dr E.S. Williams

We hear of expectant mothers seeking abortion advice, including girls under sixteen. Medical doctor Ted Williams shows that Christian counselling centres have adopted a deeply compromised approach that leaves in place the option of abortion.

Lessons for Life – 1

Jill Masters

The first year of Sunday School lessons, pressing home the great arguments of the Gospel (visual aids available separately). Includes Jesus' miracles, Creation and the Fall, the 'I AM' sayings of Christ, and evangelistic lessons from the life of Paul.

Lessons for Life – 2

Jill Masters

Lessons for Life 1-4 press home the great arguments of the Gospel (visual aids available separately). Series include: sin’s slavery (Exodus), the only way of escape (Luke's Gospel), and examples and warnings from Rahab to Saul.

Lessons for Life – 3

Jill Masters

Third year of evangelistic lessons (visual aids available separately). Series include: Gains and Losses in Following Jesus (Mark's Gospel), Early Reactions to the Apostles’ Message, and Great Differences (contrasts from David and Solomon).

Lessons for Life – 4

Jill Masters

Book 4 of Sunday School lessons which press home the great appeals of the Gospel (visual aids available separately). Series include: The Ten Commandments, The Life, Death and Resurrection of Christ, and Character Studies from Daniel and Nehemiah.

Worthy the Lamb – A Collection of Hymn Tunes for Reformed Worship

Christopher Laws

A hardback with 53 new hymn tunes. The majority have been adopted into regular worship at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. Acceptance (or otherwise) by the large, multi-national ­congregation (rather than an editorial committee) has steered the project.

Not Hearers Only

Andrew Owen

This is a manual designed to help church leaders and members understand the needs of Deaf adults and children and to reach out to them effectively. It contains much practical help and information, drawing from the author's personal experience in…

Signs of Life

Andrew Owen

With over 100 signs and glosses (other words that have the same sign), this is an important reference for Deaf people, students, tutors, interpreters, preachers, parents of Deaf children and anyone with an interest in BSL and the church. Each…

The Suffering Letters

C H Spurgeon

These remarkable letters, written from a pastor to his congregation, abound in exhortations to godliness, zeal and prayer. They provide a unique insight into Spurgeon's life and the fervent soul-winning activity central to an historic Calvinistic church. (Several classic sermonettes…

Nearly a Christian

C H Spurgeon

'The greatest tragedy must be the person who dies just outside the gate of life. They are standing just outside, but not stepping over the threshold themselves. Almost saved - but altogether lost.' For someone who has yet to accept…

One Among a Thousand – Interpreting in Christian settings

Andrew Owen

Although there are many interpreters in Christian settings, often working as volunteers, there is very little in print to help them. This is therefore a must-read volume. A ground-breaking book, thought-provoking and encouraging.

Richard Dawkins’ Fictional World

Robin Compston

Richard Dawkins has attacked the God of the Bible with a ferocity unseen since communism. But these assaults contain numerous mistakes. Robin Compston exposes these with exceptional clarity, simultaneously showing the reality and value of the faith under attack.

God’s Love for Muslims

Ibrahim Ag Mohamed

This is an enlightening manual on reaching Muslims for Christ. Full of vital information, it is at the same time a real 'page turner'. Here is a wealth of counsel from a pastor with many years of experience preaching and…

The New Calvinists

Dr E.S. Williams

Satan's major strategy is the infiltration and overthrow of the church by the world; worldliness now threatens every believer and church. This book reveals the new 'gospel' of the so-called 'New Calvinism' - a gospel that changes the terms of…

Wonders of Grace

Hannah Wyncoll - Compiler

Drawn from the early years of Spurgeon’s remarkable London ministry, these 138 testimonies of conversion form part of an archive of some 15,000 such accounts at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. Here is a powerful reaffirmation of the transforming power of the…

Classic Counsels

C H Spurgeon

Soul-stirring topics from the finest messages of the Prince of Preachers. Topics included are: obtaining certain assurance; help for doubting seekers; encouraging outsiders and advising seekers; relief for the downcast; developing faith; the Christian and places of entertainment, and others.

‘You are Deaf’ – The Life of John Kitto

Andrew Owen

Written for Deaf readers and those for whom English is a second language. This illustrated biography traces the surprising and eventful life of John Kitto who lost his hearing in a childhood accident. Having travelled widely in missionary service he…

God or Mammon? The Snare of the Prosperity Gospel

Robin Compston

'Who would have predicted that churches would be infected by blatantly unbiblical teaching which contradicts head-on the tenth commandment, and to which all believers should have an instinctive aversion?' So begins this startling unmasking of the Prosperity Gospel movement's heresies.


Howard Guinness

How much we need the challenging call of Howard Guinness’ Sacrifice! Only this level of commitment will take us through life’s journey used by God, and rejoicing in his power and love. Dr Guinness himself lived the message of this…

Building an Outreach Sunday School

Jill Masters

This practical manual for the pioneering and operating of Sunday Schools incorporates years of experience, and teems with information and tips (for small as well as large schools) from one who has pioneered and led Sunday School work for decades.…

The Charismatic Illusion

Peter Masters and John Whitcomb

Now with more answers to questions asked by people investigating the arguments, this veteran book contends for the biblical position on the gifts that prevailed for nearly 2,000 years before the charismatic movement came along. Here is the dynamic teaching…