Sermons on John
The Two Pillars of Christianity
John 1.17Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 30 June 2019
The moral law of God is an act of great kindness, intended to give order to the human race and to show how far short of God's standards we fall, and how greatly we need free forgiveness. Here is how we receive grace from God.
Why We Should Believe Christ
Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 21 June 2015
Why should we believe the compassionate call of Christ to all souls? After 2000 years, how may we be sure that He is the Lord of life and the Saviour of souls? Here are the credentials of our Maker, the Son of God, Who came to save. Verily, verily, I…
The Light of Christ
John 1.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 25 February 2018
Reflections on the magnificent introduction to John, glorifying Christ; eternally equal with the Father (no eternal submission), Creator and fountain of life, obscured by the Fall but always saving souls, rejected by the world but 'tabernacling' among us for the salvation of those 'born of God'.
The Speech of God
John 1.1Christmas Service— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 25 December 2016
Great themes including – Christ as the Word, what it means; how He speaks by creation and in redemption; the sense in which He imparts life to all; the three needs of mankind – light, forgiveness and life; also the meaning of 'grace for grace'.
Light and Power from God
John 1.9Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 24 December 2017
Our greatest needs in life are light and understanding about the reason for our being, an explanation of the state of the world, and how we may relate to God and have a future life. Finding Christ is the solution, and knowing His power.
Five Reasons for the Incarnation
John 1.9-11Christmas Service— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Friday 25 December 2020
Five of the purposes named in the Gospels by the Lord for His incarnation. Here is the confirmation of human status before God, the need to reveal God, the beginning of the full light of truth, the procuring of salvation, and the beginning of judgement.
The Unseen Lord
John 1.10Christmas Service— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Wednesday 25 December 2013
'He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.' Sermon by Dr Peter Masters The Lord Jesus Christ said: 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you,…
Personally Receiving Christ
John 1.12Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 15 May 2011
Not to believe in Christ as the Son of God is called a sin leading to damnation in the Bible, and this message shows why. It also shows how individual people may receive Christ, exactly what this involves, what it leads to.
The True Nature of Saving Faith
John 1.12Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 19 November 2023
We see that faith is 'receiving' Christ, our taking hold of Him for rescue, pardon and life, because we have become convinced that He is the Saviour who has paid in suffering to secure our forgiveness, and we are lost and condemned without Him.
The Real Christ
John 1.14Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 23 July 2017
What is Christ really like? How does He compare with the mighty of this world? What is it like to meet Him in prayer? How do Christian believers 'prove' Him and know Him? Is it mere hope and imagination? Here are answers, and the terms.
Seeing Christ
John 1.14Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 1 May 2011
What Christ the Lord is really like in knowledge, power, love, generosity, majesty and glory. How He compares with the greatest human beings, and how we may come to experience His friendly and powerful involvement in our lives.
Christ’s Infinite Qualities
John 1.15Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 4 March 2018
Four elevating verses, first, presenting Christ's eternal existence and amazing condescension to His people; secondly, showing His limitless capacity, and the meaning of 'grace for grace'; thirdly, extolling His mighty accomplishments, and fourthly, telling how He reveals and 'exegetes' the Father to provide our spiritual experiences.
The Two Pillars of All Wisdom
John 1.17Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 3 March 2013
Before we know the Bible, we have a distorted view of it, thinking the Old and New Testaments contradict each other. Here are the two great themes that run through both, God's law and God's grace, both representing His kindness and leading us to find Him.
The Two Truths that Lead to God
John 1.17Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 11 February 2024
The message of the Bible has two major truths that illustrate our need of God and how to find Him. These are LAW and GRACE; the first warns, the second saves. Found throughout the Bible, here is what they mean, and what they do.
John’s Gospel of New Life
John 1.19Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 11 March 2018
John the Baptist, the forerunner, was needed because of extreme spiritual barrenness. He called thousands to repentance, but most remained unsaved, never receiving Christ's spiritual baptism - the new birth. Here are lessons to us, and also the saving work of Christ - the Lamb of God.
Looking More Closely at Calvary
John 1.29Bible Study— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 16 March 2016
A review of the wonders of the Cross: as a sacrifice, the 'stripes' of suffering, the heights of love, the obedience of Christ, His purchase of creation, assurance secured, the power, the example, and the defeat of Satan. How to appreciate Calvary.
Four Unexpected Features of Faith
John 1.29Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 15 March 2015
Most people are surprised - even shocked - when they hear these four vital facts of the Christian faith. Yet these have been the means of drawing vast numbers to seek Christ since He came to earth. Here is how John the Baptist introduced the Saviour
Four Life-Giving Surprises
John 1.29Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 7 March 2021
Here are essential facts (from John the Baptist) that many people do not know about Christ. (1) He has come to earth, (2) He alone takes away sin, (3) There is no other Saviour of the world, (4) He is easy to approach. You May Be Also Interested in… Video…
Behold the Lamb of God!
John 1.29Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Friday 29 March 2024
'The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.'
The Biography of a Soul
John 1.35Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 18 March 2018
The encounter of the first disciples with Christ reflects the experience of all believers, embracing a considerable surprise, a deep sense of need, a compulsion to share Christ, a new character, light on the Word and the progressive discovery of even 'greater things'.
How the First Disciples Were Converted
John 1.35Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 13 February 2022
When John the Baptist diverted the first two disciples to follow Christ a remarkable new process began in their lives. Here are the stages of their transformational attachment to Christ, the terms, and their experience, together with that of others who joined with them. You May Be Also Interested in……
How Christ Calls
John 1.39Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 12 March 2017
When Christ called the first disciples, He asked three things of them. They must first see their need of Him. Then secondly, accept the changed life He gives and thirdly yield their lives to follow Him. Here is how they came to see Him as God and Saviour, and respond.
Milestones of Faith
John 1.40-41Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 22 August 2021
A brief biography of Peter, one of the first disciples, showing his calling by Christ (and partial response), then his conviction of personal sin, his realisation of Christ's divinity and work, and the critical stage - the full dawning of faith and surrender. You May Be Also Interested in… Article: The…
Why People Can’t Believe
John 1.46Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 14 October 2012
When the disciple Nathaniel was called to follow Christ, he had initial doubts, soon dispelled by the Lord. Here are our doubts and barriers to believing in God, and the answers to them. A message for all who need to find the Lord, and prove Him personally.
The Beginning of Miracles
John 2.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 25 March 2018
First we see the message of the miracle; second - the insurmountable problem; third - the necessity of obedience; fourth - the quality of the miracle; fifth - the results. The disciples saw Christ's divine power and the nature of His saving work.
Christ Describes His Mission
John 2.1Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 5 August 2012
The Lord's first miracle - water into wine - is an unfolding picture of what He had come to give mankind. Here are all the elements of the Gospel and salvation in one magnificent illustration, showing how Christ brings forgiveness, transformation and eternal life to seeking souls.
Christ Purges His Temple
John 2.12Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 8 April 2018
The Lord's purity cannot allow the shameful hypocrisy of Temple conduct, and by an act of divine power He casts out the commerce, and prophesies His own death and resurrection (as well as the fall of the Temple), providing lessons for spiritual living today.
The Story of Resurrection
John 2.19-22Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 5 April 2015
Many prophecies shine out of the Old Testament about the resurrection of the Messiah and His people, and here are striking examples, showing that resurrection is a key theme. The Lord spoke repeatedly of His own resurrection and here are the reasons and the benefits.
A Long-Foretold Resurrection
John 2.19Easter Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 9 April 2023
A review of prophecies that Messiah would rise from the dead, coupled with the sevenfold purpose or message of this supreme act of power. Here is understanding, incentive and authority for a life of holiness, service and dedication to Christ.
The Lord’s Agenda
John 3.1-13Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 22 April 2018
A ruling pharisee, possibly exploring cooperation between Christ and the Temple order, comes by night, but the Lord teaches that only a new birth purchased by Himself, wrought directly by God, and revealed throughout Scripture, can save people, whether pharisees or ordinary Jews and Gentiles.
The Necessity of a New Birth
John 3.7Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 11 February 2018
Being 'born again' is a greatly debased term today through light usage, but it is vital to genuine conversion and spiritual life. Here is how Christ's term brings to life what happens when people come to Christ, what it feels like and what it leads to.
Sure Evidence of God
John 3.7Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 9 October 2016
Even scientists do not always consider how much of the human condition cannot be explained by scientific knowledge, including vast matters such as consciousness. Here are evidences for God, including aspects of Christian conversion that can only come about if God is at work in the soul.
Being Born Again
John 3.7Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 11 November 2012
A sermon in a single verse from the Saviour of the World tells us not to be astonished or offended that a complete renewal of life and nature - performed by God - is essential in order to know Him, and go to Heaven. Here is the way to life.
Regeneration and Gospel Persuasion
John 3.8School of Theology Lecture— Dr Peter Masters | 7:15pm | Wednesday 8 July 2015
Even preachers are often confused about whether they should use reasoning in Gospel preaching. Paul persuaded all the time, and so did Reformers, Puritans and preachers in Awakenings. The old Calvinistic view of regeneration compelled it, but today's view crushes it. What are the differences?
Christ’s Own Appeal to Souls
John 3.13Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 29 April 2018
How the Lord presented salvation by grace to Nicodemus, showing that it was always given to individuals, through faith, by the immeasurable love of God in Christ. Here also is the Lord explaining why people refuse to believe, and his appeal to Nicodemus to repent.
Why God Insists on Faith
John 3.14Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 21 October 2018
Sin is the impassable barrier between God and men, which must be removed and forgiven before reconciliation. Repentance is not enough. There must also be faith. Here is why, what faith must be in, and why alternatives are disastrous.
Why Conversion Comes by Faith
John 3.14Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 21 August 2011
This is Christ's own evangelistic message to Nicodemus, using the symbol of the bronze serpent once lifted up for all healing of dying Israelites. It shows the elements of faith, and why it is the only way to obtain forgiveness, new life and blessing from God.
The Immeasurable Love of God
John 3.16Christmas Service— Dr Peter Masters | 12:00am | Monday 25 December 2017
This best known of all Bible verses speaks of the scale of God's love for this present disordered world. It is, of course, a love of vast compassion that sent the noblest and highest, the Eternal Son, to redeem. Here is soul-saving love.
Everlasting Life
John 3.16Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 26 August 2012
Here is a view of the astounding love of God for fallen humanity, and of the lengths to which He went to bring salvation. Here also is how we must respond to be saved, and the great goal of everlasting bliss, the true purpose of this present brief life.
The Scope of God’s Love
John 3.16Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 11 July 2021
The Bible's most famous verse mentions the astonishing scope and depth of Christ's love in sending a member of the Godhead into our corrupted world. In what sense could God love this world? And what was it that Christ did to save lost people? You May Be Also Interested in……
The Forerunner Bows to Christ
John 3.32Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 13 May 2018
Here is the exemplary modesty of the Baptist in yielding the crowd to Christ, and his exalting of Christ's divinity. Also, we see how crowds desired baptism without deep belief, explaining why John's Gospel emphasises belief in Christ's redeeming purpose (which leads to repentance).
The Woman at the Well
John 4.4Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 27 May 2018
Christ's exhaustion shows His astonishing love in assuming the limitations of human nature for salvation. His encounter with a brazenly reluctant hearer, unable to grasp spiritual wonders until He revealed His identity, reflects all experience of conversion. Here also are the golden rules of worship.
If Only You Knew
John 4.10Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 31 May 2015
The title mirrors words of Christ to a spiritually confused person. If only we knew about God, and ourselves, and what Christ has done for us! Here are samples of present day unawareness of eternal realities, and how these may be proved.
If Only You Knew Christ – The Gift of God
John 4.10Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 6 August 2023
Whether we live in a Christian age or in an atheistic culture, people, by nature, are unaware of the goodness and power of God if He is found and known. Here is why we are so far from Him, and how we may find Him.
Gaining an Inner Life
John 4.14Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 18 November 2012
Christ uses water as an illustration of all that we need to support physical life and contentment - but it has limits. He then uses 'living water' to illustrate the inner spiritual life that only He can give. Do we have this 'more abundant life' which never ends?
Finding an Inner Life
John 4.14Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 28 March 2021
The last thing on the mind of the Samaritan woman who encountered Christ at Jacob's well at Sychar was her soul. Here is the Lord's way of awakening her need and understanding for a personal walk with God, with joy and eternal life. Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever…
Sowers and Reapers
John 4.37Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 3 June 2018
The harvesting of souls is the Saviour's stated source of great satisfaction, and will be ours also if it governs our priorities and prayers. Here also is the power of witness, and the nature of saving faith in the case of the nobleman of Capernaum.
The House of Mercy
John 5.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 10 June 2018
The startling question 'Wilt thou be made whole?' exposes the human indifference to salvation, broken only by Christ's initiative in opening the heart to mercy. Here are lessons in salvation; also - Christ's unambiguous assertion of His divinity, which became the real basis of all hostility.
A Miracle that Demonstrates Conversion
John 5.5Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 27 October 2013
Christ constantly combined compassionate works of healing with illustrations of spiritual conversion. His healing of the helpless man at Bethesda's Pool is a remarkable example, showing the dramatic course and features of how Christ is to be approached, and what He will do for seekers.
A Miracle For All Times
John 5.5Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 1 March 2020
When Christ healed the paralysed man at Bethesda's pool, He provided a challenge that would span the centuries. Here are the stages of reconciliation with God: a hopeless scene; a listless person; Christ's unsought initiative; a vital question; an impossible command, and a glorious outcome. You May Be Also Interested…
The Justice of God
John 5.22Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 12 January 2020
Judgement Day is almost unmentionable in today's society, yet it awaits us all at the end of time. Here is the motive of God's justice, how He has made His standards known, and how Christ secures release from judgement for all who trust in Him. You May Be Also Interested…
Why We Should Believe in Christ the Lord
John 5.24Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 22 January 2023
Christ said, "I most solemnly assure you" indicating the certainty of a conversion experience to all who hear His word, believe and respond. Here are the chief exclusive and verifiable facts taught in the Bible, and how Christ may be found personally.
Earth or Heaven?
John 5.25Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 17 June 2018
Early in His ministry, Christ challenged the Jews, proclaiming a spiritual resurrection for all who 'heard' His voice, and a future bodily resurrection. Again, He asserted His divine sonship, authenticated by the Father through His mighty works, and through the scriptures - especially Moses.
The End of Time
John 5.28Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 30 March 2014
Christ's teaching on the end of the world and what will happen to us all in the last judgement. We learn in scripture of mankind being divided into two vast groups - believers in Christ and unbelievers. Here is how we may be counted among those who have eternal life.
The Final Shock of History
John 5.28Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 31 October 2021
Do not be astonished, said Christ, that the hour is coming when the dead shall hear His voice and stand before God. Here are the reasons for the unreadiness of many for God's intervention at the end of time, and how to prepare for it. You May Be Also Interested…
The Testing of Faith
John 6.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 24 June 2018
The building of faith in the great calling of saved people - how slowly it deepens, without thought. Here is the testing of the disciples, with lessons, in the feeding of the 5000, and Christ's earthly power in walking on, and calming, the storm-tossed sea.
The Phenomenon of Conversion
John 6.5Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 31 March 2013
The message in Christ's feeding of 5000 men is to show that He is the sole source of spiritual life, and to highlight the very surprising nature of conversion as an experience. Also, the free nature of it and how God must be approached
Earthly or Heavenly Salvation?
John 6.27Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 1 July 2018
The discourse of the Saviour to followers who sought a political rather than a spiritual salvation. Here is His presentation of His divinity, His life-giving work, His salvation promises, and His explanation of the Father's preparatory work in the hearts of those who believe.
The Source of Eternal Life
John 6.35Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 5 May 2019
It is amazing that Jesus Christ the Son of God, who entered into the world, should describe Himself as the 'bread of life'. Here is why He came in humble form, what He did to atone for sinners, and how we come to Him.
The Gift of Spiritual Life
John 6.35Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 22 July 2012
Here is how bread, through most of history vital to wellbeing, pictures the way life comes to the soul through the gift of Christ. Using the bread metaphor, the Lord shows how He alone prepares and conveys new spiritual life - to seeking souls.
The Incomparable Claims of Christ
John 6.35Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 22 December 2024
While on earth, Christ made seven astonishing claims, using the words of God to Moses 'I AM that I AM'. The first claim 'I am the Bread of Life,' describes the work of Christ as Saviour, securing pardon and life for all who believe in Him.
Gaining Eternal Life
John 6.37Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 7 December 2014
Christ, in great sympathy, dissuades a multitude from toiling primarily for earthly satisfaction which fails and perishes, to seek as first priority the spiritual life that He gives freely, that expands into everlasting experience. Here is what He gives, and how He imparts it.
Christ Reveals Calvary
John 6.40Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 8 July 2018
About a year before Calvary, the Lord preached at Capernaum promises of eternal life to all who received His bodily work for sinners. They would, He said, be 'drawn' by the irresistible grace of God to find true and living union with Him.
Words of Eternal Life
John 6.68Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 22 July 2018
Christ exclusively has the words of eternal life, but it is enriching to understand that this is a comprehensive term that refers to a host of features of eternal glory, reviewed here. If these are not appreciated and wanted, one cannot really desire eternal life.
The Words of Eternal Life
John 6.68Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 1 October 2017
We track the events of an astounding chapter that sees many disciples turn away from Christ. It was the opposite of what usually happened. They found Christ's statements about eternal life unpalatable. Why? The answer moves us to take seriously the needs of the soul.
The Only Source of Spiritual Life
John 6.68Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 29 April 2012
Belief in Christ is not blind faith. It is based on understanding His message and seeing the authenticating evidences. It follows the discovery that only He has atoned for human sin, and only He has the words of eternal life. A message for all who are searching for meaning.
“To Whom Shall We Go?”
John 6.68Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 14 April 2024
A message tracking the enthusiastic pursuit of Christ by many who wanted a materialistic, earthly return to prosperity, while He proclaimed His purpose - spiritual and eternal life to all who depend on Him as divine Saviour, and His redeeming work on Calvary.
Reactions to Christ on Earth
John 7.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 12 August 2018
The attitude to Christ of His own brothers (before their conversion), then of the common people crowded into Jerusalem from throughout the land for the feast of tabernacles, then of the leaders, and then of the residents of Jerusalem. Here also are the lessons.
Why We Refuse Christ
John 7.1Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 15 April 2012
Here is why Christ was rejected by the leaders of the people, and why we too recoil from Him today. These are our mistakes - which make us spiritually lost. Here also, is what we gain when we see who Christ is, and what He has done for our souls.
Life’s Greatest Mental Block
John 7.6Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 1 December 2019
The scribes of Christ's day were accomplished men, but a strange fog clouded their reaction to Him. Though amazed at His person and teaching, they refused to listen. Here is why, and how the same mental block shuts us off from God today.
The Threefold Delusion
John 7.28Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 19 August 2018
The Pharisees and chief priests thought they had communion with God, power to vanquish Christ, and knowledge of the Scriptures. In reality, they had none of these, as this passage shows. Here also is Christ's great call to the thirsty to receive life and power by the Spirit.
If Any Man Thirst
John 7.37Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 18 January 2015
Before vast crowds from many lands disperse from Jerusalem after the Feast of Tabernacles, Christ stands in the Temple to give a stirring appeal that will be spread afar. Here is His passionate call to draw people to know and walk with Him.
The Answer to Inner Yearnings
John 7.37Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 9 April 2023
The appeal of Christ to a vast assembly in the courts of the temple was - 'If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.' Here are the only two conditions for coming to Christ to receive life, pardon and eternal happiness.
No Teacher Like Christ
John 7.46Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 4 May 2014
There was never a teacher like Christ. No one has ever been so understandable, and yet so profound and compelling. Here are examples of the unique superiority of His message and style. Everything He said has come to pass. Why trust your life (and soul) to others?
Unique Words of Christ
John 7.46Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 14 March 2021
No one has ever spoken like Jesus Christ. Vast crowds listened spellbound to Him, so gentle yet full of authority, so clear and yet so profound. His words to the soul have brought millions to find Him. Listen to some of His calls to human hearts. You May Be Also…
The Divine Wisdom and Grace of Christ
John 8.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 26 August 2018
Scribes - experts in the law - devise an inescapable trap for Christ, determined to frame charges against Him, but He confounds them, turning the attention of the crowd to salvation. Here also is 'I am the light of the world,' and what it means to possess Him.
The Light of Life
John 8.12Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 25 November 2012
The Lord's second great public declaration of His messiahship using the words, 'I am'. The prophets said 'the sun of righteousness' would arise, and He duly came, working countless authenticating healing miracles. Here is how He is light to our souls if we yield to Him.
Finding Truth and Life
John 8.12Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 30 August 2020
What did Christ mean when he said 'I am the light of the world'? Here is why he is the supreme light, and the reason for the world's continuance, and how following him leads us to walk with God now and for ever. Full Service Recordings: You May Be Also…
How is Christ Light of the World?
John 8.12Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 29 December 2024
At the feast of Tabernacles, when the Temple was illuminated with additional giant lampstands, and torchlight processions passed through the evening streets, Christ proclaimed Himself as light to the world, and the light of life. Here is the meaning of His momentous claim.
Grades of Belief
John 8.13Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 2 September 2018
In a vast temple court, the Lord declares Himself the light of the world, but the Pharisees reject His divinity. Here, He reasons with them, giving a solemn warning. The shallow belief of some of them urges us to be sure of genuine conversion.
Real Freedom
John 8.36Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 14 December 2014
Many strive for liberty from laws, daily toil and even the thought of God; but Jesus Christ said there is one true freedom - release from the power and condemnation of sin. All other freedoms bring their own bonds, but pardon and spiritual life give unsurpassed peace and strength.
The Only True Freedom
John 8.36Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 17 October 2021
True freedom means liberty from all forms of fame and power. Antagonistic to our wellbeing, freedom from sin and its consequences, and all other hindrances to spiritual life and happiness. Here is why it can only come through meeting with Jesus Christ. You May Be Also Interested in… Article: Sermon: True Freedom…
Christ Teaches on Eternal Destiny
John 8.51Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 1 February 2015
In teaching the afterlife, Christ speaks of 'seeing' death, which includes tasting it. He describes the most terrible experience conceivable, leading to judgement. But those, He says, who believe His message will never see it. Here is how He is able to deliver believers.
Christ – The Key to Knowledge
John 8.58Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 23 September 2018
The Jerusalem 'clergy' failed to see the Lord in the clear promises of Genesis and subsequently, so His words made no sense to them. Here is how Christ is the chief rule of interpretation, and the key to understanding all human history.
Seeing Christ at Work
John 9.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 7 October 2018
Announced by Christ as a demonstration of His saving work, picturing repentance as central to saving faith. Also here is a statement of commission to successive believers, a view of Christ's divine attributes, and a glimpse of the demise of the Jewish priesthood.
Things We Have Never Seen
John 9.1Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 19 June 2016
Christ's literal healing of a man born blind was intended to picture the healing of spiritual blindness. Here are the things we do not see in life, in ourselves, in God, or in the future. Only God's Word gives understanding of life and conversion.
Gaining Spiritual Understanding
John 9.1Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 16 January 2011
Christ's miracle of sight to the blind illustrate the depth of human unawareness of spiritual realities, and the transformation brought about when we come into union with God. Here are the losses of spiritual blindness and the gains of conversion.
Christ’s Illustration of Conversion
John 9.1Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 17 July 2022
Christ's healing of a man born blind was a liberal act of compassion which is also intended to demonstrate the way a person may be forgiven and renewed. Here are the striking similarities between his healing and the receiving of spiritual life from the Lord.
The New Messianic Order
John 10.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 14 October 2018
Six months before Calvary the Lord uses the Good Shepherd allegory to portray salvation and the new church order. Here is the contrast between Satan's 'shepherds' and the Lord. Here also is the call of the Gospel, and the gifts of salvation bestowed by Christ.
The Door to Real Life
John 10.7Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 22 September 2013
'I am the door,' said Christ, providing one of the richest analogies in the Bible to describe the experience of coming to know Him, and entering into His kingdom. Here earthly doors of opportunity with their limited gains are contrasted with the great door of conversion.
The Gains of the Christian Life
John 10.10Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 26 January 2014
The coming of Christ was unique, extraordinary, and essential - if people are to be enabled to find and know God. He came to give spiritual life to countless individuals who believe in Him. Here are the immense gains of spiritual life, and how it may be received.
The Nature of Spiritual Life
John 10.10Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 12 April 2020
The coming of Christ into the world was unique and essential for the provision of spiritual life to needy people. But why do so many have no idea of their need of it? Here are its transforming qualities, and how it is received. You May Be Also Interested in… Sermon: Valuing…
The Humbling Analogy
John 10.11Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 11 June 2017
Our pride instinctively recoils from being depicted in the Bible as sheep, but it is a profound and challenging depiction that enables us to see the depth of our spiritual need, and the costly and glorious work of Christ, the shepherd of lost souls.
To Know the Divine Shepherd
John 10.11Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 14 January 2024
When we first hear it, the analogy of humanity as a flock of sheep shocks us, and we recoil from it. But here are the unmistakeable similarities, and how Christ the Lord operates as a shepherd to gather and restore individuals to spiritual life.
Learning Christ’s Methods
John 10.22Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 21 October 2018
Surrounding Christ in the temple precincts four months before Calvary, the teachers of the Jews attempt to ensnare Him, but the encounter reveals seven elements of the Lord's approach to lost souls, all of which teach believers how they should proceed.
Deepening Conviction
John 11.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 28 October 2018
Over several days, the Lord gave three clear intimations that He would raise Lazarus from the dead, but the disciples, then Martha, in varying degrees, could not take in His words. Faith triumphed in the end, and here is the history of growing conviction.
The Resurrection is a Saving Truth
John 11.25-26Easter Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 31 March 2024
The Lord's famous words to Martha, 'I am the resurrection and the life,' are required by him to be believed for salvation. Here are the life-giving features of the resurrection, and how these revived the flagging faith of doubting disciples.
God’s Superior Power
John 11.47Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 4 November 2018
Two months before Calvary, the ruling council of chief priests and clergy assembled to plan the death of Jesus of Nazareth. Their folly is here tracked to show how everything they thought and planned was overruled and re-shaped by the sovereign power of Christ.
The Momentous Supper
John 12.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 11 November 2018
John's record of the last days of the earthly life of the Lord begins with the supper at Bethany - a remarkable picture of Christian worship and commitment seen in Martha's service, the testimony of Lazarus, and Mary's demonstration of faith by the symbol of anointing.
Seven Voices For Calvary
John 12.12Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 18 November 2018
Almost like a Greek play with seven scenes, the apostle John (in twenty verses) tracks seven distinct sources of powerful authenticating views about Christ as Messiah, including the words of Christ Himself and the Father. Here also is the Lord's call to salvation.
Securing a New Life
John 12.24Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 27 April 2014
The Saviour's illustration of grain being sown to bring about a crop describes His atoning death on Calvary. It also pictures the laying down of a seeker's old life so that he may be given a new life by God. Here is how we must approach Him.
Christ’s Final Public Message
John 12.31Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 25 November 2018
The profound meaning of 'now is the judgement of this world', and the scornful questions of the masses, revealing their problem, then the Lord's last great appeal before Calvary, then the mysterious hardening of the heart of the people, plus green shoots of conversion.
Satan’s Power, and its Limitations
John 12.31Bible Study— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 1 August 2012
Here are many facts about Satan and his demons, what they can and cannot do since Calvary, including their inability to possess people (not deeply involved in occult activity), or to search hearts and read thoughts. Here also is how we are to resist him.
Where to meet Christ
John 12.32Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 19 October 2014
True religion is a meeting with God, but how and where and on what terms? What does God require from us? In a society that suppresses all thought and knowledge of God, here is the teaching of Christ about how He may be found.
Washing the Disciples’ Feet
John 13.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 2 December 2018
A symbolic act with four moving lessons for the future apostles, just before Christ went to Calvary, showing his love for his own, his coming humiliation, his cleansing of them, and the humility of bearing and life (essential to them and all believers in order to be used by God).
Seeing Things Unseen
John 13.18Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 9 December 2018
Having washed the disciples' feet, Christ revealed to them seven vital immediate events - the betrayal, their future work, the ugliness of hypocrisy, the need for heart-searching before the Lord's Supper, the direction of events, how humiliation would bring glory, and the future church.
How Christ Builds Our Faith
John 14.1-14Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 16 December 2018
The day before Calvary, with the disciples, Christ gives a fourfold remedy for their deficiencies. They must grasp the necessity of faith, the heavenly objective, His pivotal atonement, and His equality with the Father. Only then can they fulfil their commission.
Christ Teaches Assurance
John 14.1-18Bible Study— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 15 June 2016
The future apostles are taught the steps to be taken when the soul is wounded or jaded, vital for all who love and serve the Lord. Here are the Lord's five themes for reflection, enabling obedience to, 'Let not your heart be troubled'.
Levels of Life
John 14.6Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 3 July 2016
It is amazing to possess conscious life and feeling; to perceive, to reason, and to enjoy family and social companionship. But what about spiritual life? Why should the soul be dormant and inactive? Here is the reason, and how Christ gives complete life by conversion to Himself.
What is Truth?
John 14.6Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 4 October 2015
'The Truth' is greater than the total of all the facts in the world, reaching beyond material things to the purpose of life. Christ's declaration that He is ' The Truth' makes Him the reason for the world's existence, and the key to finding God.
May Truth Be Found?
John 14.6Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 20 November 2022
We hear of 'your truth'. Can 'truth' be known by viewing material facts only, and ignoring the spiritual? Christ's words, 'I am the Truth' show how He presents Himself as the reason for everything, the Creator of all and the revealer of spiritual life.
Christ’s Teaching on the Holy Spirit
John 14-15Bible Study— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 22 June 2016
Spoken exclusively to the apostles, here is the Lord's teaching on the Spirit of Truth, of communion, of holiness, of illumination and of witness. Also, Christ's words on the unique advantages of blessing by the Spirit, and His discrete, unostentatious, inconspicuous stance.
Christ Tells of the Spirit
John 14.15Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 23 December 2018
In this last teaching discourse to the apostles the Lord impresses upon them things they have not yet grasped, especially about the Holy Spirit: that He is a divine Person, giving spiritual illumination and assurance, and impressing Christ on the hearts of believers.
Deepening Our Love for the Lord
John 14.15Bible Study— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 2 May 2018
Love for Christ is constantly eroded by other concerns, and by salvation and blessing being taken for granted. Here scriptures show how admiration is maintained together with indebtedness, Christ-likeness and trust in Him. These deepen love. Here also is discerning love - the vital kind.
Communion with Christ
John 14.21Bible Study— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 17 May 2023
'He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.'
Lessons in Love
John 14.25-31Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 6 January 2019
Five expressions of love for Christ all found in this passage - all being a key to ongoing assurance, and all stirring greater love. For a new year, we see Christ's words - love learns, love trusts, love identifies, love serves and love obeys.
Finding Peace With God
John 14.27Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30am | Sunday 30 October 2016
The Bible portrays the human problem as a rebellion or war against God, with all the consequences of war picturing the trouble in our lives. Christ is the Saviour who gives peace (reconciliation) with all its benefits, and who rebuilds lives. Here is how.
The Greatest Imaginable Legacy
John 14.27Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 19 February 2023
At the end of His earthly life Christ spoke of His leaving a legacy to many millions of people in the history of the world. It was of infinitely greater value than anything that could be given by this present world. Here is what he gives.
The Parable of the Vine
John 15.1-7Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 13 January 2019
Christ's instructions to the apostles defining the Christian life. He begins with the New Covenant, and how He is the true vine securing redemption for His people. He also defines 'fruit' (the essential evidence of conversion) and what it means to 'abide' in Himself.
‘Abide In Me’ – The True Meaning
John 15.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 9 July 2017
Union with Christ is the greatest imaginable privilege of the redeemed, and vital for progress in sanctification and usefulness to the Lord. But what exactly does it mean to abide in Christ, and to allow Him to abide in us? Here are biblical directions.
Christ Teaches on Christian Fellowship
John 15-17Bible Study— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 13 July 2016
Spoken exclusively to the disciples, here are texts commanding love between believers. In imitation of Christ's own, love must be sacrificial, generous and helpful, and not self-concerned. Also, how spiritual joy relates to love, and what it means to be 'one' in John 17.
Maintaining Union With Christ
John 15.1-19Bible Study— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 22 July 2015
Significance of the vine and the branches picturing Christ and His people, and the daily privilege of abiding in Him. The three-fold fruit - character, praise and witness - and the vital means of abiding listed by the Saviour, all contributing to the realisation of His presence and power.
Things Man Cannot Do, Without Christ
John 15.5Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 2 September 2018
Mankind has been enabled by the Creator to accomplish many things, but without Christ we cannot see, taste or know spiritual realities, overcome flaws and sins, be reconciled with God, know deep purpose and happiness, or have eternal life. Here is how we find Christ.
Our Human Limitations
John 15.5Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 10 August 2014
Christ's statement that without Him people can accomplish nothing refers first to spiritual things, but also to all of life. How limited is mankind! Here are just the main shortcomings, the missing factor that causes them, and the difference that it makes to know Christ.
Things Man Cannot Do Without Christ
John 15.5Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 14 August 2011
Although vastly superior to animals, man is a flawed being, severed from God. Here are things he can accomplish, but with limited success. Here, also, are things of a spiritual and eternal kind, that he cannot achieve without Christ. How may he relate to Christ to gain these goals?
Factors that Make or Mar Christian Happiness
John 15.11Bible Study— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 30 May 2018
Here is the Lord's own teaching on the maintaining of Christian joy, including reflection on conversion blessings, rewards in striving for holiness, seeing the risen Christ near at hand by faith, a life of answered prayer, the practice of anticipation, and the right handling of trials.
Chosen for Service
John 15.12Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 20 January 2019
Sublime words of Christ about mutual love between believers, about the privilege of being loved by Him, of being told all things by Him, of being 'elected' to salvation and service, commissioned, and equipped with the power of prayer. An overwhelming inspiration to full commitment.
The Reality of Knowing Christ
John 15.13Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 5 March 2017
There are really only two forms of religion: one where you only know about God (or 'gods') and the other where you know Him in an unmistakable personal way. Here are Christ's words about His 'friends', how this comes about, and what it is like.
The Church and the World
John 15.18Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 27 January 2019
The Saviour taught that people generally, locked in the world system, whatever their surface attitude, detest Him and His message. History shows this to be so. Here are the various forms of hatred, the reasons behind them, and the biblical response of Gospel workers.
The Era of the Spirit
John 16.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 10 February 2019
Christ speaks of the Spirit's work convicting of sin (unbelief being the crowning sin), convincing of the perfection of Christ and our dependence on Him, and convincing of the judgement to come. As these things were preached, the Spirit would convict and convince souls.
The Holy Spirit at Work Within Us
John 16.7Bible Study— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 19 July 2017
Two hours before his betrayal the Lord speaks of the Holy Spirit's indwelling work and also of his work in the world, effectively giving the rules for all preaching and witness. Here also is the Spirit's illumination of the Word – the only authority for Christians.
Knowing Our Inner Person
John 16.8Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 2 September 2012
The experience of conversion to God usually begins when we see our inner person - what we are really like. Christ taught that three features of our real self are recognised, and then we realise how much we need His forgiveness, and His rebuilding work on our lives.
Christ’s Last Promises to His Disciples
John 16.12-33Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 17 February 2019
The very final briefing of the Saviour to the disciples before His arrest tells of much yet to be taught them (by the Spirit), of Christ being 'seen' (by the Spirit), of their new liberty in prayer, and of their great joy - all ongoing promises for believers.
The Lord’s High Priestly Prayer
John 17.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 24 February 2019
A prayer expressing the united will of the Godhead for things about to be secured by the work of Christ. Awed disciples learn, and generations of believers receive mighty assurance. This introduction shows Christ praying as prophet, priest and king for all His own.
The Characteristics of True Believers
John 17.6Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 3 March 2019
Believers are those who have 'seen' God and His ways. They are interceded for and kept, in order to reflect and speak of Christ. They are separated from the world and dedicated to the joy and service of Christ, and they are sanctified by the Word.
Sanctify Them Through Thy Truth
John 17.17Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 10 March 2019
Sanctification (purification, consecration and commitment) by the Word is the will of Christ for His own, and here we turn to the first three of the Ten Commandments to challenge our souls. How should these be applied today in our lives and churches?
Christian Distinctives
John 17.18Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 7 April 2019
In the course of this great 'high priestly' prayer, the Lord reveals the purpose of the Christian calling, the vital distinctives of a true Christian faith, and the Christian's future destiny. Then the hour of redemptive work arrives, and He proceeds so calmly to Calvary.
Our Impact on a Lost World
John 17.18Thanksgiving Service— Dr Peter Masters | 7:30pm | Wednesday 19 October 2011
'As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.' Sermon by Dr Peter Masters Full chapter _____________ John 17 These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that…
The Trials of Christ
John 18.10Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 14 April 2019
The Gospel of John here reveals the repeated failure in understanding and loyalty of a representative disciple, the deep dishonesty of the Jewish leaders, and the unwavering purpose and dignity of the Son of God throughout the multiple unjust, overnight hearings leading to Calvary.
Aspects of Calvary
John 19.1Good Friday Service— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Friday 19 April 2019
The outward aspects of Calvary show the very evil for which the Lord atoned (on behalf of the redeemed). We see vividly portrayed His humiliation, along with human dishonesty, rejection of Himself, corruption and theft. For all these He paid an indescribable price inwardly.
See Him!
John 19.5Good Friday Service— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Friday 6 April 2012
'Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man!' Sermon by Dr Peter Masters The Lord Jesus Christ said: 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my…
Behold the Man!
John 19.5Good Friday Service— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Friday 15 April 2022
'Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man!'
Behold Your King!
John 19.14Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 12 April 2020
We consider the astonishing condescension of Christ, to leave the infinite glory of Heaven, and to enter the cesspit of our world to suffer, die and rise again for His enemies. Here is a glimpse of the pre-incarnate and risen glory of our great Redeemer. Full chapter _____________ John 19…
Let Calvary Speak
John 19.23Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 23 July 2017
A devotional study of significant events at Calvary: (1) Christ's garments stripped, (2) the bravery of four women, (3) Christ's compassion to Mary, (4) His last triumphant report to the Father, (5) the proof of His death, (6) the new-found boldness of formerly-secret disciples.
The Best Ever Last Words
John 19.30Gospel Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 6:30pm | Sunday 16 November 2014
Almost the last words of Christ - 'It is finished' - refer chiefly to the tornado of punishment taken on Calvary's cross on our behalf. Here is what He 'finished' for us, such as fear of death and eternal loss. With Christ, our life will never finish.
The Strategy of Resurrection
John 20.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 21 April 2019
It is clear the resurrection was completely unexpected by the disciples. Here is how it came, first by gentle intimation, then with a caution, then as a proof of Christ's successful atonement, and then as a command to trust in the living Lord.
Disciples at the Empty Tomb
John 20.8Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 4 April 2021
John was the first disciple to grasp the reality of the resurrection and realise that the Lord 'must' rise again from the dead. Here are the reasons why it was essential and inevitable, together with the great assurances it brings into Christian lives. Full chapter _____________ John 20 The first…
The Resistance of Thomas
John 20.21Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 24 April 2011
This disciple's famous disbelief in the resurrection followed several reliably reported appearances. His doubts clearly rose from a spiritual struggle within, and this passage - and the way the Lord directed him - yields numerous helps for us today.
The Amazing Day
John 20.24Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 16 April 2017
The day of Christ's resurrection which transformed the disciples, except for Thomas. Here are the reasons for his cynicism, swept away by his seeing the Lord. Here also is the promised blessedness of Gospel age believers, when signs would give way to faith alone.
A Resurrection Test of Faith
John 20.27Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 27 March 2016
The reaction of the disciples to the resurrection brings powerful pastoral help to believers today. It was such a shock, and they were reproved by the Lord for their unbelief. But unbelief still works in us, to some degree: here is how, and the healing remedy.
Resurrection Counsel
John 21.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 5 May 2019
A resurrection appearance of Christ to seven disciples gives a final lesson on dependence upon Him for all future blessing. Then, the threefold restoration of Peter shows love for Christ is the key to blessing and the antidote to self-love and disloyalty.
Christ Teaches Fruitfulness
John 21.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 20 August 2017
A final teaching miracle by the risen Lord trains seven apostles to see key principles of service and instrumentality, including the threefold reproof and restoration of Peter, and the lessons for us, especially on the nature of true love for Christ leading to lifelong loyalty.
The First and Greatest Duty of Believers
John 21.1Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 12 November 2023
From study of the great commission we turn to Christ's personal word to Peter and other disciples. Here is the searching question to all who are saved, and its implications for bearing fruit. Our answer determines the kind of service we will render to Him.
Glorifying God in Life and Death
John 21.18Teaching Sermon— Dr Peter Masters | 11:00am | Sunday 12 May 2019
Why does the risen Lord tell Peter he will die a martyr? How did this glorify God and why was Peter told that John's future should not concern him? Here are the reasons and their importance to us as individuals and churches today.